Junior Sister’s Cultivation Method is Unscientific

Chapter 571: Is this really the reincarnation of a god?

 City in the Sky, Qingxiao City.

That skill also appeared in Lin Xiao's mind.

His expression soon became extremely horrified.

He belongs to the demon race outside the world and is not a creature of this world. Therefore, he is not affected by the racial barriers set by heaven. He can practice both demonic and human techniques.

However, Lin Xiao didn't disdain the martial arts of this world at all. His major was still the martial arts of the demons from outside the world, and he just randomly practiced the secret books of Qingxiao Pavilion to hide his identity.


He could also better see how terrifying Yun Jin's improvements were this time.

According to the classification of human skills, this set of demon body training secrets is probably only at the low level of Xuan level.

But after the improvement of Yunjin, the skill level has directly broken through to the advanced level of Xuan level, and there are many more mysteries!

If one can reach the highest level of training, the immortal cultivator can withstand the attacks of masters in the tribulation stage just by relying on their physical body.

This is equivalent to.

In addition to refining gods and qi, he also helped all cultivators to open up a brand new path!

Some immortal cultivators may have average spiritual abilities and find it difficult to make a difference in Qi training. Some cultivators may have average soul potential, and it is difficult for them to have a future in cultivating gods.

These people were destined to live a mediocre life.

But now, there is another way to refine the body!

Although this method cannot be practiced to the highest level yet.


The Demonic Body Refining Techniques confiscated by the Demon Breaking Alliance are not just this one!

Xuanjie body-training techniques have such terrifying effects.

What if Yun Jin improves the body-training techniques of the earth level, or even... the heaven level?

By the time.

These body-refining masters of the human race are probably more like the flesh-and-blood demons than the flesh-and-blood demons!

Lin Xiao's face couldn't help but look ugly!

Yun Jin looked at him with a smile: "Master Lin, this time, I have to thank you for bringing out this demon secret book! Otherwise, I wouldn't have known that I still have this kind of talent. Master Lin must have had it early in the morning I can see that I can understand the human race's body refining method, so I specially took out the flesh and blood demon clan's secret book."

"Such good intentions are really touching."

Yun Jin said and rubbed his eyes pretendingly.

Everyone looked at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao tried his best to control his facial expression, but he still looked a little stiff.

Lin Xiao didn't even know what he said. He just said a few random words and hurriedly let everyone disperse.

Yun Jin just looked at Lin Xiao's back with a smile.

Lin Xiao always wants to look confident and calm.

Just this time.

After all, he couldn't hold it any longer.

And this time, it's just the beginning.

At this moment, Lin Xiao still didn't know what kind of disturbance the demon secret book he took out would cause after being improved by Yun Jin!

"Sect Master Yun." Hua Ran looked at Yun Jin with a complicated expression.

Before Yunjin.

She never imagined that there were still people with talents that could reach this level.

After Yunjin.

She couldn't think of anyone else with such a talent.

This world.

From ancient times to the present, and even into the distant and unknown future.

I'm afraid there is only one Yunjin.

Yun Jin chuckled and said, "Don't worry about what happened today. If there are any techniques that I need to improve, you are welcome at any time. You can take the improved techniques here."

Everyone took back the jade slips they had put on and the jade slips on which the improved exercises were engraved.

Almost impatiently, they explored the contents inside.

For a moment, everyone's eyes changed continuously.

They didn't have time to look deeply, but with just such a cursory glance, the depth and mystery inside made their hearts tremble.

Such a short time.

Improved such a mysterious method.

This Yun Jin, who is she?

Even a genius!

Even if he is a genius, this is too much genius.

Hua Ran suddenly murmured: "Could it be that Yun Jin is really the reincarnation of a god?"

This statement was passed down by the disciples of Wushuang Sect.

The disciples of this sect are all conspicuous, and their biggest hobby is bragging.

In their mouths, Wushuang Sect is the best, and other sects are rubbish.

Not only that, they also always look unconvinced towards their fellow disciples. Even if they are not as good as fellow disciples for the time being, they will still clamor for thirty years to the east of the river and thirty years to the west of the river.

But such a group of overconfident people.

When they mentioned Yunjin, they immediately said something else.

In their eyes, Yun Jin was simply omnipotent. Neither Lin Xiao nor Ji Wusi deserved to be compared with their sect master!

Someone inquired about the news and asked if Yun Jin was the reincarnation of a former great power. The Wushuang Sect disciples still looked disdainful.

The person who claims to be their sect master is the reincarnation of a **** and is not a person from this world at all.

The idea of ​​reincarnation of gods and men is a bit outrageous.

Above this world is the fairy world, and above the fairy world is the illusory world of gods.

The creatures in this world have barely heard the legends of immortals and seen things in the immortal world.

In the fairy world, a corpse of an immortal descended to earth directly created the four holy places. How powerful are living immortals? How powerful is the fairy world? That's what everyone longs for.

Above the fairy world, it is said that there is a divine world.

But no one has ever seen the legendary god-man.

People like Wushuang Sect dare to claim that their sect leader is the reincarnation of a god.

Originally, everyone just listened to it as a joke.

But this time, for some reason, they felt a little awe-inspiring in their hearts.

The fairy world and this world are still inextricably linked. Practitioners who practice to the extreme can ascend to the fairy world.

Immortals are powerful, but they can actually imagine such power.

But what about Yunjin?

Her terrifying cultivation speed.

In two months, she controlled two avenues!

She can improve the secret technique in a blink of an eye!

Such a person would be unimaginable even in the fairy world.

Could it be.

Is Yun Jin really the reincarnation of a god?

Everyone's thoughts couldn't help but wander.

They had never thought about the future of Wushuang Sect before.

Just because Yunjin offended Lin Xiao, neither Yunjin nor the Wushuang Sect would get any good results.

But if you think about it carefully, Yun Jin and Lin Xiao have not faced off once or twice.

Who suffers every time?

It’s not Yunjin anyway.

The most terrifying thing is.

Did everyone see it today?

The Supreme Lord's way of heaven is actually secretly helping Yun Jin!

Yun Jin made the request, and Tiandao actually complied with it.

If she is really the reincarnation of a god, then all this can be explained!

Only the legendary gods can make the heavens of a world treat him with such caution!

Even Liu Hua, Lin Xiao's ultimate henchmen, looked at Yun Jin now and didn't dare to say anything for a moment.

Others who had no deep grudge against Yun Jin even started to think about it.

Do they really still want to obey Lin Xiao's orders and deal with Yun Jin wholeheartedly?

That is an existence that even Heaven wants to please!

With their hearts full of worries, everyone dispersed one after another.

Yun Jin didn't care what they were thinking about.

Anyway, this is something that is good for her.

As for Tiandao secretly helping her, this is simply a normal thing.

previous life.

There was a conflict between humans and demons, and the law of heaven was sovereign, so they did not make any intervention.

In the end, the entire world was destroyed by the demons from outside the world.

This time the world restarts.

Tiandao already knows about the existence of the demons outside the world, and also knows that the demons have been infiltrated by the demons outside the world. In his heart, these demons can no longer be regarded as pure creatures of this world.

That being the case.

When the rules are within reach, he will naturally not hesitate to help a group of humans and a group of Yunjin.

This time, Yun Jin also took advantage of the bet to give him the opportunity to intervene.

Yun Jin also felt a little regretful.

This method can only be used once.

Next time, Lin Xiao probably won't be able to agree to the Tiandao bet.

In the room.

Lin Xiao looked a little nervous.

He reported to the fragments of the Devouring Demon God that Yun Jin had improved the secret method of body refining for the human race.

Now waiting for further instructions.

Haven't waited for instructions yet.

Suddenly, Lin Xiao's expression changed slightly.

The other three holy places suddenly started a holy land meeting. (End of chapter)

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