Chapter 625 The last moment

Di Xiao waved his hand, and the next moment, the three of them returned to the temple.

It’s still the same medicine field.

The aroma of the elixir filled my nostrils, but the coffin still lay there quietly.

Probably knowing that he really didn't have much time, Di Ying pulled Di Xiao and gave instructions carefully.

"Brother. I will fall asleep again soon. Xiaojin is the first friend I made. I don't want you to hurt her." Diying's voice was serious.

After all, Yun Jin had asked for Xuanyin Crystal Stone and Amaterasu Stone, and Di Ying didn't want Di Xiao to still care about this matter.

Di Xiao snorted coldly, his voice a little sour: "We have only met twice and exchanged a few words, and we are now friends? Why, her status in your heart is higher than mine?"

Diying couldn't help but laugh, and a smile appeared on her beautiful face: "Brother, I can give you my life. What nonsense are you talking about."

Di Xiao's expression became visibly sad.

If anyone else had said this, he might have questioned it.

but. This is Di Ying.

She is his dependent sister, and she has already given her life to him once!


With his current level of cultivation, even Ji Wusi may not be able to defeat him reliably.

The world is so big, he can easily conquer it.


But he was trapped in the temple and never left for thousands of years.

Internally, he kept looking for ways to control the temple.

Externally, he sent spiritual beasts to search for news about the palace beads.

This temple is certainly very mysterious.

But the reason why he really valued the temple was that he always felt that if he could completely control the temple, he might be able to save his sister.

He has been working hard towards this goal for thousands of years.

But it’s always…

Gain nothing.

But as long as he lives, he will never give up on making his sister truly alive.

"Di Ying." Di Xiao said very seriously: "This temple has endless mysteries. I only have a little control over it, so I can use the temple to save your last breath. When I find the temple bead, I can truly control the temple and use the power of the temple. , will definitely make you come back to life! As you said before, you yearn for the boundless sea! When you truly come to life, we, brother and sister, will explore the boundless sea together!"

Diying's eyes were a little red, and she said softly: "Brother, don't worry about me anymore. In order to save me, you have trapped yourself here for thousands of years. But you and I both know that these are just useless efforts. Let me go, Maybe it’s the best ending for you and me.”

"I will never accept this outcome!" Di Xiao's hands were clenched into fists.

Diying said softly: "Brother, don't trap yourself like this. Even if I can't go, you can go for me to see if the boundless sea really has an end. When brother sees it, it is the same as what I saw with my own eyes." ”

"How can this be the same?" Di Xiao gritted his teeth: "Di Ying, don't say these depressing words! Don't worry, I will always look for the palace bead. As long as the palace bead is still in this world, I will be able to find it one day! The temple is like this Miraculous, it will definitely help you recover.”

In fact, Di Xiao didn't know whether he would be able to save Di Ying after taking complete control of the temple.

But he always needs a goal to support himself.

otherwise. He was afraid that he would not be able to help himself and go with Diying.

The sky and the earth are wandering. If there is no shadow of the taiyin, there is no reason for the sun to live alone.

Diying knew that he could not persuade Diying, so he could only sigh leisurely.

Yun Jin listened to the conversation between the brother and sister and tried to reduce his presence.

She did intend to tell Di Xiao where the palace jewel was, but there was no need to tell Di Xiao in front of Di Ying.

Speaking of it now, it actually affected the brother and sister's mood in reminiscing about the past.

"Xiao Jin." Diying turned his head and looked at Yun Jin again: "I only have the last bit of time left. Can I... feel that breath again."

There was a hint of longing in Diying's eyes.

Yun Jin did not refuse.

She nodded.

The power of blood purification was released again.

Di Ying leaned in Di Xiao's arms, feeling this breath tightly, and his eyes flashed with satisfaction.

This last moment.

Di Xiao had no intention of getting jealous with Yun Jin. His eyes were red, and the brother and sister didn't say anything, but just cuddled together quietly. This time Diying fell asleep, and he didn't know when he would wake up next time.

Maybe until he accumulates enough materials for the Supreme Rejuvenation Pill again, maybe until he takes control of the Palace Pearl and has supreme energy.

As time goes by.

The life energy in Diying's body was also slowly passing away.

Her eyelids slowly became a little heavy.

"Brother, I'm a little sleepy." Diying murmured and slowly closed his eyes.

Yun Jin sighed.

Time is up.

Diying will soon fall asleep again.

The tears that had been brewing in Di Xiao's eyes slowly fell down.

Just when tears were about to fall onto Diying's face, Diying suddenly struggled to get up.

"Sister?" Di Xiao was stunned for a moment.

Diying looked at the energy beating in the palm of Yun Jin's palm with an extremely longing look.

She licked her lips and suddenly used her last strength to instantly transform into an animal shape and jump in front of Yun Jin.


In Yun Jin's shocked eyes.

She opened her mouth and swallowed the energy directly.

! !

Yun Jin's eyes widened and he was instantly shocked.

The beast master's skills can only be used on his own spiritual beast.

Did Diying swallow this energy? !

How did she do it.

"It's as delicious as I imagined." Diying showed a satisfied smile.

next moment.

Her expression changed, and she suddenly rubbed her belly and rolled crazily on the ground.

She was rolling and wailing in pain, looking very pitiful!

Di Xiao's expression changed instantly, and he immediately grabbed Yun Jin's collar: "What did you do to Di Ying!"

Yun Jin couldn't help but look at him: "Are you sure I did something to her?"

"Skill, there is something wrong with your skill." Di Xiao was extremely angry: "Now, cancel this skill immediately."

On the ground, Diying was still wailing.

Di Xiaohen's breath became unstable!

"I didn't take the initiative to use this skill in the first place! Besides, once you use this skill, you can't regret it!" Yun Jin said.

"System, what's going on with Diying!" She gave the order in her mind.


The system gives a conclusion.

"She forcibly devoured energy that did not belong to her. The blood vessels in her body were disordered. She would die within a moment of burning the incense."

Yun Jin's face changed.

She quite liked Diying and didn't want to see anything happen to her.

"How can we solve it?" Yun Jin asked.

"She forcibly devoured this energy without the owner's permission, so her blood vessels were disordered. But if she had the owner's permission, nothing would happen," the system said.

Yun Jin was stunned for a moment.

This energy is hers.

She is the master.

but. How can it be considered as her permission?

Yun Jin suddenly remembered something, and his expression suddenly became colorful.

There are still two chapters today. I still owe one chapter. I will remember it and will make up for it soon.

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