Junior Sister’s Cultivation Method is Unscientific

Chapter 638: Completely figured it out!

Chapter 638 Completely figured it out!

Di Xiao has not left the spirit beast forest for thousands of years because of the temple.

Now, he followed Yun Jin to the main city of Qingxiao?

Previously, Lin Xiao got news that Yun Jin had used some unknown means to make a contract with Di Xiao's sister Di Ying.

Di Xiao even said that he wanted to keep Yunjin safe for five years.

In the past five years, anyone who goes against Yun Jin is going against him.

When he learned the news, Lin Xiao was depressed for a long time.

He asked Yun Jin to make a feud, but as a result, she contracted his sister and got Di Xiao's protection.

Those **** from the Beast Control Sect sent messages one by one, thanking him for letting Yun Jin go to the Spirit Beast Forest, otherwise the Beast Control Sect would have suffered heavy losses this time!

last night!

Lin Xiao looked at these communications and was so angry that he almost rioted with his spiritual power.

After adjusting his breath for a long time, his spiritual power barely stabilized.


Today, this Di Xiao came directly with Yun Jin?

What does he mean?

Do you want to protect Yun Jin personally?

Is he really not worried at all that Yun Jin will kill him and take stones when he grows up?

Lin Xiao never believed that Di Xiao was so relieved about Yun Jin.

Even if Yun Jin contracts with Di Ying, they only contract as equals.

If Yun Jin is killed, Di Ying will be seriously injured at most, and he will be able to recover after hundreds of years of cultivation.

Lin Xiao didn't believe it at all that Di Xiao simply let Yun Jin go for the sake of a younger sister.

The temple is very important to Di Xiao. Now that he is leaving the temple for Yunjin, he must have other plans.

What's the plan?

Suddenly, Lin Xiao's expression moved slightly.

He had never been able to figure it out before, but if he thought about it from another angle.

For his own safety, Di Xiao would never let Yun Jin go.

What a contract with Emperor Ying.

What keeps Yunjin safe for five years?

What if... it's all Di Xiao's deception?

He used these deception methods to make Yun Jin lower her guard.

When he finds an opportunity, it's time to use his thunderous means and take action suddenly!

What a great emperor!

What a strategy!

Such forbearance!

He is worthy of being the king of spiritual beasts!

Lin Xiao felt that he had completely figured it out, and his face turned rosy for a moment!

To be honest! The hatred value of Yun Jin in his heart was simply sky-high. Even Ji Wusi, who had been fighting with him for so long, had far less hatred than Yun Jin.

That Di Xiao's strength was extraordinary. If I could find an opportunity to form an alliance with him, wouldn't it be easier for the two of them to work together to get rid of Yun Jin?

Lin Xiao's eyebrows moved slightly, and he said calmly: "The arrival of the King of Spiritual Beasts is indeed a big event! Night Demon, prepare the highest-level welcome banquet. Minghuo, come with me, I want to personally welcome Di Xiao."

"Yes." Both Minghuo and Night Demon responded.

on the street.

"Welcome the King of Spiritual Beasts to the Sky City!" The disciples of the Spiritual Beast Sect were still shouting as they walked.

Di Xiao also went from being ashamed at the beginning to accepting it calmly later.

Some things are awkward and you get used to them.


A group of people came towards me.

Yun Jin waved his hand, and the disciples of Wushuang Sect stopped neatly.

Lin Xiao and a group of disciples from Qingxiao Pavilion were walking towards this side with smiles on their faces.

Yun Jin smiled slightly and turned to look at Di Xiao: "Senior Di, remember our bet. For the next ten days, you cannot talk to me or refute my words."

Di Xiao sneered and stopped talking.

Yun Jin's bet was treated like a joke.


How much he wanted to talk to her!

As soon as Lin Xiao arrived, he saw Yun Jin with a smile on his face and Di Xiao with a gloomy face. The corners of Lin Xiao's lips raised slightly.

Right, right.

now it's right!

Di Xiao originally regarded Yun Jin as his life and death enemy. This Yun Jin is also born with the ability to anger people to death even if they don't pay for their lives. Along the way, Di Xiao probably wanted to kill him quickly!

And this is his chance!

"Headmaster Lin." Yun Jin saw Lin Xiao and started waving enthusiastically from a distance: "It's me, I'm back."

Lin Xiao's expression remained unchanged and he walked over with a smile.

He first raised his hands to Di Xiao and said, "Senior Di."

Di Xiao just nodded expressionlessly.

"Headmaster Lin." Yun Jin said with a smile: "This time, I want to thank you! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know the whereabouts of the Xuanyin Crystal Stone and the Amaterasu Stone."

Lin Xiao's heart skipped a beat and he immediately glanced at Di Xiao's expression.

This Yunjin is crazy!

Why did she suddenly mention herself?

Di Xiao's face was ugly and he didn't want to say a word.

"Headmaster Lin! The information you provided is accurate. I asked Senior Di and he really has these two stones," Yun Jin said.

Lin Xiao's expression became a little stiff: "Yes...really?"

"Not only that. He also said that he is willing to give these two stones to me." Yun Jin continued.

A trace of anger suddenly flashed in Di Xiao's eyes!

What nonsense is this woman talking about? When did he agree to such a thing!

But according to the bet he just made, he couldn't talk to Yun Jin for ten days, nor could he refute Yun Jin.

Di Xiao gritted his teeth and endured it.

If Yun Jin wants to talk nonsense, let her do it!

"What?" Lin Xiao's expression suddenly changed, and he glanced at Di Xiao in disbelief.

Did Di Xiao agree to give something to Yun Jin? How can this be?

Lin Xiao's expression was a little strange, and Di Xiao couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.


Why is Lin Xiao so surprised?

Before, Di Xiao thought that Lin Xiao accidentally learned that these two stones were in his hands.

Now it seems.

Lin Xiao probably knows more than just that.

The real inside story of these two stones is known only to him and his sister in the world. Could it be that Lin Xiao also knew something?

Di Xiao couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

"Yes. As soon as I said I needed these two stones, Senior Di agreed immediately." Yun Jin said with a smile.

Lin Xiao reacted instantly.

He knew it clearly.

There is no way that Di Xiao would give these two stones to Yun Jin. That he would agree to such a thing further confirmed his previous guess!

Di Xiao wanted to make Yun Jin relax his vigilance.

He followed Yun Jin to look for opportunities. Once he found the opportunity, the king of spiritual beasts would definitely take action!

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao's smile became deeper and deeper: "Then first congratulations to Sect Leader Yun. With these two stones, Tai'a Sword will definitely be able to reach a higher level. When the time comes, Lian Ji Wusi's Qiushui , I’m afraid it can’t be compared to Tai A.”

"I have to thank Master Lin for his guidance." Yun Jin was very moved: "I admit that I had some misunderstandings about Master Lin before. Only now do I know that Master Lin is completely caring for the younger generation. ”

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "It would be nice if the misunderstanding can be resolved."

Di Xiao couldn't help but snorted when he saw Yun Jin acting there.

Lin Xiao hurriedly said: "Senior Emperor has come all the way, and he must let me fulfill my duty as a landlord. The banquet is already being prepared, how about we don't get drunk and don't go home?"

Di Xiao was impatient to deal with Lin Xiao and was about to refuse, but Yun Jin had already agreed: "Thank you, Master Lin!"

She turned around and said hello: "Follow me everyone, Master Lin wants to treat us to a drink."

All the disciples of Wushuang Sect responded in unison.

Lin Xiao's expression stiffened. What he meant was that he only wanted to invite Di Xiao alone!

"Headmaster Lin, do you have enough wine stewards?" Yun Jin asked thoughtfully: "Senior Emperor likes to be lively the most. The disciples of Wushuang Sect and I would like to apologize and drink with you for a while."

"This..." Lin Xiao glanced at Di Xiao and saw that his face was slightly gloomy but he didn't refuse. He couldn't help but think slightly.


Di Xiao was still trying to make Yun Jin relax his guard, so naturally he couldn't refuse easily.

Yun Jin was too conceited, and even though Di Xiao's face was so ugly, she acted as if she didn't see it.

That's good.

That's how good it is.

The stronger Di Xiao's murderous intention towards Yun Jin, the greater his room for maneuver!

As long as the purpose can be achieved, wasting some wine is nothing.

"Then let's go together." Lin Xiao agreed with a smile.

Dear babies, the red sleeve tickets will be doubled at the end of the month. If you still have votes, you can vote. I will give you more ideas tomorrow.

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