Chapter 677 Little Girl

In the maze before, Yun Jin complained about boredom.

At that moment, Maze trembled slightly.


Yun Jin discovered that there was a strange creature in her mind that provided her with 500 emotional points.


She briefly tested it a few more times.

Final confirmation.

This emotional value should come from the weapon spirit of the palace bead!

There's no reason why a divine weapon of that level hasn't developed spirituality yet.

The artifact spirit of this palace bead not only has spirituality, it doesn't seem to be much different from a real living being.


Like the robot, he is also a huge emotional value user.

Whenever there is an emotional value, it must be 500, and there is no upper limit, and it will continue to be provided!

This is not necessarily due to his mood swings, but mainly due to the fact that the weapon spirits and robots should have too high strength levels.

Therefore, as long as the mood fluctuates slightly, it is still 500.

A little more, that's 500 combos!

If there is a serious fluctuation, you can even have a 500-99 combo in an instant!

This time.

Yunjin just climbed a mountain and practiced water attribute secrets. The emotional value provided by the weapon spirit to her was almost more than that of a robot.

To know. The robot had been providing it to her for months.

Qi Ling has only provided it for a few days!

What does this mean?

It means that the new top brother is about to appear!

The top of the snow mountain.

Yun Jin practiced the Ice Condensation Technique happily.

One moment, the snow turns into water, and the other moment, the water freezes into ice, which is a great time to play.

"Emotional value +500!"

"Emotional value +500!"

There was no problem at the scene, but the ding-ding-ding sounds in Yun Jin's mind became more and more concentrated.

Yun Jin's smile became brighter and brighter.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

Yun Jin practiced in an orderly manner.

The mood values ​​dinged in an orderly manner.

A month passed like this.

Yun Jin took a look at the progress.

The progress is pretty good.

I have almost mastered this heaven-level secret skill.

Her understanding of the water attribute avenue has also reached 30%.

It doesn't seem like a lot, but she only decided to attack the water attribute avenue with all her strength a month ago.

Yun Jin is already very satisfied with this progress anyway.

The potential of this heaven-level secret skill has been almost tapped out.

Yun Jin changed a batch of secret books and started studying again.

"Emotional value +500!"

"Emotional value +500!"

The sound of ding-ding-ding sounded like crazy.

next moment.

Qi Ling finally couldn't bear it anymore.

In an instant, the snowy mountains melted!

The snow-capped mountains disappeared.

The rich water attribute spiritual power also disappeared.

Yun Jin suddenly landed on the ground, showing a somewhat dazed expression.


She said angrily: "I haven't finished the game yet! Why did the scene disappear? This is bullying! This is definitely bullying!"

Yun Jin just finished speaking.


A whooping sound.

An earth-shattering howl sounded in the space.

Yun Jin was stunned.

next moment.

A little girl with two braids that towered into the sky appeared in the space.

She sat on the ground, crying so hard that tears and snot ran down her face.

Yun Jin suddenly felt at a loss. is this still a little girl?

Did she offend others?

She hasn't done anything yet!

Watch the little girl appear.

In front of the TV.

The robot comes to life.

After hundreds of thousands of years, this is the first time that the weapon spirit of the Palace Pearl has appeared in front of the tester.

Although...the situation of this first meeting seemed unharmonious, it happened anyway.

Since it appears, it means there is hope!

Di Xiao looked at the weapon spirit with runny nose and tears, and for a moment, he actually understood her.

This Yunjin is indeed a bit irritating!

In the trial space.

Yun Jin squatted down and tried to persuade her.

"Can you stop crying?"

"I didn't do anything."

"Wait! Why are you crying louder? Don't touch the porcelain. I didn't even touch you."

"Little ancestor, aunt, if you have any grievances, just say it! Don't just cry!"

"How about I give you a handkerchief so you can wipe your tears?"

"Please, stop!"

Amid Yun Jin's comforting voice, her crying became more and more earth-shattering.

Yun Jin was confused.

She has never had any experience coaxing children!

At this time, she couldn't help but miss An Tong.

An Tong also has the image of a little kid, but he doesn’t cry!

"How about..." Yun Jin gritted his teeth and made the final concession: "Shall I let you hit me?"

The little girl's crying slowly stopped.

She looked at Yun Jin with tears in her eyes: "Can I really fight?"

Yun Jin felt a little guilty: "Don't hit her too hard, right?"

She always felt that if this weapon spirit attacked with all its strength, she might not be able to withstand a blow.

The little girl looked at Yun Jin angrily: "You have no sincerity at all."

Yun Jin coughed lightly: "Mainly, I'm not your opponent."

The eagle-like woman who never gave up easily in her life finally gave in in front of tears.

The little girl blinked and felt better.

She looked at Yun Jin seriously: "Is the game I designed boring?"

This is a direct self-explosion of identity.

Yun Jin raised his eyebrows: "I can't say it's boring."

The little girl's face looked better.

Yun Jin continued: "There is no fun."

The little girl's eyes turned red again.

Is there any difference between these two sentences?

"For example, the maze level in the first level is just a matter of defeating monsters to get treasure boxes and collecting chips. The main thing is that force determines everything. This is too brainless. If it were me, I would set up some puzzle levels to make it more interesting. These Forget it, your biggest problem is the final reward.”

Yun Jin said slowly.

The little girl frowned when she heard this: "What's wrong with the reward?"

"Since you have set up each game, you should hope that the people who play the game can get happiness from it." Yun Jin said: "But, you feel that after coming with great expectations and going through a lot of hardships, in the end Are the trialists really happy when they can only get one golden gold piece?"

"What's left in their hearts is disappointment and discomfort."

"Does this deviate from your original intention of designing the game?"

Yun Jin pointed out calmly.

In front of the TV, Di Xiao nodded repeatedly.

This weapon spirit is too stupid.

To a certain extent, she is even more hateful than Yun Jindu.

"Is that so?" The little girl looked a little dazed.

So, didn’t everyone have a good time?

No wonder they all had strange expressions when they finally got the reward.

"Then what should I do?" the little girl asked subconsciously.

Yun Jin blinked: "You should know what everyone is here for."

The little girl was stunned for a moment, and her cheeks suddenly bulged.

"All of you want to contract with me! Apart from this, you can't see my talent at all!"

Yun Jin nodded and admitted directly: "What else? Do we like to play boring treasure hunting games?"

The little girl looked at Yun Jin, her mouth pursed, and she was about to cry again.

Yun Jin hurriedly said: "No, no, no, don't cry first! You actually have the talent to design games. It's just that the occasion is not right."

The little girl stopped crying: "Occasion?"

"This is originally a place for trials, and everyone naturally has expectations for the final reward. Naturally, your golden chip cannot satisfy everyone."

"But if it were other occasions, people wouldn't have such high expectations. When they really just play the game as a game, they will naturally notice the fun in it."

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