Junior Sister’s Cultivation Method is Unscientific

Chapter 702: It’s time to send Lin Xiao on his way

Lin Xiao’s expression changed.

No one expected that Yun Jin would be so resolute.

She had just secured Lin Xiao's promise, but she had even taken care of the management office!

Listen to these words!

Affiliated sects, as long as they sign up, they can be added to the review list. As long as they are added to the review list, they will be protected by the Wushuang Sect!

Those disciples who want to join the Wushuang Sect can sign an agreement of intent now.

Once signed, if you have not gone there on the day of the assessment, the Wushuang Sect will still go to the sect to verify it!

Isn't this just plain distrust? !

Isn't this just to prevent other sects from causing trouble? !

But Yunjin's actions really cut off many channels for them to use tricks!

This is the city in the sky.

This time, due to the ferocious beast tide incident, it was unprecedentedly lively.

If those sects and disciples signed up on the spot, could they still stop it?

Lin Xiao just made a promise!

Liu Hua's first reaction was to shock the disciples of the Xinghe Sect with his eyes!

As the first sect under the Holy Land, he is the only one who can poach other sects, and he has never been poached by other sects before!

If all the disciples of the Galaxy Sect ran away to the Wushuang Sect, then he would really become a joke!

This side of Xinghe Sect.

A trace of struggle flashed across Ji Heng's face.

He really wanted to join the Wushuang Sect.

But now there is a concern.

This time the Wushuang Sect's enrollment is different from the last time. It must be overcrowded, and the Wushuang Sect's headquarters only recruits two hundred people!

The selection criteria of the Wushuang Sect are different from other sects, and no one can guarantee that they will succeed.

Even if he is a genius disciple of the Galaxy Sect, he may not be 100% successful.

If you sign an agreement of intent at this time.

Even if he completely fell out with his sect...if he couldn't join the Wushuang sect again...

"Senior Brother Ji, what do you think?" someone asked softly.

Many people were moved.


They also have the same concerns as Ji Heng.

Ji Heng's body trembled slightly. He raised his eyes and saw Liu Hua's warning eyes.

It was this look that made him completely determined.

Today, he has offended the sect leader, and if he stays, he will only be targeted in various ways.

That being the case.

Might as well take a gamble.

If that fails, he can still choose to join the affiliated sect of Wushuang Sect!

If he can't even join the affiliated sect, then he might as well commit suicide!

Ji Heng took a deep breath and walked directly to the management office of Wushuang Sect.

The management office is already very busy now.

But Ji Heng was still the first super sect disciple.

"I want to sign a contract of intent." Ji Heng said without hesitation.

"Dear, I will go through the procedures for you." A disciple of the Wushuang Sect quickly entered Ji Heng's information and then handed him a bead: "On the day of enrollment, you can bring this bead to register."

Ji Heng took it back with complicated emotions.


After all, he chose a completely different path.

He thought he would be uneasy and afraid.

But actually, it didn’t.

He even felt relieved.

The dust has settled.

Regardless of whether he can join Wushuang Sect or not, he will no longer be a disciple of Xinghe Sect.


He also competed with thousands of people before he got a place to enter the Xinghe Sect.

He worked thousands of times harder than ordinary people to become a genius disciple in this generation.

He is already strong.

No matter where he went, many people would look at him with envy and reverence.

But until today.

Only then did Ji Heng understand one thing.

He had lost his original intention. He has been practicing and working hard.

But what is his practice and his efforts for?

To ascend to immortality?

What about after ascending to immortality?

And for what?

When a person has power, he doesn't know where to use it.

Then this power is suspended.

Ji Heng was actually not very clear now. Xiu Xian asked, what exactly do you want?

But he knows.

As long as he joins the Wushuang Sect, as long as he keeps looking at Yun Jin and following Yun Jin, one day he will finally be able to find the answer that belongs to him.

"Ji Heng!" Liu Hua gritted his teeth.

The first super sect disciple to sign a contract of intent turned out to be a member of his sect, which made him feel embarrassed!

Ji Heng also felt Liu Hua's gaze.

He grasped the beads tightly and made up his mind.

This month, he will not leave the Sky City.

He had been meditating next to the management office, and when the registration time came, he left with the Wushuang Sect people.

Only in this way can it be considered foolproof!

Ji Heng sat down next to him and started practicing.

Yun Jin looked at his actions and couldn't help but feel happy.

This Ji Heng... is quite interesting.

Ji Heng's actions reminded others more.


Disciples from other super sects also began to take action.

The Wushuang Sect Management Office was extremely busy for a while.

After signing the agreement of intent, these disciples also followed Ji Heng's example and sat down directly around the management office.

Just one month.

They can afford to wait!

When the first disciple of Xinghe Sect passed by, Liu Hua was angry.

When the second disciple passed by, Liu Hua continued to be angry.

When the tenth and twentieth disciples passed by, Liu Hua only felt numb in his heart!

It's just an opportunity to sign up, and you may not be able to enter the Wushuang Sect. Is it worth taking such a risk for these disciples?

Crazy, this world is really crazy!

Bitao Sect also has many disciples signing up.

Hua Ran sighed.

To be honest, if it weren't for her special status, she would have wanted to go to Wushuang Sect...

after all.

After Qin Ping and Hong Ye joined the Wushuang Sect, their progress was quite terrifying.

Hua Ran's eyes flickered. Perhaps, when Wushuang Sect becomes a super sect, she will talk to Yun Jin about becoming an affiliated sect?

This is also a path.

Lin Xiao looked at the lively appearance of the Wushuang Sect's management office, his expression as calm as water.

He sent a message to Di Xiao: "Senior Di, is Yunjin's catastrophe really coming?"

Di Xiao calmly replied: "There is absolutely no lie! The time of the natural disaster should be earlier than the Wushuang Sect's enrollment! Head Lin, don't look at the Wushuang Sect being so proud now. Before they officially start recruiting students, Their sect leader suddenly fell! I wonder if they can still laugh!"

Lin Xiao nodded imperceptibly.

Then there is no problem.

No matter how big the battle is now.

Wushuang Sect still has a fatal weakness.

This weakness is that everyone in the Wushuang Sect relies too much on Yunjin.

The miracle of Wushuang Sect was created by Yun Jin.

Then, as long as Yun Jin dies, Wushuang Sect will not be worth mentioning.

I hope these people will cherish their last arrogant moments.

In the water curtain.

Fang Mingyue and others have arrived at the battle hall!

The arena has been prepared in the battle hall.

In individual battles, only the top ten players with points can participate.

Others can only watch.

Yun Jin also looked over with interest.

She knew that within the Wushuang Sect, there was a ranking of disciple strength. I don’t know how accurate this ranking is in a real battle.

What is the strength of the top ten disciples of the Wushuang Sect in the combined period?

Everyone couldn't help but look over.

Even Lin Xiao couldn't help but pay attention.

Five battles start at the same time!

The water curtain was divided into five small screens, and the five battles were all extremely fierce.

Everyone watched in amazement.

When these disciples of the Wushuang Sect cooperated in the formation, they all had a tacit understanding, and their biological brothers and sisters were no more than that.

When it comes to individual battles, each fight is more fierce than the other, but there is no intention of holding back.

After a few battles.

The final rankings came out soon.

Yun Jin took a look.

"First place in the integration period: Nie Yueling."

When Nie Yueling first joined the sect, she was just an ordinary casual cultivator.

After joining the sect, she showed a terrifying rate of progress.

By now, it has become the top spot.

Whether it is the ranking within the Wushuang Sect or this personal battle, she is the well-deserved number one.


Previously, only one Ming Lao from the Tianxing Sect ranked among the top ten, ranking tenth.

Fang Mingyue is actually in the top ten or even the top five in terms of strength, but she kills monsters while commanding, and her personal points are only at eleven, so she happens to be unable to participate in the battle.

The other peak masters could only watch.

This is the cruelty of cultivation. Even if the resources and environment are exactly the same, there will always be someone stronger.

Those like Kong Huai who came to the seat a little later, although they have made rapid progress, have not yet caught up with the first batch of disciples who entered the sect, so they can only watch the battle this time.

With the end of the personal battle.

The battle in the integration period has also officially come to an end.

One hundred disciples in the integration stage instantly returned to the teleportation array.

All the disciples looked at this extremely lively square and were stunned for a moment.


Wushuang Sect's Affairs Management Office in Sky City?

What's this.

Why is it so lively!

Everyone in the square also looked at the hundreds of disciples.

It was this points match during the collective period that really allowed them to see the terrifying foundation of the Wushuang Sect.

"Sect Master, I'm glad you have lived up to your destiny." Fang Mingyue saw Yun Jin and couldn't help but look like she was begging for praise.

It doesn't matter if her personal points are not in the top ten. Fang Mingyue doesn't care about this. Her strength is obvious to all. She only knew that she had not betrayed Yun Jin's trust.

Yun Jin is also a little funny.

At first.

Fang Mingyue and others are all elders in the Tianxing Sect. Now that their status has been reversed, she is still a little uncomfortable with it.

However, Fang Mingyue and the others adapted well, and even Ming Lao looked at Yun Jin with a little more respect.

"Well done." Yun Jin smiled slightly and looked at Lin Xiao: "Sect Leader Lin, the results of the integration period's points competition can be announced."

This points match lost its suspense early on.

Lin Xiao calmly announced the result: "In this points competition, the first sect is: Wushuang Sect."

Wushuang Sect got almost all the points.

All other sects have pitifully few points.

In the sect standings, Wushuang Sect still ranks high on the list. The distance between other sects and Wushuang Sect has not only narrowed, but has become further and further away, and it is almost impossible to catch up.

Fang Mingyue and the others had just come back, and before they were happy about the result, they were dragged to the management office to help.

They were also gradually informed about what happened this time.

Knowing what Yun Jin had done, Kuang Wuchang couldn't help but feel trembling.

The disciples of the Wushuang Sect categorically said that their sect master would definitely find a way to rescue him.

He didn't believe it at the time. Even if the space blockade was lifted later, he didn't think it was the result of Yun Jin's efforts.

He didn't know until this moment.

It turned out that Yun Jin had done much more than he imagined.

They spent all their money to distribute treasures, tried their best to launch appeals, and even invited statues to help lift the space blockade.

In this disaster, Yunjin's role is probably over 80%.

Kuang Wuchang's mood is a bit complicated.


As the leader of the Wushuang Sect, Yun Jin could stop after asking for help from the statue. She should know the abilities of the Wushuang Sect's disciples. It is more than enough for them to survive three days.

Since the disciples of the Wushuang Sect would not be harmed, why would she pay such a high price to save everyone?

Kuang Wuchang suddenly remembered the firm eyes of those Wushuang Sect disciples who had never wavered.

Yun Jin saved everyone.

Those Wushuang Sect disciples also saved them without hesitation.

And then thousands of years ago.

The Wushuang Sect was destroyed to save the common people.

Some spirits never die.

Kuang Wuchang's expression was complicated when he suddenly saw Ji Heng sitting cross-legged. He and Ji Heng had a good relationship, and he couldn't help but curiously asked: "Ji Heng, what are you doing here?"

Ji Heng said calmly: "I signed an agreement of intent and am going to attend the Wushuang Sect's recruitment in one month. Senior Brother Kuang, do you want to come with us?"

Enrollment of Wushuang Sect?

Kuang Wuchang quickly asked in detail.

He just came back and hasn't learned about this yet.

Ji Heng said carefully.

When he heard that there were 200 places available to join the Wushuang Sect this time, Kuang Wuchang couldn't help but become crazy.

The twenty rescued disciples all went to sign the agreement of intent without much hesitation.

Each sect leader: "..."

They felt their hearts bleeding.

The twenty disciples left to the end are all the top geniuses of their sect.

Now, being dumped by the Wushuang Sect?

No, no, no, they haven’t promised to recruit them yet, but these talented disciples have joined in on their own!

After all, after being a genius for so many years, can’t these **** have some self-respect?

Yun Jin looked at this lively scene and was very pleased.

Wushuang Sect's enrollment plan is going very smoothly.

Before Wushuang Sect recruits students for the second time, it’s time to solve the biggest hidden danger.

Lin Xiao!

It's time to send him to hell.

Yun Jin called Bai Yiran in front of everyone and asked: "This month, you will guard the Sky City to ensure everyone's safety."

Bai Yiran quickly agreed.

Only now did Lin Xiao notice the woman standing among the disciples.


His expression changed slightly.

This person actually looks familiar to him!

Soon, Lin Xiao remembered.

There once was a person who was known as the Ice Witch and had superb ice magic. Thousands of years ago, when the fight for the Four Immortal Weapons took place, the Ice Witch was present.

In the end, she was just a step too slow and missed the magical weapon.


One of the current four holy places may have been founded by her!

This is clearly an old monster. When did she join the Wushuang Sect? !

This person's strength must have been improved compared to thousands of years ago, but now, he is so obedient to Yun Jin?

This Wushuang Sect! What magical place is there that makes such masters willing to bow down?

With Bai Yiran here, the Wushuang Sect is equivalent to having one more top-notch combat power. Even if Yun Jin is temporarily absent, it is enough to protect the Wushuang Sect.

After telling Bai Yiran, Yun Jin gave Di Xiao a wink. Di Xiao nodded, and then gave Lin Xiao a wink.

Lin Xiao nodded knowingly.

"Headmaster Lin, I will take her to the temple to familiarize herself with the environment. Wait for news from me at any time." Di Xiao said: "Before, I gave you a dragon scale. When the dragon scale became hot, Headmaster Lin immediately Come here!"

Lin Xiao responded: "Senior Emperor, don't worry. This time, Yun Jin will never be allowed to survive."

Di Xiao gave Yu an affirmative reply: "I'll kill him."

After a short exchange, all three parties were very satisfied.

Before Yun Jin left, he waved his hand casually, and the pile of small mountain-like storage bags in the center of the square immediately returned to their respective owners.

"I don't want these things. I hope to see you in Wushuang Sect one day." Yun Jin waved his hand and quickly disappeared. (End of chapter)

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