Xuankong’s expression was ferocious.

"I mean, there are enemies in my cave..."

Then, his expression changed several times, and he gritted his teeth and said, "There is a flute... I will get it next time and play it for everyone."

other people:"…"

Continue to be confused.

Why didn't they know that Elder Xuankong suddenly had a hobby of playing the flute?


Elder Xuankong has been in retreat all year round. Maybe he has this kind of hobby?

"Next time, next time."

"Definitely next time."

Everyone couldn't help but respond.

That part of Lin Xiao's soul was going crazy.

He shouted in Xuan Kong's mind: "Why are you crazy? An enemy has touched the barrier of the cave, why didn't you say it?!"

Xuankong gritted his teeth: "You want to say it, but I can't!"

He didn't even know who broke into the cave.


Xuan Kong has one principle now.

As long as it was something Lin Xiao wanted to do, he would oppose it.

Even if it's something that seems to be beneficial to him, just mindlessly oppose it!

Xuankong didn't know how much ability his senior brother's remnant soul still had.

But he had doubts in the first place, and now his suspicions have been completely verified.

When dealing with an old monster like Lin Xiao who has been reincarnated several times, even if he looks very weak now, no matter how cautious you are, you can't be too cautious!


I don't know what happened to him this time, and now only a little bit of his soul is left.

This remnant soul should not be enough to support his reincarnation again.

He is his last body.

That being the case.

He will definitely try his best to completely invade his body.

Xuankong now doesn't know what other plots this remnant soul has.

He just knows!

Whatever Lin Xiao supports, he blindly opposes.

Whatever Lin Xiao wanted to do, he would try his best to suppress it.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

As for the enemy entering the cave?

Then let him in!

Even if everything in the cave was taken away, Xuan Kong didn't care.

Under Yuanyuan's control, the camera finally broke through the barrier.

"Xuankong himself should already know that the barrier has been broken by now, and someone should be here soon." Yuanyuan said while continuing to control the camera.

The camera entered the cave, Yuanyuan adjusted it, and a 360-degree view appeared on the TV screen.

Yun Jin glanced quickly.

This Xuan Kong is said to be in seclusion all year round.

This cave was probably the place where he stayed the longest.

However, this place is terrifyingly plain.

Except for a stone bed, there was nothing there, not even a table or bench.

Does Xuan Kong spend the whole day sleeping to pass the time?

Can't see anything here?

Yun Jin thought for a while.

When it comes to understanding Xuan Kong, it has to be Red Leaves.

She summoned him.


Hongye rushed over. Yuanyuan sent a robot to pick her up.

"Sect Master, I don't know..." Hongye was talking. Suddenly, she saw the picture on the TV screen and couldn't help but be stunned: "Xuankong's cave?"

Yun Jin's eyes lit up: "There is only one picture here, how did you know?"

Hongye didn't ask Yun Jin why she wanted to monitor Xuankong's cave. She said without hesitation: "Xuankong has always been overly cautious. Even if it is a temporary rest cave, he has to spend a lot of time setting up the real and fake caves. The one in front of him should be It’s the fake cave he set up.”

Yun Jin nodded.

If she had been at the scene, she would have noticed something.

If you rely on a camera, you won't be able to see so carefully.

"Then how to find the real cave?" Yun Jin asked.

Hongye thought for a while: "Said, according to his habit, the outermost periphery should be a layer of phantom formation. The formation eye that breaks the formation is..."

Hongye gave a direction.

Yuanyuan controls the camera movements. Soon, the formation was broken through, and the scene in the cave changed.

Yun Jin took a closer look.

In addition to a bed, there is also a table and a chair.

Yun Jin: "...This shouldn't be a real cave yet."

Hong Ye nodded: "At least there are three levels of phantom formations."

Yun Jin: "..."

good good good good.

This caution is indeed a bit too much.

If it were placed in modern times, she would definitely doubt whether there was something wrong with Xuankong's original family.

At this moment, she had some doubts as to how many beatings this kid had suffered before he developed such a weird temperament.

"I'm afraid this heavy illusory formation won't be completely broken in time, and the people from Qingxiao Pavilion will be here soon," Yuanyuan said.

"Try it first." Yun Jin said.

Under Hongye's guidance, the camera suddenly became busy.

Every time the illusion formation was broken, Yuanyuan was worried that someone would come.

As a result, until they found the last real cave, everything was quiet outside.

Yun Jin was a little surprised.

Are the people in Qingxiao Pavilion so careless now?

Qingxiao Pavilion, are you afraid it will die?

Regardless of why no one noticed it, Yun Jin took a look at the real cave.

This real cave is obviously much more exciting.

The entire cave is filled with elixirs and magic weapons, and they can be seen everywhere.

But Yun Jin has no interest in these things.

"Sect Master, he will use special methods to collect truly precious things." Hongye thought for a while: "This bed should have a mechanism."

Hongye began to guide the camera to break the trap again.

After a lot of work, the stone bed sank and a door appeared.

Pushing open that door is a small secret room.

The camera just entered the secret room.

Yun Jin's pupils condensed slightly.

There is actually nothing in this secret room.


The four walls in the secret room are densely covered with all kinds of messy words.

Yun Jin identified it carefully.

"Senior brother is so kind to me, how could I...how could I doubt senior brother? Xuankong, you are really too cautious!"

"When senior brother spoke that day, his eyes really looked like Master."

"Don't think too much, don't think too much!"

"Do I have to practice? I'm a little afraid of the False God Art."

"Senior brother is very concerned about the progress of my cultivation."

"I'm so scared. I'm so scared."

"I want to go out."

"I want to get out of here."

"He was still captured. Senior brother... Senior brother, he has become even more terrifying."

"Senior brother is the master. Senior brother is the master." I wrote this sentence many times, and often Xuan Kong would write a new one as soon as the previous one was crossed out.

He was clearly struggling.

"It's impossible. This is an illusion. Don't think about it."

"My cultivation level is almost unstoppable."

"Red leaves..."

Among the scratches all over the wall, Hongye's name also appeared once.

Although it only appeared once.

But other words are very messy, only these two words are written very neatly, as if they were written stroke by stroke.

Hongye also saw her name, her eyes were calm, and she sighed slightly.

this moment.

She was also completely relieved.

Thousands of years have passed, and no matter how deep the feelings are, they are almost exhausted.

But Xuan Kong is still a friend to her.

"Sect Master. What Xuan Kong means...it seems that Lin Xiao is the original Taoist Chu Feng." Hong Ye said in a deep voice.

That was the previous head of Qingxiao Pavilion, and Lin Xiao and Xuankong were both his disciples. (End of chapter)

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