"It is possible." Yun Jin said calmly: "Immortal Emperor Zimo, I suggest you prepare for the worst and treat it as a possibility. So, what changes will happen when the roots of the tree meet the branches?"

Immortal Emperor Zimo was silent for a long time, and then said slowly: "The tree roots in the devil's hands have not completely withered. Before the battle, I can see that there is still green in the tree roots. I don't know much about the tree of life, Ruoru The image shows that Lin Xiao's branches have withered, but no one knows what the withered branches will do. What I'm most worried about is..."

Immortal Emperor Zimo's voice sounded slightly frightened: "If, that devil, resurrects the tree of life..."

Those are tree roots!

Theoretically, there is a probability of replanting a tree of life!

No one knows what amazing functions this tree will have once it grows up!

Immortal Emperor Zimo suddenly remembered the demon's experiment again.

Is it really just because he was bored when he transformed the ferocious beast?

According to legend, the Tree of Life can give birth to a new species of life. Does his transformation experiment have anything to do with this?

Immortal Emperor Zimo was so frightened that his entire body went cold for a moment.

Yun Jin was calmer than her. Yun Jin asked: "How is the devil doing now? Is there something wrong with the seal? Maybe you have seen his condition?"

Immortal Emperor Zimo shook his head in a panic, and then said: "The treasure that the devil used to make the ferocious beast is called the Cage of All Things, and it is a top-notch fairy weapon close to a divine weapon! Although we sealed him, let his The soul cannot leave the central formation, but it cannot cut off the connection between him and the cage of all things. His soul can still control the cage of all things remotely, and no one knows what he is doing there! "

Yun Jin asked: "Is it possible for him to escape?"

Immortal Emperor Zimo slowly calmed down: "Not in the short term. The seals of the Four Immortal Emperors are not a joke! But..."


Yun Jin frowned.

Immortal Emperor Zimo said in a deep voice: "In another two years, the structure of the Sky City will change. The four main cities will merge. The other three Immortal Emperors and I will jointly use secret methods to strengthen the seal again. However, I There will be a very short gap when the spell is cast again!”

"The gap may only be for a moment! But at that moment, there is no seal for this devil."

"Don't worry too much about this. It only takes a moment. I will seal him completely soon. He can't make any waves."

Immortal Emperor Zimo calmed down completely as he spoke.

Isn’t it just one more withered and yellow branch of life?

This may not have much effect.

Planting a living tree of life is something that even gods and men may not be able to do. What's more, like them, he is just an Immortal Emperor.

There was no time to be sealed for a moment...

Yun Jin was speechless for a moment.

She suddenly understood where the feeling of being spied on all the time in the City in the Sky came from.

The devil must be paying attention to her.

Yun Jin dared to say it.

In that moment of free time, the devil must have taken action against her!

She can't think too much about this. It can only be said that she has a certain correct understanding of her ability to attract enemies.

Even if this was just her illusion, Yun Jin had a habit of preparing for the worst first.

She couldn't help but ask: "How powerful can the devil be if he takes action?"

Immortal Emperor Zimo thought for a while and said: "Normally, the strength of the small world has its limits. However, this is the city in the sky, and some of the world's rules can be circumvented. At that moment, although this devil could not perform at the top level, The strength of the Immortal Emperor is low, but he should be able to exert the power of the peak of the Immortal."

Immortal Emperor Zimo casually gave Yun Jin some popular science: "The realm of the immortal world is the Celestial Immortal, the Golden Immortal, the Mysterious Immortal, and above that is the Immortal Emperor. The Immortal Emperor is the most powerful person in the Immortal World, but between the Immortal Emperor and the Immortal Emperor, there is a difference in strength. There is a huge difference. This demon can exert the power of the peak of the immortal, which is enough to kill anyone in the small world. "

Yun Jin was a little depressed: "Can you kill me instantly?"

Immortal Emperor Zimo smiled: "I know that you are already considered a peerless expert in this small world. But in front of the peak of the immortals..."

Immortal Emperor Zimo did not finish speaking. But Yun Jin also understood the meaning very well.

If the devil took action with all his strength, she would probably be killed instantly!

Yun Jin was also depressed.

I finally became invincible, and I thought I could relax a little bit, but as a result, a reminder came.

Two years…

No, not even two years.

She must improve her strength.

There was no need to think about whether she could defeat the devil. All she had to do was survive the blow!

Just survive!

There should still be a chance.

Immortal Emperor Zimo couldn't help but said: "Don't worry, he won't take action against you for nothing. After all, taking action also consumes spiritual power. There is no reason for him to waste the spiritual power he has finally accumulated on you."

Yun Jin sighed: "Immortal Emperor Zimo... you don't understand. I don't have any other abilities, but my ability to make people hate me is absolutely top-notch. Killing me at all costs is too much. Normal."

not to mention.

Lin Xiao might have used that branch to make some kind of deal with others.

Who else could make Lin Xiao hate him so much that he would sacrifice all his treasures to get rid of her?

Yunjin still has this bit of confidence.

Immortal Emperor Zimo was stunned for a moment by Yun Jin's matter-of-fact tone. After a while, she saw that Yun Jin didn't seem to be joking, so she said hesitantly.

"Other times, as long as I'm in the Sky City, I can find a way to protect you. Only at that moment, I have to concentrate on preparing the seal, and I can't help you at all. If he really takes action against you..." Immortal Emperor Zimo couldn't help but He frowned.

Does this Yunjin still have a way to survive?

"It's okay, there are still two years left." Yun Jin was very calm.

Two years is...a long time?

As soon as he thought this, Immortal Emperor Zimo was stunned for a moment.

Talk about it.

It has only been more than a year since the Sky City opened.

When Yun Jin first came to Sky City, he was still in the integration stage.

What now?

Late Mahayana period…

Maybe for her, two years is indeed a long time...

Immortal Emperor Zimo couldn't help but look forward to it: "Don't worry, as long as you survive this time, when the Sky City opens next time, we will work together to completely destroy him! From now on, there will be no worries."

"Okay." Yun Jin responded.

There was a murmur in her heart.

If the devil is destroyed, what about Zi Mo and the other four Immortal Emperors?

Aren’t they also freed from their shackles?

Although in the small world, they cannot exert the strength of the top immortal emperors, the little strength they can exert is enough to slaughter all living beings!

Of course, Yun Jin won't say this now. At least until the devil is removed, their positions should still be unified. (End of chapter)

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