Yun Jin understood what he meant.

She couldn't help but frown.

The exercises with various attributes often contain the living being's understanding of the great road.

The number of secret books in Yun Jin's hands is already huge.

But in terms of progress, it is still short of the final 17%.

This is not too bad.

When will she be able to complete it.

"Host. The human race is not the only creature in the world." The system gave a prompt.

Yun Jin's eyes moved slightly.

Human beings may not be the only creatures!

The total amount of insights within the human race may only be 83%. She may still have some secrets that she has not collected. If she collects them all, it may be 90% or not.


It would be difficult for her to get the remaining secret books.

Even if you get most of them, you won't be able to complete the Great Way of Water.

Creatures other than humans…

Specializing in water attribute avenues...

The answer is obvious.

She might have to find the opportunity to break through the water attribute avenue in the boundless sea.

There are endless sea beasts in the boundless sea, and the water attribute constitution is the basic constitution of these sea beasts.

They may have multiple attributes, but among the multiple attributes, there must be a water attribute.

The area of ​​the boundless sea is very vast. In terms of scope, it is more than ten times that of the land area.

Marine life is endless, and in terms of quantity, it is thousands of times better than humans.

Although the difficulty of cultivation for marine creatures is higher than that of humans.


I can’t stand the large number!

With such a large base, Yun Jin even felt that the peak combat power on the Boundless Sea side was probably even stronger than that of the human race.

If you want to quickly complete the water attribute avenue, you can only go to the boundless sea!

Yun Jin walked towards a machine next to him.

The machine has a small screen to help filter tasks.

After Yunjin limited the area to Boundless Sea, all the tasks that came out were boundless sea tasks.

According to the rules of the mission hall.

After teleporting near the mission target, click teleport again to return to Wushuang Sect.

If the task fails, it will be sent back directly.

For tasks with a deadline, if you fail to complete the task within the deadline, you will be sent back directly.

If you complete the task but do not click on the transfer button, you can stay for up to one month. After one month, you will be transferred back unconditionally.

Yunjin now wants to go to the boundless sea. There are two ways.

One is to transmit it directly to the vicinity of Lanxi through the round space channel.

The disadvantage of the round space channel is that it can only be transmitted to people who have reached a certain level of understanding of the Yin-Yang Avenue. In the area of ​​​​Boundless Sea, there is only one Lanxi who meets the standard.

The second is through the mission system.

No matter what the task is, as long as she accepts it, she can come to the boundless sea. As long as she completes the task, she can stay for at least another month.

If you return to Wushuang Sect in a month and want to go again, just continue to accept the mission.

The first method can ensure that the cultivation level of the place she teleports to will not be too low.

After all, that Lanxi was a strong man in the late Mahayana period. But if you suddenly teleport there, the situation there is unknown, and there will be certain risks.

The second method is more flexible. Depending on the task chosen, risks are also manageable.

Yun Jin looked around at the current missions in Boundless Sea, pondered for a moment, and did not rush to take them.

It's not the time to do the task yet, she has to resolve the affairs of the affiliated sect first.

Moreover, the disciples had just started using the mission system, and she wanted to see their mission status first.

On the left side of the hall, there is another screen that randomly broadcasts the performance of the Wushuang Sect disciples' missions.

At this moment, many people were already gathered around to watch. Yun Jin also looked at it with interest.

It's the first day after all.

These disciples were quite cautious, and no one took on missions that were too high in level. They mainly focused on testing the waters.

Yun Jin also saw Ye Cheng.

Ye undertook a D-level mission. The mission was that all the land in a mortal village had withered inexplicably. The cause needed to be investigated and the fields saved.

Ye Cheng had water-attribute spiritual roots and was good at planting. He found a remote place to land in the nearby area, and then entered the village.

He easily discovered that the reason for the inexplicable withering of the land was a fire pincer insect underneath. After removing the insect, he dropped water and taught the mortals some planting knowledge. He had a good personality and was very patient in teaching, so that these Mortals shed tears of gratitude.

The mortal asked gratefully: "I wonder where the immortal master came from? Can you leave a Taoist name? We can worship him all year round."

They asked with little hope.

These immortal masters often act as they please, and few of them leave their names behind.

Ye Cheng looked like he was waiting for them to ask.

He smiled slightly and said eloquently: "I am a disciple of the Wushuang Sect. If you want to worship, you can enshrine the statue of our sect's leader Yun Jin. Remember, it is the leader Yun of the Wushuang Sect! You must not remember it wrong."

After these mortals repeatedly promised that they would remember correctly, Ye Cheng clicked the teleport button a second time.

As soon as he returned to Wushuang Sect, he was greeted by Yun Jin's approving eyes.

Yun Jin patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, okay, you are worthy of being my true disciple! Everyone must follow Ye Cheng's example and promote the reputation of my Wushuang Sect!"

Ye Cheng chuckled and was about to say something.

Sudden. A white light flashed across his body.

A prompt sounded on the big screen: "Ye Cheng, a disciple of the Wushuang Sect, has exceeded the task. Since he is the first disciple of the Wushuang Sect to exceed the task, he will be rewarded with a level-one planting skill upgrade."

Ye Cheng is now a fifth-level planter. With this promotion, he will directly reach the sixth level.

There was a sudden uproar in the hall, and this hidden setting was exceeded.

Now Ye Cheng is the first to exceed the target, and the reward is rich. What if they get other first-place achievements? Can you also get rich rewards?

The disciples couldn't stand still and began to take over the task one after another.

Gao Jingxuan and Su Lingling also eagerly entered the task.

Gao Jingxuan has formed a golden elixir. He chose a D-level mission and landed in the Jianzong area. The mission prompted that a casual cultivator was being hunted. Gao Jingxuan could choose to save the casual cultivator, or help his enemy and kill him. Got this casual cultivator.

Save or kill, the mission is completed.

Su Lingling chose an F-level mission. She landed in the Spirit Beast Forest to find a long-haired cat that had run away from home.

Both men completed their tasks successfully.

After Gao Jingxuan finally investigated and learned the whole story, he chose to help the casual cultivator who was being hunted.

Su Lingling also successfully found the long-haired cat.

As batches of disciples completed tasks, Yun Jin discovered that the names and colors of the task halls in the system had changed somewhat.

Originally white.

Now there is a faint hint of gold.

"System, why is this?" Yun Jin asked.

"The tasks in the mission hall are not necessarily good-faith tasks. For example, if Gao Jingxuan took the task before, if he chose to kill the casual cultivator, he could still complete the task. But Gao Jingxuan chose to investigate the truth and helped the person who should be helped. In this way, The mission system has pushed the Wushuang Sect a little bit toward the good side. If there are good intentions, there will also be malicious ones."

"Some of these tasks directly require killing people."

"In the demon world, the system also received a mission from a demon clan to use the blood essence of a thousand humans to refine weapons. This mission will also appear on the screen."

"The actions of all disciples will affect the tasks issued by the task system."

"If the overall mission style of Wushuang Sect is more benevolent, more and more benevolent missions will be refreshed in the hall in the future. Similarly, the number of malicious missions will be relatively reduced."

The system gave a rough explanation, and Yun Jin nodded.

There seem to be many hidden settings in this mission hall.

This requires her and these disciples to explore together.

Just at this time.

In the mission hall, a brand new mission suddenly appeared.

"S-level mission: Stop within the boundary!" (End of this chapter)

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