The meridians all over the tiger fish's body are locked, and it cannot resist even if it wants to.

Seeing the nightmare-like sword falling, Tiger Fish suddenly showed a desperate look.

He has been farmed for decades, and every once in a while, he has to watch his companion's head being sliced ​​into fish by this blade, the bones being boiled into soup, and the head being cooked separately.

He was also angry.

Also fearful.

But there was nothing he could do.


It was finally his turn to meet this fate.

fair enough.

From now on, I no longer need to live in such fear.

Tiger Fish is doing his best to mentally build up.

But the knife never fell.

Tiger Fish couldn't help but show a desperate look.

Did this man deliberately refrain from using the knife because he wanted to appreciate his fearful look for a while longer?

But the next moment.

Tiger Fish found something was wrong.

The man slowly turned his head, his expression looking even more frightened than him.

"You...who are you?" The man's voice trembled.

The words just fell.

The knife in his hand that had filled countless fish suddenly disintegrated into several pieces, and then turned into powder in the air!

Tiger Fish looked at the powder that was falling down, and his expression became a little dazed.

He followed the man's gaze and looked over.


I saw a white-haired woman.

There is no light at the bottom of the sea all year round, and the lighting depends entirely on the luminous pearls.

But this woman seemed to have her own light, she was glowing just standing there.

Yun Jin looked at the group of frightened people indifferently. With his discernment skills, the black energy above these people's heads was so strong that it was disgusting!

"You guys deserve to die." Yun Jin said calmly.

The expressions of these people changed slightly, and they took their weapons and rushed towards Yun Jin.

Yun Jin looked at them calmly.

I couldn't see her moving.

next moment.

These people maintained their attacking posture and were instantly condensed into ice sculptures.

"Enemy attack! Enemies broke in!"

People gathered from all directions.

Black energy, black energy, still black energy.

This rich black energy almost made Yun Jin feel uncomfortable.

In the human world, even the most evil people may not be stained with so much resentment.

As for these sea beasts, they have been slaughtering their own kind in this slaughterhouse for decades. After so many years, their hands have been stained with an unknown amount of blood.

Those slaughtered sea beasts are often full of fear and resentment when they die. The resentment caused by such souls is naturally more profound!

They killed Mo Yu's group before.

Yun Jin secretly felt that his luck had increased.

It shows how much evil these people have done!

"Frozen for thousands of miles." Yun Jin opened her lips gently.

As she spoke, the extreme cold spread from the soles of her feet. Everyone who rushed towards her turned into ice sculptures when the cold air invaded them.

The man holding the knife just now looked horrified and said loudly: " can't do this! This place is under the care of Lord Mo Yu. If you kill us, Lord Mo Yu will not let you go!"

Yun Jin looked at him calmly: "Don't worry, Mo Yu has been waiting for you underground in advance." The man's pupils suddenly condensed.

What does this woman mean?

She...she dared to kill Lord Mo Yu? !

"You, you killed Lord Mo Yu? You are finished. No one can provoke Mo Hai Long Palace!" the man said loudly.

"Oh?" Yun Jin looked indifferent: "I won't finish it, I don't know. But, I'm afraid you won't be able to see the final outcome."

She slowly extended her hand.

A flash of panic suddenly flashed in the man's eyes, and he begged loudly: "Senior, senior, we are just following orders! Why must senior put us to death?"

The mermaid sisters couldn't bear it any longer.

My sister said angrily: "You have tortured and killed so many sea beasts, don't you deserve to die?"

If it was just food, she wouldn't be so angry.


Every race here, every one of them, was abused in every possible way, and their deaths were full of pain.

Killing and torture, those are two concepts!

The man was stunned for a moment and said, "Could it be that the seniors killed us because of these lowly sea beasts?"

The man looked a little unbelievable. When he saw the angry looks of the mermaid sisters, he hurriedly said: "Senior, the weak eat the strong. This is the rule of this underwater world! The strong can control the fate of the weak. Isn't this natural?"

Yun Jin listened, and then a smile appeared on her lips.

The man thought Yun Jin had been persuaded and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Yun Jin said calmly: "The law of the jungle has been around since ancient times. This is very true."

A hint of joy flashed in the man's eyes.

Yun Jin stretched out his hand and suddenly snapped his fingers.


The ice sculptures in front of and behind her turned into powder in an instant.

The only thing left is an ice sculpture.

The man couldn't help but become frightened: "Senior, didn't you say that what I said makes sense?"

Yun Jin slowly walked up to him: "It makes sense. When you were strong, you felt that you could control the fate of the weak. Now, I am the strong one, so I can naturally control your destiny. This is fair, Isn't it?"

The man was stunned.

"I am different from you. I will let you die happily." Yun Jin snapped his fingers.

This last ice sculpture also turned into powder in panic, and then completely lost its trace in the ocean.

Yun Jin glanced at the frightened Tiger Fish on the ground, and gently patted the Tiger Fish on the shoulder.

The next moment, Tiger Fish found that he could move freely again.

Yunjin did not stop, she walked all the way to rescue these captive races.

Most of the races used as meat eaters here are middle races.

After releasing this group of races, a large number of sea beasts followed Yun Jin.

The expressions of the mermaid sisters couldn't help but become excited.

This senior is really strong!

Maybe she can really save them?

As soon as this idea came up, they denied it themselves.

It's not that they are pessimistic, it's that their enemies are too powerful.

That’s the entire Mo Hai Dragon Palace!

If the senior killed Mo Yu, he would be retaliated sooner or later.

Following their seniors, they will inevitably be implicated in the future.


The mermaid sisters glanced at each other, but their expressions slowly became firmer.

Since he is destined to die.

Then, they will also die vigorously.

They will follow their predecessors and die together on the battlefield!

This is better than being enslaved forever!

Black Tooth Shark saw the thoughts of the two sisters and said softly: "Are you also thinking about your last words? I thought about a few words. I will really die in the battle, and I plan to try my best to say my last words. Come and help I'm a staff officer."

The three heads came together and immediately began to study how to improve their last words. (End of chapter)

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