Chapter 775: Defeat the enemy

The sea beasts in the dark couldn't help but show a hint of fear when they looked at the three frozen ink sea dragons.

This woman…

Could it be that she...

Have you learned all the super laws mastered by these three Mo Hailongs?

Yun Jin's lips still had her signature bright smile.

Looking at it at this moment is inexplicably scary.

Yun Jin raised his eyebrows and was about to completely eliminate these three Mo Hailongs.


A sea beast swam over cautiously: "Senior, senior!"

Yun Jin tilted his head and looked at him curiously.

The sea creature nervously took out a mirror.

The next moment, a gray-haired Mo Hailong appeared in the mirror.

Mo Hailong said slowly: "Let them go, and I, Mo Hailong Palace, will forget the past events!"

Yun Jin raised his eyebrows and smiled: "What if I don't let you go?"

A hint of murderous intent flashed through Mo Hailong's eyes: "That's what Mo Hailong and his family are fighting for until death! You don't want to bear the consequences!"

Yun Jin gave him a mocking look.


In front of him, he snapped his fingers.

next moment.

The ice sculpture shattered.

The huge bodies of the three Mo Hailongs disappeared instantly.

"Then, we will fight until death." Yun Jin sneered, and then directly threw a beam of spiritual power at him, and the mirror shattered instantly.

The sea beast was trembling with fear.


This is a naked provocation!

This woman actually killed the strongest among the younger generation of Mo Hailong in front of Elder Mo Hailong!

The Mo Hailong clan will never let her go!

The East China Sea is going to be in chaos!

After killing the three Mo Hailongs, Yun Jin seemed to have just done a trivial thing and left leisurely.

The many sea beasts who were watching couldn't help but be in a trance.


They informed their respective forces of the results of this war through various contact methods!

Mo Hai Long Palace took action three times, but failed three times.

Now, the four commanders of the Mohai Dragon Palace are trapped, and 400,000 sea beasts are under the control of the other party.


The three masters Mo Han, Mo Xiao and Mo You were also killed by Yun Jin.

Can he still keep his position as the leader of the four major forces?

Shark Cave.

Many abyssal sharks gathered together.

"That woman actually has such abilities." A blue-haired woman squinted her eyes: "Originally, I, the Sea Beast of the East China Sea, have always been free. Ever since the Dragon Lord came to the East China Sea thousands of years ago, the East China Sea has fallen into a long period of chaos. During the killing. He has the token of the Poseidon, and his own strength is extraordinary, and no one is his opponent. In order to protect ourselves, we the abyssal sharks summoned the sea beasts and built the shark cave, but we barely managed to save ourselves. Over the years, I have been living on the breath of Mo Hai Long Palace."

"Now a woman suddenly appeared, and she actually fought against Mohai Dragon Palace three times without losing."

The woman paused and said slowly: "At this time, the Mohai Dragon Palace is in the weakest state it has ever been. Do we have to make a choice?"

There was silence in the cave.

After a long time, a shark said: "The core of the Mohai Dragon Palace lies in the Dragon Lord. No matter how many times the woman wins, it will have no effect. As long as she loses once, she will be doomed!"

"Let's take another look. Don't rush into battle."

"Continue to send sea beasts to monitor the vicinity of the Sea of ​​Feeding. If that woman... can continue to win, and can even defeat the Dragon Lord, then we will have to take action."

"Wait, wait."

The deep seabed.

Groups of ghost turtles are sleeping.

Occasionally, one of the eyes would open and then quickly close.

Life consists in stillness.

As long as they don't come to Netherworld Lake, they can continue to sleep.

Siren Palace.

A group of sea monsters also made the same judgment.

hold on!

They didn't know who that woman was or what she could do.

It's best if both the woman and Mo Hailong Palace suffer, so that they can take advantage of the situation!

Mo Hai Dragon Palace.

The elder's face was extremely ugly! The three juniors he was most optimistic about were killed right in front of him.

That woman had made up her mind to go against their Mo Hai Dragon Palace.

It's a pity that Long Zun is in retreat at the critical moment, otherwise...

The elder gritted his teeth: "How long does it take for Dragon Lord to come out of seclusion?"

"Long Zun said before retreating that it could take at least a few months or a few years at most. This is something that cannot be said." Another Mo Hailong said in a low voice.

A cold look flashed in the elder's eyes: "Watch the other three tribes and don't let them have any thoughts they shouldn't have! Wait another three months. After three months, if Longzun has not been released from seclusion, I can only go there in person. Please.”


The Mohai Dragon Palace has been unable to deal with a woman, so the other three major forces must make changes.

Now the strength of Mohai Dragon Palace can only monitor them, but it cannot conquer them all.

Everything is just waiting for Long Zun to come out!

While all the sea beasts were waiting to see Mo Hai Dragon Palace's next move, Mo Hai Dragon Palace suddenly gave up and continued to attack the Sea of ​​Support.

They put all their energy into subduing the other three major forces.

Even if the other three major forces had some ideas at first, they can only continue to be honest now.

All the sea beasts are waiting.

Wait for that Dragon Lord to come out of seclusion!

Long Zun wins.

Then everything is business as usual.

The East China Sea is still the East China Sea where the Mohai Dragon Clan is respected.

If Dragon Lord is defeated...

That's the real thing, things have changed!

A month passed by inadvertently.

The progress of Yunjin's water attribute avenue has been stuck at 99%.

She still lacks the last super law: purification.

She had obtained many secrets from those 40,000 sea beasts, and her understanding of the law of purification had reached a critical point.


Just like the first two avenues.

If she can't understand the true meaning of the great road, this last bit of film will be a natural chasm, blocking her from the great road forever.

Her avenue of fire truly means courage.

Her avenue of wood truly means symbiosis.

What is the true meaning of her Water Avenue?

Everyone's true meaning is different.

She didn't even have anyone to refer to for this point, so she could only figure it out on her own.

The matter of enlightenment cannot be rushed.

When one month was up, Yun Jin once again summoned 30,000 sea beasts.

The improved version of the secrets she gave them were all adapted from their original secrets. These sea beasts were able to practice with ease and very quickly.

One month.

Most of the sea beasts have completed the transformation of their techniques.

Yun Jin showed a satisfied smile.

"The transformation of the technique is completed. Next, it is time to fight." Yun Jin said: "I sensed a group of sea beasts from the Black Sea Dragon Palace approaching us and will soon reach outside the barrier. If we just avoid it blindly, , it will make the other party think that we are afraid of them. I need ten thousand sea beasts to fight to give them a little shock."

All sea beasts showed determination.

Although the battle time has been advanced, they will never back down.

"There is no need to go too far. The barrier is still there. I will give one of your beasts a talisman. If you are defeated, just use the talisman to return to the barrier."

Yun Jin said and directly ordered ten thousand sea beasts to come out.


Yun Jin moved her fingers slightly. Among the 400,000 sea beasts trapped in the water wave formation, she randomly selected 10,000 sea beasts and released the formation.

Black Water Ape was also among the unlucky ones who were released.

He couldn't help but look confused.

What is that crazy woman going to do?

next moment.

He heard Yun Jin's gnashing of teeth: "Look, those ten thousand enemy troops have already arrived at the gate of the barrier! In order to protect our compatriots and to defeat the abominable Mohai Dragon Palace, charge forward!"

Black Water Ape: "???"

Etc., etc.

What do these mean?

Why are they at the gate of the barrier? Doesn't this woman have any idea?

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