Chapter 802 Becoming the next king

Even though she knew that the woman could not see her, the old woman still had tears in her eyes and nodded repeatedly.


This kid is really talented and very good.

Yu Songnian stared at his mother's image blankly, his eyes a little red.

So many years have passed.

The image of his mother has faded a lot in his memory.

He often worries.

In these extremely long years, will there come a day when he will forget all the relatives in his memory?

The moment when you can see your mother's image.

The years spent together surged up like a tidal wave.

He actually never forgot it for a moment.

"Songnian, this is your grandmother, I have mentioned it to you before. I didn't expect that you would be able to see her in person one day. Come and shout." The woman said softly.

The old woman's body trembled and she looked at Yu Songnian expectantly.

Yu Songnian hesitated for a moment and called softly: "Grandma."

"Hey." The old woman responded, tears streaming down her face.

"Mother." The woman said softly: "I think you should already know the wrong thing Zhiyue did. After being framed by her and almost dying, I thought about coming back, exposing her true face, and giving her the due treatment. punish."

The woman sighed and said: "But I finally chose to give up. Zhiyue and I are twins. She said that if she was the only one, this king stone should belong to her, and all the love should also belong to her. Hers, she is the destined king of the Stone Clan."

"When she said these words, her crazy look was vivid in my mind. I knew that if I came back, Zhiyue would not be able to survive. The Stone Clan cannot tolerate her, and I... can't tolerate her either." Zhiyin smiled bitterly: "Once I come back, , with her stubbornness, she and I will definitely end up fighting each other to the death. I asked myself, is the future throne more important, or the relationship between sisters? "

Zhiyin said softly: "I don't know whether my decision was right or wrong. I chose to go far away. On the way, I met some people sent by Zhiyue to hunt me down. In order to avoid those people, I was forced to Entering the Fierce Beast Mountain Range, and then came to the human world.”

"First I was poisoned by Zhiyue, and then I was hunted down. My spiritual power was greatly damaged and I could never return to its prime. After a crisis, it was Songnian's father who saved me. His cultivation He's not a master, but he has an upright character and takes great care of me." Zhiyin showed a shy look on her face: "I got married to him and we had Songnian."

"Due to poisoning and injuries, I can no longer cultivate my spiritual power and can barely maintain my cultivation level at the combined stage."

Zhiyin said softly: "Later Songnian was born, and was trapped by his bloodline, always hovering on the edge of life and death. I didn't know before that the children we gave birth to when we combined with humans would be so painful. I felt guilty and painful. , In those days, I tried every means to keep Songnian alive. "

"I gradually discovered that the energy in the Wang Stone can suppress his bloodline riot."

"In those years, I used Wang Shi to suppress Songnian's bloodline rebellion. After a long time, I discovered that there was a strange feeling between Songnian and Wang Shi."

"Songnian may not even remember it himself. When he was young, his favorite thing to do was to sit at the door in a daze holding Wang Shi. A few times I took away Wang Shi, and he would cry loudly."

Zhiyin looked gentle.

Yu Songnian showed a somewhat hesitant expression.

He had a vague impression.

That stone... turned out to be Wang Shi?

"Seeing how close I was to Wang Shi, I suddenly had a strange idea."

"This king stone already contains powerful energy. The owners of king stones in the past generations have only been exploring the power inherent in the king stone throughout their lives. I suddenly had a whim at that time, thinking about whether I could keep the king stone and Pan As the blood is passed down from generation to generation, when Song Nian grows up, he will have another trump card. Moreover, with Wang Shi here, maybe the problem of his blood repulsion can be completely solved. After some research, I discovered the method. I used Songnian’s essence and blood to re-sacrifice the king stone, and used a secret method to create a close connection between them."

"I don't know if it's a coincidence or necessity, but in short, I should have succeeded."

Zhiyin said, suddenly coughing violently.

Yu Songnian's heart trembled, and he subconsciously wanted to reach out.

Suddenly realizing that it was just an image, he silently took it in again.

"Just now, I successfully peeled off Wang Shi. After leaving me, it still exists, and it is still inextricably linked to Songnian." Zhiyin said warmly: "I will take it away. Put it in the blood box and let Songnian open it himself one day in the future. He will merge with Wang Shi and become the first person to obtain Wang Shi."

"Mother, I didn't tell Songnian about the Stone Clan. I just hope that he can live in peace and health. But when the child grows up, he will inevitably explore the truth about his life experience."

"If he can't find the truth, let him live his life peacefully."

"If he finds the truth and comes to you, then he must have become a strong man."

"In this matter, if my sister comes to power, her ability and magnanimity will not be enough to intimidate the Stone Clan, and there may be chaos within the Stone Clan. Although Songnian is of mixed blood, he possesses the King's Stone. If his mother approves of him, if he himself If you wish, Songnian can be the new king of the Stone Clan. With Wang Shi suppressing it, the Stone Clan will surely prosper again."

Zhiyin looked ahead: "Of course, if Songnian doesn't want to, then don't force it. If you have to rely on a stone to maintain the status of the royal family, it proves that the royal family of the Stone Clan should also change. ”

There was a long pause.

Zhiyin said softly: "Mom, I'm sorry."

The old woman's eyes were filled with tears and she just kept shaking her head.

Zhiyin smiled slightly again: "Songnian, it's a pity that my mother can't see what you will look like when you grow up. The world is vast. I hope you can embark on a journey and see the mountains, flowers, and sea."

Her lips quivered.

She seemed to want to say something more, but in the end she said nothing.

Zhiyin's image slowly disappeared in the air.

In the room, only the old woman's soft sobbing was left.

Yu Songnian took a deep breath and controlled his emotions.

He hesitated for a moment, then stepped forward and patted the old woman's back gently.

The old woman was once a king. She quickly put away her tears and looked at Yu Songnian with eyes full of love.

"My child, you have heard your mother's words. You have a king's stone, so you should be the king of the stone tribe. Are you willing to stay and become the next king of the stone tribe." The old woman looked at Yu Songnian expectantly.

The old woman thought that Yu Songnian would be willing.

That is the king of the Stone Clan.

This represents the pinnacle of strength, the ability to command thousands of stone clans, and the ability to control the wind and rain on the Nanlan Continent.


Yu Songnian didn't even hesitate at all, he just said calmly: "Sorry, I can't stay."

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