Chapter 815 It’s settled

Zhiyue shook her head and murmured.


"This is absolutely impossible."

"How could Zhiyin be so kind?"

"I hurt her, why didn't she come back to hurt me! Why didn't she come back?"

"I'm not afraid of her! Even if she comes to fight with me, come and fight with me!"

Zhiyue's voice gradually became crazy, and she stared at the old woman: "You are lying to me! You are lying to me! You must be lying to me!"

Kill Zhiyin.

She didn't feel any guilt at all.

She wants the throne, but Zhiyin is standing in the way, so she wants to kill Zhiyin. What's wrong with this?


But her mother said that she deliberately didn’t want to argue with herself!

She left the Central Continent to avoid a lose-lose outcome!


Why is she so disdainful of the throne she strives for?

Why give up so easily!

This makes her... seem like a clown!

"I don't need to lie to you." The old woman's eyes were calm: "Zhiyue, I'm just telling you. You hurt two people who love you most in the world. So, in these fifty years, you will be able to live It’s so difficult. Because no one in this world loves you.”

No one loves you anymore...

What the old woman said was really cruel.

Zhiyue seemed to have been drained of all her energy in an instant, and her lips trembled.

She wanted to retort.

But he was speechless for a long time.

She forced her sister away and imprisoned her mother.

She hurt the two people who loved her most in the world.

From then on, no one in the world loved her.

She had sacrificed so much, but all she got in exchange was fifty years of seemingly having power, but actually walking on thin ice.

Zhiyue trembled, and she suddenly burst into laughter. She smiled, but shed tears.

She thought she would never regret it.

But this moment.

I still regret it a bit.


She did not harm her sister, and now, her sister may have ascended the throne and become the king.

"Zhiyin, she is really an idiot." Zhiyue showed a look that seemed to be crying and smiling: "She is obviously a younger sister, but since she was a child, she has always liked to play the role of protector. When I was a child, someone laughed at me and said that I was a twin. My sister owned the king stone, but I could only own a piece of the royal family. I was so angry that I had a fight with him, but in the end, my sister knew about it. She rushed to the door and beat the man hard. Had a meal.”

The old woman sighed: "Yes. She has always felt that it is her responsibility to take care of you and protect you."

Zhiyue said softly: "She is the future king, and all the good things are always available to her. However, she always secretly gives these precious resources to me."

The old woman nodded: "I actually know all this. This is what I was thinking. This is also a manifestation of your deep sisterly love. As long as Zhiyin does not delay her cultivation, I will not interfere."

Zhiyue twitched the corners of her lips and showed a somewhat dazed expression: "Actually...when I thought about this before, I always felt that she was pretending, and that she was giving me charity. So I resented her even more."

A trace of sadness flashed in the old woman's eyes: "But she... is really just using everything she has to protect you."

Zhiyue was silent for a while and said, "I believe it now."


But it was too late.

Zhiyin is no longer here.

And she has reached the end.

"You said, Zhiyin has a child? He inherited Zhiyin's Wang Shi?" Zhiyue suddenly asked: "Have you seen the child?"

The old woman said calmly: "This has nothing to do with you."

Zhiyue raised her eyebrows: "What? I've fallen into this situation, can I still harm him?"

The old woman said: "If you want to see him, he may not want to see you."

Yu Songnian was by his side, but he didn't say he wanted to inherit the Stone Clan, and the old woman wouldn't reveal his identity.

Zhiyue narrowed her eyes: "I am already dying. If someone else comes to kill me, I will not die with my eyes open. Can... let him kill me? Let me die under Wang Shi's energy, just like... Zhiyin Avenged herself."

The old woman didn't speak, and Yu Songnian's steady voice rang out: "You want to see me, don't you?"

Zhiyue looked at Yu Songnian in a daze.

Yu Songnian canceled the effect of the disguise talisman and showed his original appearance.

Zhiyue's body trembled.

This is…

Zhiyin's child?

This child's facial features are very similar to Zhiyin's, and he is also very similar to her.

Zhiyue watched without blinking.

"Is this the child of His Highness Zhiyin?"

"His Royal Highness Zhiyin passed the Wang Shi inheritance to him?"

"Is Wang Shi really on him?"

There were chaotic sounds in the crowd.

A stone instantly appeared in front of Yu Songnian.

This stone looked ordinary, but as soon as it appeared, the huge stone standing in the square flashed with golden light.


The spiritual stones in everyone's bodies on the field began to move.

The old woman looked at Yu Songnian gently, and then, without any suppression, she allowed the spirit stone in her body to float in the air.

The spirit stone in the old woman's body surrendered to Wang Shi without hesitation.

The other Stone Tribe people no longer suppressed them.

Spirit stones all over the sky flew out, and these spirit stones tightly surrounded the central spirit stone in a completely surrendering posture.

Zhiyue was silent for a while.

Immediately, she sighed and let her spirit stones fly out, also surrounding Wang Shi.

These spiritual stones swayed moment by moment, as if they were performing the ritual of kneeling to the central king stone.

All the Stone Tribe people had excited expressions on their faces.

Wang Shi reappears!

There is hope for the revival of the Stone Tribe!

The envoys of other races stood aside, with a strange look on their faces.

With Wang Shi's appearance, the layout of Nanlan Continent may have to be changed again!

Zhiyue's eyes swept over these people one by one.

The stone nobles who were unruly in front of her now looked convinced.

Those envoys from other races who were always looking for trouble actually became more honest.

Is this... Wang Shi's power?

She was still a little unconvinced.


She had fought hard and finally ended up like this.

Then, so be it.

It was because she couldn't help Zhi Yin that she died under the influence of her younger sister. It was a well-deserved death for her.

"Let's do it." Zhiyue said calmly: "Crush my spirit stone, and I will go underground to find Zhiyin to explain."

Yu Songnian glanced at the old woman subconsciously.

The old woman looked sad, but had no intention of stopping her. She said softly: "Songnian. She has committed a heinous crime and has already been sentenced to death. Just do it. Death under Zhiyin's Wang Shi is already the best destination for her. "

"Okay." Yu Songnian nodded.

Everyone else took the spirit stones back, leaving only Wang Shi and Zhi Yue's imperial stones in the air. Zhiyue raised her head and looked blankly at her own spiritual stone.

She had been crazy for so many years, and it was only at this moment that she felt she had woken up.

Just in time, let her face her own death soberly.

Yu Songnian waved his hand calmly, and Wang Shi turned into a giant sword and floated in the air.

Zhiyue's eyes never blinked.

She wants to face death soberly.

Yu Songnian glanced at Zhiyue and said calmly: "You think Wang Shi is everything, but with so many powerful people in the world, do they all have Wang Shi? Without Wang Shi, there would be no Wang Shi. You could have found your own path. . It’s you who got angry and fell into evil ways.”

Zhiyue looked a little confused.

Should she have... walked out of her own way?

"You may think that I am lucky to have such a powerful treasure as Wang Shi. I am indeed lucky. The lucky thing about me is that I have a mother who loves me so much. But Wang Shi...can't decide whether I am strong or weak. Since you are going to die, this sword will show you my ways." Yu Songnian said solemnly.

His cultivation level is far inferior to Zhiyue.


As long as he continues on his own path, even without Wang Shi, he can still become a peerless strongman.

This sword.

Just want Zhiyue to understand this matter.

Yun Jin had been watching the matter between Zhi Yue and Yu Songnian silently. This was the third senior brother's family matter and he had to resolve it himself.

This moment.

Seeing Yu Songnian's calm look, Yun Jin couldn't help but chuckle.

The third senior brother is still the same third senior brother.

The persistence in his heart is equally indestructible.

After the master's residence was upgraded to the highest level, she knew the cultivation status of all the disciples.

Third senior brother…

He has entered his own way.

Zhiyue looked at Yu Songnian, but she was a little amused. She said softly: "You are just a peak Nascent Soul, you want me to see your way?"

Isn't this just a bit of a trick?

"It's true. With Wang Shi's power, I can temporarily have the power to transcend the tribulation period. Let you see, it's enough." Yu Songnian was very calm.

"Okay. Then I'll watch carefully." Zhiyue chuckled.

Yu Songnian looked at the sky calmly, and Wang Shi's power slowly poured into him.

At the same time that a stone armor appeared on his body, Yu Songnian's strength was also rising steadily.

The peak of Nascent Soul.

Transformation period.

Combination period.

He actually crossed two great realms in a row and reached the stage of transcending tribulation!

Is this Wang Shi's power?

In the frightened eyes of everyone, Yu Songnian waved his hand, and the virtual sword in the air disappeared in an instant.

No one has reacted yet.

The sword actually appeared directly in the sky above the Zhiyue Emperor Stone.

The sword falls!

The imperial stone shattered in an instant!

Zhi Yue spit out a mouthful of blood, Yun Jin sighed and removed the vines that bound her.

Zhiyue suddenly fell to her knees on the ground.

Without the imperial stone, she didn't have much time to live. She seized the time and suddenly looked at Yu Songnian.

"Just now, your sword exceeded the speed limit for a moment!" Zhiyue looked at him in disbelief.

This gave Yu Songnian's attack even a trace of space magic, but this was not a real space magic.

"Yes." Yu Songnian said seriously: "I have been practicing Hidden Sword Dao since I was a child. I have hidden my sword for ten years, and the moment I draw the sword. The sword draw at that moment must not fail. Therefore, that sword must be very fast. . Later, I joined the Wushuang Sect and slowly found my own path. This path is simple and clear. I want to pursue where the limit of speed is. One day, I will find that limit. Maybe we can find the threshold to enter the space avenue."

Zhiyue listened carefully, and then she chuckled: "The way of speed, the way of space, I understand."

"For me, the greatest significance of Wang Shi is that it is a relic left by my mother. But my path to becoming the strongest has nothing to do with it. I have my own way and the path I want to take. On that road, Wang Shi can't play a big role," Yu Songnian said.

"The road to the strongest..." Zhiyue showed a somewhat dazed expression.

turn out to be.

Wang Shi is not everything.

turn out to be.

She could have made her own way.

She was wrong.

She was so wrong.

"Zhiyin has a good son." Zhiyue's expression slowly softened.

"It's because I have a good mother. My mother told me since I was a child that having a tough heart is more important than anything else." Yu Songnian said calmly.

"Really..." Zhiyue murmured softly.

Her sister, who owned Wang Shi, had already broken free from the shackles given by Wang Shi.

And she had never owned Wang Shi, but she had been trapped by Wang Shi her whole life.

It was only at the last moment of her life that someone taught her this truth.

She looked at Yu Songnian, a smile appeared on her lips.

She just smiled and laughed until the breath of life... completely disappeared.


From then on fell!

Yu Songnian took back Wang Shi. He coughed twice and his breath suddenly became weak.

The old woman looked at him with some distress: "Why are you doing this! If you forcefully borrow Wang Shi's power, you will probably enter a weak state in the next few days."

Yu Songnian smiled: "I just want her to know that she is not as good as my mother. Even if she is the one who owns Wang Shi, she is still not as good as her."

"You." The old woman sighed softly.

Yu Songnian said so, but she could see that Yu Songnian's display of Tao also resolved Zhiyue's last knot.

The child, like his mother, was surprisingly soft-hearted.

But he is better than Zhiyin.

He is soft-hearted, but he is also courageous.

When he killed Zhiyue, he didn't hesitate at all.

Be kindhearted, courageous, and capable.

He should be the king of the Stone Clan.

Zhiyue was dead, and the old woman slowly looked at the group of stone nobles.

These nobles trembled and knelt down immediately.

"Zhiyue is at fault, and you are no better." The old woman said expressionlessly: "You disobeyed her rule and went around inciting unrest in the Stone Clan. Zhiyue is half responsible for the decline of the Stone Clan over the years. You are also half responsible."

"This time, you asked so many envoys to help, and you sold out a lot of the interests of the Stone Clan, right? Why, in order to ascend to the throne, you can easily give up the people of the Stone Clan and the territory of the Stone Clan, right? "

The old woman's voice was calm.

The envoys nearby couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when they heard this, and the nobles were all shaking violently.

Knowing the old woman's style, they didn't even defend themselves. They just whispered: "Please convict your Majesty the Queen."

The old woman sneered: "It is natural that you will be punished. I will account for all the good deeds you have done!"

The old woman slowly picked up the Queen's scepter from Zhiyue's body.

She raised the scepter above her head.

The guards of the imperial city knelt down one after another.

Queen, is back!

After all the nobles were under control, the returning queen walked up to Yun Jin with the support of Yu Songnian: "Sect Master Yun, this time, it's really thanks to you."

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