Mao Xiong, the Great Emperor’s Mansion,

After confirming with many high-ranking officials that Eagle Sauce is unlikely to start a full-scale war, Puro feels that he also needs to be bold.

And, to be honest, a full-scale war, they don’t seem to be in vain.

Military at sea, military on land, hairy bear is indeed just outside the eagle sauce.

They will even be hanged.

But nuclear weapons are fair.

One shot, one for me

Let’s finish together.

The current hairy bear, it will be finished, anyway, the economy cannot even beat the kimchi country, and the people’s living standards have been declining.

But your eagle sauce is different.

First in every way.

Really sacrificed nuclear weapons… I don’t dare to say anything else, but it’s still okay to drag you Eagle Sauce into the water.

In the words of Daxia: ‘Those who are barefoot are not afraid to wear shoes.’ ’

That’s what it said.

However, considering that now hairy bears are steadily rising under the leadership of Pro.

Or can there be no nuclear war without nuclear war.

After all, give Prolo some time and it is only a matter of time before the hairy bear he leads surpasses Eagle Sauce.

Eagle Sauce’s three aircraft carrier battle groups are slowly advancing.

The whole world is focused on this.

They were expecting the hairy bear’s reaction.

But to his amazement, the hairy bear didn’t seem to see it.

It’s still the same as ever.

However, some powerful countries have noticed the movement within the hairy bear.

“What’s going on with the hairy bear, how did you start to mobilize fighters, and some advanced equipment.”

“My goodness, they won’t be hardened by their broken copper and iron and eagle sauce aircraft carriers.”

“Eh…. To be honest, if it’s a hairy bear, it’s possible. ”

“Take the head gang, the original Gulf War has said it all, in this era of global information warfare, the aircraft carrier battle group is the ceiling, you have not detected the enemy, you are already in the enemy’s strike range.”

“However, the hairy bear is really miserable, and he was forced to this point.”

In the continuous discussion, the high-level of Daxia couldn’t see it.

They want to help,

But not helpful.

Between countries, there are only interests.

Even if they don’t want to see the bear fall, they can’t make a move.

Let’s not say that the opponent is Eagle Sauce.

Their consistent proposition in Daxia alone did not allow them to make a move.

If they make a move, they will undermine their principles of absolute peace and neutrality.

This is not allowed in Daxia.

And at the same time, the Western Alliance, as well as some countries, were also watching the hairy bear joke.

They are waiting for the hairy bear to soften.

Wait for the hairy bear to soften towards the eagle sauce.

To put it vulgarly, as long as the hairy bear calls Eagle Sauce ‘Daddy’, nothing will happen.

Even Eagle Sauce will happily support the hairy bear and be the second oldest in the world.

But the problem is that no one who serves Mao Xiong will serve eagle sauce.

These two are already feuds.

I can’t wait to kill each other.

However, at this moment, when many countries were focusing on the Maoxiong reaction, no one knew that the Maoxiong Emperor’s Mansion had issued a series of orders.

“Notify the Flying Legion and launch an attack on the major cities of Awu.”

“Immediately order the five major fleets to dispatch and attack the port of Awu.”

“Space-based artillery, in place at any time, target the capital of Awu.”

“Also, let the Land Legion, advance in an all-round way, and coerce Awu.”

“I want you to occupy half of the territory of Awu overnight.”

Pu Luo’s voice is extremely cold, and it is impossible for anyone to question it.

Such a pro was not seen by Commander Robert, as well as the Minister of Defense.

However, for the emperor’s orders, they did not dare not listen.

“Yes, Emperor.”

In the response in unison, one order after another came from the Great Emperor’s Mansion, which made the national machine of Mao Xiong completely operate.

Tonight, the moon is dim.

But a smell of slaughter pervades the sky and the earth.

The Flying Corps, during this time, expanded wildly.

The number of people has reached 3,000.

Divided into three teams.

Unlike the slow advance of tank corps, and different from the fanfare of other corps.

They travel through the night, like small warplanes, sensitive and fast.

At the last moment, it was still in Awu’s promise.

The next moment, he had already arrived at the city of Awu.

Fast, is the label of the pilot.

You know, modern warfare is blitzkrieg.

Highlight a ‘surprise’.


The advantages of the flying force are all highlighted.

And just after the Flying Legion received the order of Emperor Puluo, their 3,000 people had rushed to the city of Awu at great speed.

This city is the inner city of Avu.

It has not yet experienced the baptism of war.

People lived in peace, and the aristocracy remained extravagant.

They never thought that this city would be at war.

However, it is also….

Before the castle, there were seven more cities, which guarded the castle like a wall.

These seven cities have not yet been conquered.

Tattoo City, how could something happen.

As for the fighters and bombers, if they arrived, Awu would have been warned earlier.

But all this was broken tonight.

A brand new class of troops, coming at great speed.

They took military vehicles, through the mountains … In front of the mountain where the vehicle could not travel, they got out of the car one by one, their eyes cold.



In unison, countless metallic wings unfolded, setting off a violent storm.

And in the next moment, hundreds of figures broke through the clouds and rushed towards the city of Awu.

And here it is worth mentioning that the Flying Corps is constantly improving.

For example, Prolo purchased a ‘shielding device’ in the system mall.

The Flying Legion, with three figures, carries a shielding device and can shield all inductions.

In this way, they are as if they were invisible.

Discover, that’s impossible.

And by the time Tattoo City found out, it was too late.

Like now….

“By the order of the Great Emperor, annihilate all enemies.”

The commander of the Flying Legion said coldly.

Immediately, the whole person swooped and went straight to the brightly lit city.

Immediately after,


A sudden roar exploded in a corner of the city.

But without waiting for the reaction of the city, thousands of roars swept the entire city in an instant.

Too late to react.

There is no time to dodge,

The entire city was drowned in artillery fire in an instant.

As for the so-called civilians, innocent people ….

Sorry, unlike the benevolence of the previous emperor, Puluo the Great has already made it clear: “There is no innocence in war, only life and death.” ”

Vaguely, they still remember that many Afghan and Ukrainian soldiers disguised themselves as civilians and attacked their Maoxiong army.

I also remember the resentful gaze of many people….

Everyone in the Flying Legion suppressed the last trace of pity in their hearts.

“Annihilate all enemies.”

A neat and loud sound came from the earphones, and countless pilots spread their wings and shuttled over the city… One grenade after another fell, like raindrops, flooding half of the city.

However, these flying legions still have a bottom line.

At least, the places they focus on are military bases or military factories.

Although, it will also harm the innocent.

But war… Some things are inevitable after all.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 21 to February 5)

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