And just when the flying legion launched a fierce attack on the city of Awu, the five major fleets of Mao Xiong were not idle.

Be the first to move.

Especially the Black Ocean Fleet.

This fleet, which was focused on by Puluo, was like beating chicken blood, and it actually poured out.

Not even the remaining warships were arranged.

Rush, brothers, kill them.

“His grandmother’s bear, after holding back for so long, is finally about to attack.”

“Great Emperor, it’s still ruthless, I can’t believe it when I receive orders.”

“Ying-chan is still threatening us with the aircraft carrier battle group, and the Great Emperor directly launched a general attack on Awu.”

“Hahaha, hit Awu’s face.”

In the midst of the continuous shouting, as many as sixty warships of the Black Ocean Fleet, rushed towards the port of Au at great speed.

However, what is stunned is that the three warships in front of the Black Ocean Fleet are like open-hanging.

Not only is it much faster than other warships.

Moreover, under the hazy moonlight, they were all glowing with an uncertain glow.

From afar, it looks like a ghost in the sea.

Strange and extraordinary.

These are three warships that Prolo himself modified.

Puro even gave them a new name.

The names are: ‘Dajiao’, ‘Erjiao’, ‘Sanjiao’.

This pinned Pro’s expectations.

I hope they dance like dragons in the sea.

“Is this battleship so fast?”

It’s just that, at this moment, feeling the full speed of the battleship, Vice Admiral Alex was a little confused.

As the owner of the battleship, he was familiar with his own battleship.

But now, he was confused.

The battleship under him was as fast as an open hanging, and the speed was somewhat incredible.

“Lord Vice Admiral, the battleship is not moving at full speed yet.”

Listening to the report of his subordinates, Lieutenant General Alex was even more stunned.

Before he was going at full speed, he was far ahead of the full speed of his battleship.

What the heck?

And at this moment, another subordinate got up and reported:

“Report Vice Admiral Alex, this battleship seems to be equipped with a jet device, which can spray and greatly increase the speed.”

“Also, you can open the energy shield, which can withstand most damage.”

Hearing these reports, Lieutenant General Alex raised his eyebrows slightly.

For these, he knows.

Before he left, Emperor Puluo explained to them.

However, Lieutenant General Alex was joking.

These two devices, Mo said that ordinary battleships, even aircraft carrier battle groups do not have.

So, it can’t be.

No way.

General Olo is definitely bragging.

However, with an itch in his heart, Lieutenant General Alex couldn’t help but rub his hands and said excitedly:

“Would you like us to try the jet?”

“Yes, Lieutenant General Alex.”

In response, the subordinates also started as soon as possible.

Start following the instructions left by Pro, ready to spray.

Time passed slowly, and three minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

And at this moment, the battleship under Vice Admiral Al’s feet shook violently.

“Click, click…”

With one crisp sound after another, the battleship finally opened one hatch after another, revealing a deep pipe like a cannon port.


In the midst of the sudden roar, countless rays of light converged at the cannon port.

The light was brilliant and dazzling, which made Vice Admiral Alex and many navies stunned.


Looking at this light, Lieutenant General Alex was stunned.

This should not be true.

Holding the guardrail on the deck, Lieutenant General Alex couldn’t help but widen his eyes.

An incredulous look appeared on his face.

Just don’t wait for Lieutenant General Alex to say more


With a loud bang, the muzzle behind the battleship ejected an extremely brilliant light.

Along with this, the entire body of the battleship was shocked.

With a ‘boom’, the already extremely fast battleship flew out like an off-string arrow.



At this moment, Vice Admiral Alex and many navies have experienced a “fast and furious” fiercely.

At this moment, though.

“My God.”

With a strange scream, a figure that didn’t seem to grasp the handrail firmly flew out of the air.

That was Lieutenant General Alex.

Until now, his head was confused.

What the heck?

Is he watching science fiction?

No, this should be experiencing science fiction.

Vice Admiral Alek, who was falling towards the sea, had already seen his battleship disappear at the end of his eyes like an off-string arrow.

But he wasn’t the only one flying out.

Many navies on the deck flew out.

The sudden increase in the speed of the battleship threw them all away.

Only, thankfully, it’s the sea.

Do they often dive on deck?

So falling into the sea, there is nothing.


Soon after, Vice Admiral Alex and many navies were salvaged by the fleet.

Although extremely embarrassing, he was wet all over.

But the smile on Allie’s face was almost materialized.

He didn’t change his clothes, and he was already shouting loudly.

“Rush, brothers, crush them.”

In the excited voice, there is unprecedented joy and joy.

This is the battleship that Promagnitude gave him to modify.

Really cool horses.

With such a battleship, who else cannot dry up.

Now Vice Admiral Alex wants to fight with Eagle Sauce’s aircraft carrier battle group.

However, at this time, Lieutenant General Alex thought of a thousand instructions and ten thousand instructions before the Great Emperor Puluo left.

“The main gun of the battleship cannot be easily activated, if necessary, you need to ask him and enter the password.”

Thinking about this, Lieutenant General Alex couldn’t help but gasp.

Combined with this jet device, as well as the energy shield, the corners of Alex’s eyes twitched unstoppably.

This device is so raw that it can be activated at will.

But the main gun, however, needs to be instructed.

What does this mean?

Lieutenant General Alex was a little afraid to think.

“My obedience, the emperor will not install a nuclear bomb on my main gun.”

When his heart shook, Lieutenant General Alex couldn’t help but get nervous.

If only it were so fierce.

The enemy is going to be destroyed, but their fleet is estimated to be finished.

The night was getting deeper.

The Black Ocean Fleet is already a port near Avu.

There, already fully armed and on alert.

There are one warship after another, circling the port, as if guarding.

Seeing this, Lieutenant General Alex did not hesitate.


With a loud shout, countless warships were already thousands of miles away, firing guns.

There are torpedoes one after another, shuttling through the bottom of the sea.

It’s just that compared to these ordinary warships, the three warships modified by Puluo are really fierce.

Bionic weapon – shark missile: Like a shark, the bionic shell can travel freely on the bottom of the sea, it is difficult to be monitored, and it can track the enemy at an ultra-long distance.

Three warships, the moment the bottom hatch opened, ten shark-like existences rushed out quickly.

There was a deep red glow under the eyes.

“Targeting, tracking…”

Icy tones sounded in the minds of these creatures.

Immediately, they swung their postures and rushed towards the distant battleship at great speed.

“Boom, boom…”

The sudden roar woke up countless people.

Even Lieutenant General Alex was stunned.

Torpedoes are fast enough.

But those bionic sharks are even more terrifying.

Unexpectedly, in just half a minute, he was already close to those fleets, and he began to expose himself.

The terrifying fire brought up smoke in the sky.

Everything is submerged in the sea.

In just a few moments, the enemy’s three warships were all silent.

“Eh…. Are bionic sharks so fierce? ”

Lieutenant General Alex is a little skeptical of life.

He has been at war for so many years and has never fought such a rich war.

Never before has such a simple battle been fought.

This is just a face….

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