When Whitebeard pays off the points, he can earn [-] points.

  Exchange [-] points for [-] points, and also for a leek that he would willingly let him cut in the future, it is definitely earned by blood!

  In the world of One Piece, Whitebeard received the fairy beans that Zhou Xin gave him.

  Looking at the green beans in his hand, Whitebeard's face was full of excitement.

  Although this bean is small, it can restore all the dark wounds on his body!

  Whitebeard ate the fairy beans without hesitation, and soon he felt a warmth spread through his body.

  With this warm current flowing, he suddenly felt relieved!

  He had accumulated a lot of dark wounds in his body, which not only made his body unable to resist the disease, but also always gave him a very depressed feeling.

  But with the help of Xiandou, all the dark wounds in the body disappeared, and he felt that the vitality that he had lost a little bit was coming back! .

Chapter 27

  With the effect of Xiandou fully exerted, Whitebeard only felt that his state had returned to its peak!

  All the dark wounds in his body disappeared, and even the scars on his body disappeared!

  Whitebeard checked his physical condition.

  After all his dark wounds disappeared, his bodily functions that had been suppressed by the dark wounds began to wake up.

  His body's self-healing function also came into play.

  At his level, his physical quality is far superior to ordinary people, and his self-healing ability is naturally stronger than ordinary people.

  Although it is not as good as his phoenix Marco, it is more than enough to cure his disease.

  Of course, it can't be cured so quickly.

  But Whitebeard already felt much better. Compared with the need to rely on drips before, he no longer needs these things now.

  And as his bodily functions awake, his disease will be cured very quickly!

  At that time, there will be no hidden injuries and no diseases. Although his physical condition may not be comparable to the peak of his youth, he can definitely recover about [-]% to [-]%.

  At that time, even if he didn't get the magical and powerful things in the chat group, he would be enough to protect his children from the threats of the other four emperors and the navy.

  Even his lifespan will be extended a lot!

  What's more, when he accumulates enough points, or one day his luck breaks out and draws something good, his strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds!

  Even if he just doubled his strength, he would have the confidence to compete against the other three and four emperors alone!

  Because Whitebeard's dark injury recovered and the disease began to heal, he exuded a powerful aura.

  Marco and the others felt this momentum, and thought that something was wrong with Whitebeard, and ran into Whitebeard's room quickly.

  As a result, they saw that Whitebeard's whole person had undergone great changes.

  It's not that his appearance has changed, but that since Whitebeard became ill, his whole person gives people a sickly feeling and lacks domineering.

  But now, Marco and the others discovered that the strongest man in the world seemed to be back!

  "Dad, you..."

  Marco wanted to ask what happened to Whitebeard and how it had changed so much.

  "It's okay, it's just that I got the help of a god, and I'm no longer troubled by the disease."

  Whitebeard waved his hand and said very casually.

  It's just that his words fell in the ears of Marco and they were a little surprised.

  Dad met a god?But Dad stayed in the room recently, and they didn't see anyone visiting Dad.

  Moreover, what kind of existence is a person who can call his father a god!

  But seeing what Dad looked like now, they had to believe that what Dad said was true.

  Thinking of the maid outfit that Dad was wearing yesterday, they couldn't help but have a terrifying brain hole.

  Shouldn't it be, Dad is wearing a maid costume because he wants that god-man to help!

  The thought of Whitebeard wearing a maid costume made Marco and the others shudder, and the goose bumps on their bodies were about to fall off.

  The pictures are so beautiful, they are unimaginable!

  Seeing the expressions of Marco and the others, although Whitebeard didn't know what they were thinking, he also knew that they must be thinking something bad.

  "Go, go, go, one by one, it really will make up your mind."

  Whitebeard waved his hand, kicked Marco and the others out, and then reopened the chat group.

  Whitebeard: "@周新, thank the group owner! After eating the fairy beans, all the injuries on my body have recovered!"

  Whitebeard: "My disease has also begun to recover under my body's self-healing ability. I feel very good now! In this way, I can better protect my children."

  Zhou Xin: "It's okay, it's just a little effort. By the way, since you talked about your children, has Ace joined your Whitebeard Pirates now?"

  Zhou Xin remembered that after Ace joined the Whitebeard Pirates, he was caught by the Navy because of Blackbeard Titch, and then one of the most famous wars in the pirate world broke out, the top war!

  If Ace has joined the Whitebeard Pirates, then let Whitebeard be careful.

  But then again, Whitebeard is back in shape now, and if he goes to war again, the ending may be different.

  Whitebeard: "@周新, the group owner, Ace has now joined my pirate group and has become a team leader under my command."

  Whitebeard: "Is there something wrong with Ace?"

  Whitebeard didn't ask Zhou Xin how he knew about Ace.

  The group owner is omniscient and omnipotent. Does it know that Ace is not a normal thing?

  What he was curious about was why the group owner suddenly mentioned Ace, and what was Ace worth the group owner's attention?

  Zhou Xin: "There is nothing wrong with Ace, but one of his guys has a problem, and then Ace also has a problem.".

Chapter 28

  Zhou Xin's words are very esoteric. If you don't know the plot, you won't understand what he's talking about.

  White Beard: "@周新, the group owner, could you please make it a little simpler, my brain is a little stupid, and I can't understand your words."

  Zhou Xin: "Then wait a minute, I'll give it a try."

  try it?What do you want to try?

  Zhou Xin's words not only made Whitebeard very at a loss, but so did the others.

  Then, they saw that Zhou Xin uploaded something.

  "Group owner Zhou Xin successfully uploaded the copy of One Piece and got [-] points!"

  In Dragon Ball World, Zhou Xin's eyes flashed with surprise when he saw the group news in the group.

  Originally, he wanted to explain to Whitebeard about the war on the top, but he couldn't explain a few sentences about this kind of thing.

  Then he thought that among those chat group novels, it seems that the group owner can upload copies of those group members.

  That's why he said to give it a try, just want to try it, can he upload it.

  Originally, he had no hope, after all, he had never seen One Piece.

  It turns out that it is really possible, and there are still points for uploading!

  Five hundred points is actually not too much, especially under the crit, Zhou Xin got [-] points all at once.

  And his points have also reached more than [-], and he can break through with just over [-] points!

  The key is that he only uploaded one world copy, and the world copies of the other three group members have not been uploaded yet.

  In other words, he can still get at least [-] points!

  Of course, he will not upload other world copies now, and he will upload them when others ask.

  Zhou Xin uploaded a copy of the entire One Piece, so the plot is very long.

  But fortunately, the chat group may have taken care of the group members, so the copy is also divided into episodes in the form of anime, and each episode is marked with a title, which is very considerate.

  Zhou Xin: "This is the reflection of your world. You can see what happened in your world in the past and what will happen in the future."

  Zhou Xin: "If you are interested, you can take a look at your ending first. As a friendly reminder, your ending is quite tragic."

  Later, Zhou Xin told Whitebeard about the episodes of the war on the top.

  Because of the title, Whitebeard found it very quickly.

  Not only Whitebeard, but others were also very curious and began to watch.

  After all, this is Whitebeard's ending, and listening to the group leader's words, Whitebeard's ending is a bit tragic.

  In fact, they have already guessed what the ending of Whitebeard is, but they are still curious about how tragic it is.

  Because there was nothing to do, Zhou Xin also began to look at the top of the war.

  He had never seen this very popular plot in the world he used to live in, he just knew that One Piece had such a plot.

  So it's good to have some tuition now.

  After a period of time, everyone watched the plot of the top war, except for Zhou Xin, everyone else was sighing.

  Unexpectedly, Whitebeard would be so miserable. One of his sons was arrested. In order to save him, Whitebeard gathered the strength of the entire Whitebeard Pirates. As a result, he was stabbed in the back by another son, and finally died in on top of the war.

  Tony: "@Whitebeard, Dad Whitebeard, your ending is really a bit tragic! Betrayed by your own son, you still died in the top war."

  Hattori Heiji: "Yeah, in order to save Ace, you did not hesitate to go to war with the navy, and the entire Whitebeard Pirates fell apart, but Ace was still not saved."

  Iori Taichi: "Grandpa Whitebeard, you are so pitiful!"

  Tony: "But Daddy Whitebeard really loves his son. In order to save Ace, he didn't hesitate to go to war with the navy."

  Tony: "And except for a few guys, other sons really think about Ace. They can give their lives to save Ace!"

  Hattori Heiji: "It's just that, in order to save Ace, the entire Whitebeard Pirates were buried. Isn't this a bit unfair to the other sons?"

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