Hattori Heiji: "Although Father Whitebeard's approach is indeed very touching, but from the perspective of a bystander, it is also a bit problematic."

  Indeed, this issue of Hattori Heiji was also an issue that many people discussed after the top war came out.

  In order to rescue Ace, Whitebeard brought his Whitebeard Pirates to fight against the navy, which is really touching, and it can be seen that Whitebeard really has nothing to say about his son.

  However, for the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates, it's a bit of a problem.

  Some people think that in order to save Ace, ruining the entire Whitebeard Pirates is actually a bit unworthy.

  Of course, these people actually look at things from the perspective of God.

  From Whitebeard's point of view, he didn't know what was going to happen, and he didn't know that he would be stabbed in the back by his son.

  (Ladies and gentlemen of readers, please cast some flowers and comment votes!).

Chapter 29

  Tony: "Actually, I don't think it's to blame on the white-bearded dad, after all, he doesn't know what's going to happen."

  Tony: "And, if he hadn't been stabbed in the back by one of his sons, maybe he could have rescued Ace."

  Hattori Heiji: "That's true. If it wasn't for being stabbed, Father Whitebeard wouldn't have been injured earlier."

  Hattori Heiji: "If he hadn't been injured in advance, the battle would have been much easier, and maybe he wouldn't have been seriously injured by that Admiral Akainu."

  Tony: "But then again, what happened to the black beard that appeared after that? Listening to him, it seems that he was also the subordinate of the white-bearded father before?"

  Tony: "@Whitebeard, Dad Whitebeard, you have too many traitors, and your management isn't very good."

  Because Tony and the others started watching directly from the top war, they didn't know what happened before.

  Even they don't know how Ace was caught by the navy.

  Even Whitebeard looked at a loss, he couldn't figure out why there were so many children under his command!

  In fact, when he saw that he was backstabbed in the picture, he was already a little dazed.

  However, he also explained the reason later, because the pirate group that Scuard, who backstabbed him, was in was destroyed by Roger.

  And Ace is Roger's son, and Whitebeard didn't say this, so he always regarded his enemy's son as his family.

  That's why Skuard backstabbed Whitebeard under the navy's strategy.

  The white beard was clear, but he didn't understand why Titch would betray him.

  He remembered this man, one of Ace's men.

  Since he betrayed the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace was caught by the navy, and he must have something to do with this person.

  When he knew these things, Whitebeard's face was very ugly.

  He always thought that although his pirate group could not be regarded as the most powerful pirate group, it was definitely the most united pirate group.

  The crew members have a good relationship with each other.

  As a result, I didn't expect that there would actually be two twenty-five boys!

  Although these things haven't happened to him yet, he knows that the thing called a copy uploaded by the group owner will never be so simple.

  It is very likely that what happened in this copy indicates what will happen in the future!

  In other words, what happened to him in the copy will also happen to him in reality!

  White Beard: "@周新, thank the group owner for uploading this copy! Let me know a lot of things!"

  Whitebeard's gratitude to Zhou Xin has already exploded. Zhou Xin not only sold him fairy beans at half price, but also uploaded a copy of what would happen to him in the chat group.

  It can be said that Zhou Xin's great kindness to him, he really can't pay it back in his life!

  Zhou Xin: "@Whitebeard, if you want to know the ins and outs of things, you can read all the dungeons before the war."

  Zhou Xin: "If you think the copy is too long and it seems to take a lot of time, you can also spend some points to transfer the copy directly to your mind."

  Points are omnipotent in the chat group. You only need to spend a few points to quickly read the dungeon.

  This is what Zhou Xin discovered just now.

  And the points required are not too many, just like the ordinary lottery, only one hundred points is needed.

  Of course, for the current Whitebeard, [-] points is already a huge sum of money.

  Especially since he still owes Zhou Xin more than [-] points.

  Whitebeard: "Unfortunately, I don't have enough points now, but it's fine. Anyway, I have nothing to do. During this time, I will take a good look at this copy. I want to know why this happened!"

  Zhou Xin: "You don't need to watch some of the previous plots, you only need to watch the plots before dozens of episodes of the top war."

  Zhou Xin: "Anyway, there is a title. You can choose the plot you want to watch based on the title."

  Whitebeard: "Thank you for the reminder!"

  Afterwards, Whitebeard fell silent in the group and went to see the copy of One Piece.

  The copy of One Piece World also gave the other three some thoughts.

  The copy uploaded by the group owner lets Whitebeard know what will happen to him in the future.

  In this way, he can make some preparations in advance to avoid these things from happening.

  It can be said that the copy uploaded by the group owner directly predicted the future of Whitebeard!

  Likewise, they are very interested in their future, and they want to know what will happen to them in the future!

  Tony: "@周新, the group owner, I wonder if you can upload a copy of my world. I also want to know what will happen to me in the future."

  Finally, Tony couldn't help but ask, he was really interested in his future.

  Will he develop Stark Industries into the world's largest corporation in the future? .

Chapter 30

  Because Tony has lived until now, no supernatural phenomenon has happened, so he still thinks the world he lives in is an ordinary world.

  Zhou Xin: "Of course this is possible. It is also a good thing for you to know something in advance."

  Zhou Xin: "Especially you, your world is not ordinary."

  After chatting with Tony, Zhou Xin already knew that the world Tony lives in is the Marvel world in the movie.

  Although not as exaggerated as Marvel in the comics, the world in the movie is not ordinary at all.

  In particular, Tony's final ending, like Whitebeard, is a dead word!

  Although Zhou Xin didn't watch much of Iron Man and The Avengers, he at least watched one or two movies.

  Among the superheroes, his favorite is Iron Man.

  So, if he can keep Tony from dying, then he still doesn't want Tony to die.

  Soon, Zhou Xin uploaded all the copies of Iron Man and the Avengers.

  "Group owner Zhou Xin uploads a copy of Iron Man, uploads a copy of the Avengers, and gets a thousand points!"

  Because two copies were uploaded, Zhou Xin got a thousand points this time.

  Under the crit, his points directly exceeded [-], reaching more than [-], and he was only a little short of reaching [-] points!

  This also let Zhou Xin know that the points he gets for uploading a copy are only related to the type of copy, and have nothing to do with the length and the strength of the world.

  A copy of One Piece, which is longer in length than Iron Man and the Avengers combined.

  The world strength of the latter is higher than that of the former. After all, the latter is stronger than the former.

  Even the Marvel world in the movie is already very powerful.

  But their points are the same, they are all five hundred points.

  Tony: "Is my world so complicated? There are so many copies."

  Looking at the copies uploaded by Zhou Xin, Tony couldn't help but be very curious.

  He always thought that his world was an ordinary world, but now it seems that this is not the case.

  Ordinary world, there should not be so many copies.

  Fortunately, Zhou Xin didn't know Tony's inner thoughts, otherwise he would have directly photographed the world copy of Detective Conan.

  The world of Detective Conan is an ordinary world, at least much more ordinary than other worlds.

  But its length is even longer than that of One Piece World!

  Zhou Xin: "I have arranged the viewing order of your world, you can just watch it in order."

  Zhou Xin: "Of course, my suggestion is that you can watch them one by one, and wait until all the plots in one are over before watching the next one."

  Tony: "Okay, I see, thank you for the reminder."

  Later, Tony was no longer in the water, and began to watch about his future.

  Zhou Xin: "@Hatitou Heiji, @八神太一, I know, you two want it too, right? I also sent a copy of your world together."

  After passing by Whitebeard and Tony, Zhou Xin knew that the other two guys definitely wanted to see their copy of the world.

  So he directly uploaded the copies of Detective Conan World and Digimon World together.

  These two copies also brought Zhou Xin an income of [-] points.

  With a crit, he now has nearly [-] points.

  Although he didn't know how far [-] points would allow him to break through, at least breaking through to the initial peak was not a problem at all.

  After Zhou Xin released all the dungeons, the group became quiet, and everyone else began to look at their own world dungeons.

  Although Tony and Taichi have enough points, they can let them know the content of the copy at once.

  But they still felt it was a bit of a waste to spend [-] points on this kind of thing.

  Anyway, they don't have much to do. Why spend [-] points to complete things that can be done in a little time.

  Of course, this is also the reason why they don't have many points. If they have a lot of points, they will definitely not mind spending points directly to solve things.

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