Chapter 99

  In short, those who dare to face the challenges of the Naval Headquarters will end up in the end and be caught by the Naval Headquarters!

  If the naval headquarters were so easy to attack, they would have already been breached by the pirates.

  Of course, Kaido and Golden Lion went to challenge the Admiralty alone, and did not bring their own pirate group.

  However, even with a pirate group, the results are similar.

  It's nothing more than a little more damage to the Navy Headquarters.

  "Is there something wrong with my brain? I dare to attack the Naval Headquarters, naturally I have the confidence."

  "By the way, I will only go to the Admiralty Headquarters this time, and I will not take you with me. What you have to do is to spread the news so that the Admiralty Headquarters can be prepared!"

  Knowing what happened in the dungeon, Whitebeard naturally wouldn't go with his pirate group.

  Although the attack on the naval headquarters this time was not to save Ace, if he took the pirates with him, there would definitely be casualties.

  With his current strength, he still cannot protect so many people without casualties.

  However, with his current strength, he can go to the Naval Headquarters alone and take the Pirates with him. It's a bit harsh to say, and it will only drag him down.

  "Dad, are you really not kidding? Are you really going to go to the Admiralty alone like Kaido and the Golden Lion did?"

  "Kaido can escape because of his special characteristics, his ability to die even if he wants to die!"

  "Dad, don't blame me for saying it badly. If you go alone, you will only be caught like a golden lion in the end!"

  Hearing Whitebeard's words, Marco and the others were even more unhappy.

  Even if Dad is going to attack the Navy Headquarters, he still has to go alone!

  How did Dad learn from Kaido and the Golden Lion!

  Although Marco and the others have been stopping him, Whitebeard is not angry, but rather moved.

  Although they spoke a little more bluntly, it was also because they were worried about him, worried that he would be caught by the Admiralty!

  He can also understand, after all, Marco and the others don't know their current strength, so they don't think they can attack the Naval Headquarters alone.

  There is no pirate in this world who can farm the Naval Headquarters alone, not even with a pirate group.

  But that was in the past, and now he is no longer the Whitebeard he used to be. With his current strength, there should be no problem with the Admiralty Headquarters alone, and even with the other three Four Emperors!

  The cultivation method of Qi martial arts is really too powerful. Although it took only a month to cultivate, it is even better than the effect of his cultivation of the shock fruit ability and the three-color domineering for decades!

  Although his current strength is nothing in the world of the group leader, in his world, he is already invincible!

  "Anyway, I've made up my mind, so you don't have to persuade me ¨ˇ."

  "What you have to do now is to spread the news and let the Admiralty know that this is true, so that they can be prepared. It is best to call all the strong naval powers over."

  "Dad, since you've made up your mind, we won't say anything, but I have one condition."

  Marko looked at Whitebeard and said very seriously.

  "We're going to attack the Navy Headquarters this time, Dad, we're going too! I hope you can bring the entire pirate group with you!"

  The others nodded when they heard Marko's words, and all agreed with Marko's words.

  Although the attack on the Admiralty was crazy, they didn't know why Whitebeard did it.

  But they are the sons of the father, since the father is going to do such a crazy thing, then they will definitely accompany them!

  Looking at the determined eyes of his sons, Whitebeard knew that if he did not agree, they would not pass the message.

  Moreover, they are expected to squat outside his room all day to prevent him from moving alone!

  "Okay, I can go with you at that time, and now you can go and spread the news."

  Whitebeard shook his head and said helplessly.

  He has already thought about it. When the time comes, he will let the pirates wait farther away from the naval headquarters.

  In this case, when he fights with the Naval Headquarters, it will not affect the Pirates.

  Or, when the time comes, he will just leave the pirate group without taking them with him.

  Anyway, he can dance the sky now, no one can stop him if he wants to go.

  And here is still a long way from the naval headquarters, he can rely on the dance of the sky to get there quickly, but his pirate group can't.

  Even if his pirate group knew that he was going to the Naval Headquarters alone, they would head towards the Naval Headquarters.

  It is estimated that when they were still halfway, he had already cleared the points.

  Although he may deceive his children by doing so, he can only do so in order not to put them in danger.

  Marco and the others don't know what Whitebeard is thinking, they only know that when the time comes, Whitebeard will take them with them!

  Since Dad is going crazy, then they will accompany Dad to go crazy!

  Afterwards, they left Whitebeard's room and began to pass the message.

  Soon, a shocking news came out that Whitebeard was about to attack the Navy Headquarters!

  When this news came out, everyone thought it was fake. Although Whitebeard was one of the Four Emperors, how could he do such a crazy thing!

  But as the authenticity of this news was confirmed, the whole sea boiled!

  The people who spread this news were the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, and it was impossible for them to pass false news.

  "... Whitebeard is crazy! He actually wants to attack the Naval Headquarters!"

  "It doesn't matter if a crew member was publicly executed before. After all, it was the fault of the crew member (Wang's), but this time, what kind of stimulation did Whitebeard get when he thought about attacking the Navy Headquarters!"

  "Could it be that the Navy Headquarters caught some important person of the Whitebeard Pirates? But I haven't received any news."

  "I think Whitebeard must be crazy, otherwise he couldn't have done such a crazy thing!"

  "But I'm curious, when is he going to attack the Admiralty? If this is true, then I can watch the battle!"

  Then, another news came out that in five days, the Whitebeard Pirates would attack the Navy Headquarters!

  Even the Whitebeard Pirates are already heading towards the Navy Headquarters!

  This time, no one doubted that the Whitebeard Pirates were so mighty, if they didn't attack the Naval Headquarters, it would be a joke!

  Whitebeard is crazy!

  This is the idea of ​​countless forces. .

Chapter 100

  Naval Headquarters, Sengoku also received news that Whitebeard was going to attack the Naval Headquarters.

  He hurriedly came to Karp's office and asked the other party to discuss what to do about this matter.

  "Kapp, why do you think Whitebeard did this? We don't seem to have messed with him at the Admiralty."

  "You ask me how I know, I'm not Whitebeard. But if this is true, what we should do now is how to deal with Whitebeard."

  Garp said while eating senbei.

  However, there was also a dignified look in his eyes. Whitebeard was going to attack the Navy Headquarters. No matter who it was, he would think a lot about it.

  Why did Whitebeard do this?Is it just his Whitebeard Pirates to attack?Have you joined forces with other forces?

  These issues need to be considered. If one is not careful, it may be a huge blow to the Navy Headquarters.

  "What else can we do, whether this is true or not, we all need to start preparing."

  "Since Whitebeard is so crazy this time, we can't lose the prestige of the Navy!"

  "Whitebeard brought his pirate group here this time. Even if he can't catch Whitebeard, at least give him a heavy blow!"

  "But there is one thing that I find very strange. Why does Whitebeard come to attack the Admiralty in five days, and why does he tell us such a specific time?"

  This is also a very strange place in the Warring States period. To attack the Naval Headquarters, shouldn't it be possible to expose the time and try to catch them by surprise?

  Why is Whitebeard swaggering, not only telling the entire sea, but even the specific time.

  When he did this, he was a little too disrespectful to their naval headquarters!

  This time is different from the war on the top in the original book. The war on the top has a specific execution time for Ace, so the Whitebeard Pirates must come on that day.

  Simply put, it is a matter of active and passive.

  In the original book, the Navy Headquarters took the initiative, but this time, Whitebeard took the initiative.

  "Don't think about these things if you can't figure it out. If you can completely figure out what Whitebeard thinks, then you are Whitebeard."

  "Five days is not enough time, but it is not so urgent, but you can prepare well."

  Sengoku touched his chin, already thinking of how to defend against Whitebeard's attack this time.

  Whitebeard didn't know what the Warring States were thinking. At this time, he was chatting happily, and he didn't take the matter of attacking the Naval Headquarters to heart at all.

  Whitebeard: "I have already sent the order. I will attack the Admiralty in five days. Now it is estimated that the entire sea, including the guys in the Admiralty, knows."

  Whitebeard: "Seriously, although I didn't have any idea of ​​declaring war on the world before, but this time to declare war on the Naval Headquarters, it feels quite refreshing!"

  Tony: "@Whitebeard, Dad Whitebeard, I don't think you didn't have this idea before, but you were not strong enough at that time, so you couldn't have this idea."

  Tony: "Now your strength should be invincible in your world, so you have this idea again. In a word, strength is the foundation of everything. Only with strength can you have confidence!"

  Hattori Heiji: "But five days will be a bit too long, Daddy Whitebeard, with your current strength, even if you add the time to the Admiralty Headquarters, brushing off the points of the entire Admiralty Headquarters shouldn't cost much. time."

  Whitebeard: "@ Hattori Heiji, this time I'm not just for the points of the Admiralty Headquarters. I give them five days, so that they can find all the helpers they can find in these days."

  Whitebeard: "Based on the attitude of the navy towards pirates, I am going to attack the naval headquarters this time. That guy in the Warring States period is not just trying to repel me. Even if he can't catch me, he will definitely let my pirate group. Hit hard!"

  Hattori Heiji: "I understand, in order to make you suffer heavy losses, the Navy Headquarters is not only the strong men of the navy, but also calls those pirates who cooperate with the navy."

  Whitebeard: "That's right, I guess the guys from Qiwuhai should all come. Although the strength of those guys is not very good, they are considered masters in my world. Their points should not be less."

  Whitebeard: "Five days should be enough for the Admiralty to prepare well. I knew that the wine would give them ten days! This way, the time will be more abundant."

  But now that the news has come out, if it is changed at will, the accuracy of the news that he is going to attack the naval headquarters will also decrease.

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