But in five days, it should be enough for the naval headquarters to gather most of the powerhouses.

  It's a pity that the other four emperors did not bird the naval headquarters, otherwise the other three four emperors would be called, and he would not have to bother to find them in the future, and he would solve it this time.

  But in the end, Shanks will come, and he can get a point of the Four Emperors ahead of time.

  Poor Shanks doesn't know yet, he has become Whitebeard's prey!

  Tony: "It seems that everyone's plans are going smoothly, and my side is almost there. I have kicked Obadiah out of the company. He has nothing now."

  Tony: "I believe he must hate me so much now that he wants to kill me!"

  Tony: "I will give him the small ark reactor and the Iron Overlord armor later, and he will definitely be eager to kill me!"

  Hattori Heiji: "That Obadiah is really miserable. He finally got the hope of revenge, but it was given to him by his enemy, and the purpose is just to use him as a tool for scoring points."

  Whitebeard: "But he asked for it all by himself. If he was honest, there would be no such thing."

  Whitebeard: "By the way, so to speak, you have already researched the small ark reactor and those armors?"

  Tony: "It's almost there, but what I've researched now is only the second-generation Iron Man armor. I'll take some time to study the next few generations of armor."

  In the original book, there is no scene where Tony has researched the generation of armor, so he can only research a little by himself, and can't take shortcuts.

  Sculptured world.

  Watching Tony and the others discussing in the group, Guo Jing glanced at the letters on his desk, a firm look flashed in his eyes.

  It's not so much a letter as a letter of invitation.

  It was his invitation to those experts in martial arts.

  There are nine characters on the invitation.

  Invite martial arts heroes to gather in Xiangyang! .

Chapter 101

  This is something Guo Jing has already decided, and invites those masters in the martial arts to come to Xiangyang City.

  The purpose is naturally to brush their points.

  Of course, Guo Jing wasn't so arrogant that he was invincible in the world, so it was impossible for him to fight against so many people by himself.

  However, in a one-on-one situation, he could have played against all the masters.

  He has more than [-] points now, and he will make a deal with the group leader later to get the cultivation method of Qi martial arts.

  He knew very well that, in terms of communication and transportation in this world, apart from being able to compare with Zhang Sanfeng, he couldn't compare with other people, and it would be slow to death.

  Therefore, from the time he distributed the invitations to the arrival of those masters in Xiangyang City, the time required may be ten days and a half months, which is not an exaggeration.

  During this period of time, he can completely enter the martial arts of Qi.

  It doesn't need him to gain so much power, just a little bit, being able to fly freely in the air, is enough for him to be invincible.

  Although those masters will be light, they can only fly in the air temporarily, and they can only fly at low altitude for a while.

  But air dance, it can fly in the air for a long time, and the height of the flight is far more than Qinggong.

  At that time, even if he can't compare to those top masters in other aspects, he will definitely not lose if there is a dance in the sky!

  "Oh, it's a pity that I can't leave Xiangyang City for a long time. Otherwise, I would like to walk around the rivers and lakes and challenge all the masters!"

  This invitation, it is impossible to invite all the masters, he invited all the top masters.

  But in the arena, there are still some masters who can also earn points.

  It's just that the Mongolian army is staring at him outside the city. Once he leaves Xiangyang City for a long time, the Mongolian army will definitely attack!

  It's a pity that his current strength is too weak, otherwise, he really wants to destroy the Mongolian army directly!

  "Brother Jing, what are these letters?"

  At this moment, Huang Rong walked into the room and saw the invitation on the table, she couldn't help but ask in confusion.

  "Rong'er, these are not letters, but invitations. You will send someone to hand over these invitations to these people later. I have written my name on it."

  Guo Jing handed these invitations to Huang Rong and asked her to do this.

  Huang Rong took these invitations in confusion and looked at the names on them.

  good guy!Zhou Botong, Master Yideng, Father-in-law, etc.

  Her father-in-law, Huang Rong, of course knew who it was, that was her father, Dongxie Huang Yaoshi!

  These people invited by Brother Jing are all top figures in today's martial arts!

  What did Brother Jing invite these top experts to do?Is it the hope that they can deal with the Mongolian army together?

  If this is really the case, it is normal. The pressure of the Mongolian army on Brother Jing is too great!

  Huang Rong knew very well how hard it was to guard Xiangyang City.

  The people of the whole city put their hopes on Brother Jing alone, but he is not a god, he is just a mortal!

  Huang Rong couldn't help but remember that when they were young, although they encountered a lot of things, at least they wouldn't be as restrained as they are now.

  It's a time that will never go back!Sometimes, she also thought about finding a place with beautiful mountains and rivers with her brother Jing, and living in seclusion, ignoring the affairs of the rivers, lakes, and the Mongolian army.

  But it is impossible, they are now guarding Xiangyang City.

  Maybe it's a good thing to have someone to help.

  She can't guarantee whether others will come, but at least she can definitely invite her own father.

  "Brother Jing, leave this matter to me, it's not too early, you should rest early."

  Guo Jing nodded, looked at Huang Rong's back, and opened the chat group...

  Iron Man world.

  In a luxurious villa, Tony's research has also come to an end.

  He studied a total of two sets of armor this time, one is the Iron Man armor he wears.

  The other set is to give Obadiah's Iron Overlord armor.

  In the original book, the Iron Man armor was researched by Obadiah after obtaining the first-generation Iron Man armor made by Tony, which was the one that helped Tony escape, and then gathering a group of scientists.

  A group of scientists whose IQ is not as good as Tony's can research the Iron Overlord armor in the original book through the first-generation armor made by Tony with some leftovers.

  Today, the Iron Overlord armor developed by Tony himself is much stronger than the original.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  It can be said that these two sets of armors have reached the peak of Tony's current research!

  Since he wants to brush points, the stronger Obadiah is, the more points he will get.

  Of course, everything is in Tony's grasp.

  He couldn't possibly give Obadiah a suit of armor that he couldn't even handle himself.

  Although Tiebawang's armor is very strong, it is absolutely impossible to be his opponent!

  "Iron Overlord armor and Iron Man armor are things that are not available in the group mall. I have exchanged the previous two sets for points. If I want to exchange these two sets, I can only get half of the points."

  Tony looked at the two suits of armor in front of him and was thinking.

...... 0

  The two sets of armor in front of him were not the first time he had researched them.

  The two sets of armor he researched for the first time have been converted into points by him.

  Because it wasn't in the mall yet, he got full points.

  The two sets in front of him were recreated by him.

  Because of the previous experience, it was much more convenient to create these two sets of armor.

  However, some items in the mall can only be exchanged for half of the points if they are exchanged.

  And the same thing can only be exchanged once!

  Otherwise, Tony wants to get rich by exchanging armor.

  It's a bit expensive to make a set of armor, but it's nothing to him at all.

  What's more, money is not as important as points. All his belongings can be converted into points, not even a hundred points!

  "Jarvis, let me find out where this guy Obadiah is now."

  Soon, Obadiah's current position appeared in front of Tony's eyes, and even what he was doing was clear.

  Obadiah, who was kicked out of the company, can be described as very miserable. He has lost everything and is penniless, and now he is like a beggar!

  Tony wore a black trench coat, hat and mask, and went to the location of Obadiah.

  Next to the trash can in a corner, Obadiah was rummaging through it.

  Having lost everything, he couldn't even afford a chicken leg.

  In extreme hunger, he could only turn over the trash can.

  "Obadia, do you want revenge?" Kui.

Chapter 102

  Originally, Obadiah turned over the trash can, and hatred flashed in his eyes.

  That's hatred for Tony, it's Tony who made him have nothing!

  At this moment, a voice sounded in his ear.

  "Obadia, do you want revenge!"


  Hearing this sudden sound, Obadiah was startled, and he looked back quickly.

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