Anyway, with his current strength, even if he is not full of firepower, he can fight three and defeat them.


  Pirate world.

  Five days have passed since the Whitebeard Pirates announced that they would attack the Navy Headquarters.

  In other words, this day is the day when the Whitebeard Pirates attacked the Navy Headquarters.

  During these five days, the Naval Headquarters was hurrying to make preparations. This time, the Warring States period not only had to deal with Whitebeard's attack, but also wanted to keep Whitebeard at the Naval Headquarters!

  Therefore, the Naval Headquarters basically called back most of the high-end naval forces and deployed the Naval Headquarters.

  Even the Warring States period called everyone from Qiwuhai.

  It can be said that the strength of the naval headquarters gathered this time has surpassed the forces of the four emperors on any side!

  In the original book, the navy has gathered similar strength. If all these strengths are serious, the Whitebeard Pirates will not be able to last for so long.

  But helpless!There are too many people paddling among these people. Except for Akainu who is fighting seriously, other high-end combat power is basically paddling.

  Although the Admiralty won in the end, it could have been easier to win.

  And this time, there was no execution of Ace, and I don't know how many people paddled.

  Of course, even if these people are all serious about fighting, he is not afraid!

  With his current strength, suppressing the entire sea by himself is not just talking about it!

  In the Whitebeard Pirates, everyone is ready to attack the Navy Headquarters.

  Although they were very puzzled when Whitebeard made this decision before.

  But now it’s really time to act, and they are all excited and excited!

  No one is cowardly, they are all ready, and this time they will accompany the white-bearded father to go crazy.

  It doesn't matter if they sacrifice their lives!

  "Dad, our pirate group is still half a day away from the naval headquarters, we can go now ¨ˇ."

  In Whitebeard's room, Marco and the others were already eager to try.

  They were the ones who stopped Whitebeard before, and now they are eager to try, and they are also the ones who want to do it with the Admiralty.

  A few days ago, the Whitebeard Pirates had arrived at the Naval Headquarters, near Marin Vando.

  In order to be able to arrive at the naval headquarters as soon as possible on the day of the operation.

  Because this area is very close to the naval headquarters, there is basically no pirate force, and the Whitebeard Pirates can easily occupy it.

  Of course, even if there is any pirate force, knowing that the Whitebeard Pirates are coming, it must be as fast as they can escape.

  "...Half a day should be enough."

  Whitebeard muttered in a low voice, without calling Marco they heard him clearly.

  "If that's the case, let's go."

  Following Whitebeard's order, Marco and the others nodded, ready to go down to convey the order.

  However, just when they turned around and wanted to leave the room, they (Wang Zhao) felt a pain in the back of their necks, and then their eyes darkened and they lost consciousness.

  Looking at the sons who fell to the ground, Whitebeard shook his head and sighed.

  "I didn't plan to take you with me in this operation. Just sleep here for a while. When you wake up, the operation is over."

  From the beginning to the end, Whitebeard never thought about taking his pirate team to attack the Navy Headquarters!

  He has always planned to be alone!

  With his current strength, it is impossible to protect everyone, and there will definitely be casualties.

  Since that's the case, there's no need to take them there, since he's enough alone.

  Even if other people reacted and rushed to the naval headquarters, it would take half a day.

  By that time, he had already finished fighting, and they would have no problem coming over.

  "Admiralty, are you ready, I Whitebeard, here I come!".

Chapter 115

  Whitebeard left his room, but he did not leave from the front door, but from the window.

  If you leave from the main entrance, you will definitely meet other people.

  At that time, the movement is too big now, and he can't knock everyone in his pirate group unconscious.

  Fortunately, the window of his room is relatively large, otherwise, with his huge size, he can't get out.

  Outside the window is the sea, but for Whitebeard, who has the air dance technique, it is nothing at all.

  In order not to be discovered by others, Whitebeard did not fly in the air, but dived into the water, intending to dive out for a distance before flying into the air.

  Anyway, he has already converted all his past abilities into points. He is no longer a Devil Fruit ability person, so he doesn't have to be afraid of sea water.

  After sneaking into the water, Whitebeard rushed in the direction of the Admiralty.

  This was the first time he dived into the sea and saw the beautiful scenery under the sea after he became a devil fruit power user.

  I have to say that the scenery in the sea is still very beautiful, if there are no sea king-like creatures making trouble.

  At the speed of Whitebeard, he quickly left his pirate group some distance away.

  Seeing that the situation was almost over, he emerged from the sea and flew in the air.

  In order not to be noticed by others, he deliberately flew to a higher level, where no one would notice him.

  In fact, he could have been diving all the way to the Naval Headquarters.

  But this time, the sea was wet and uncomfortable.

  Second, every time he was out of breath, he had to surface to the surface to take a breath, which was a little too troublesome.

  Although he is very strong now, he is not changing the species, and he cannot stay in the water for too long.

  All of Whitebeard's actions were very quiet, and no one noticed that he had left the Pirates.

  Those who were concerned about the Whitebeard Pirates thought that Whitebeard was still in the Pirates.

  The Marine Headquarters, originally guarded by Marin Fando, gathered a lot of people today.

  Many of them are well-known figures, as for the other miscellaneous soldiers even more.

  "Today is the day when Whitebeard is going to attack the Navy Headquarters, so I'm really a little nervous!"

  "Yeah, I hope I can survive in the end."

  "Don't worry! This time the naval headquarters has summoned so many strong men, not only the strong men of our navy, but even the strong men of the pirates, Qiwuhai."

  "And see if the three chairs are not there, these are the chairs prepared for our three admirals!"

  "With so many powerhouses here, the Whitebeard Pirates will definitely be smashed here this time!"

  Many navies looked at the three positions on the high platform, and these three positions are not suitable for everyone.

  They are for three admirals!

  Admiral, the highest combat power of the Naval Headquarters, and the highest combat power of the entire navy, can be said to be the object of worship in the hearts of all navies, and their idol!

  In the past, there were very few things that made the three admirals act together, so few people saw the three admirals together.

  And this time, in order to deal with the Whitebeard Pirates, the three admirals acted together!

  Many navies are relieved. In their hearts, the three generals of the navy are invincible existences.

  As long as they are there, even Whitebeard, one of the four emperors, will definitely be caught!

  It's just that some navies are very worried, they are worried about whether they can survive!

  They are just ordinary navies. To put it uglier, they are miscellaneous soldiers and cannon fodder.

  It is very likely that the battle of the strong will spread to them, and then they will lose their lives.

  No way, their strength is too weak, and even the aftermath of the battle of the strong cannot resist!

  Even if the Admiralty has summoned so many strong men this time, it is impossible to win the Whitebeard Pirates without any loss.

  Among them, the most tragic casualties must be their ordinary navy.

  But there is no way, who made them weak!

  And they are the navy, even if it's just the most common navy, that's the navy!

  They have now set foot on the battlefield and are about to face the enemy. Now, even if they want to regret it, it is too late!

  Many ordinary navies have already made up their minds, even if they die this time, they must kill a few more pirates!

  Killing one is not a loss, killing two and earning blood!

  There is a serious atmosphere in the entire naval headquarters. The Whitebeard Pirates do not know when they will appear. They must be ready for battle every moment!

  "How about it, what's going on with the Whitebeard Pirates?"

  In the Marshal's office, Sengoku was inquiring about a navy in front of him.

  He had sent people to monitor the Whitebeard Pirates before, and as long as there was any trouble with the Whitebeard Pirates, the news would come over.

  In this way, he can immediately grasp the trend of the Whitebeard Pirates.

  "Not yet, according to the news, the Whitebeard Pirates have not made any movement!"

  "Marshal, you said, the previous announcement of the Whitebeard Pirates is just a cover, in fact, they will not come to attack the Admiralty."

  "It's impossible. Whitebeard wouldn't do such a boring thing. Since he said he was going to attack, he would definitely attack."

  "And what he said is to attack today, as long as today has not passed, then you can't relax your vigilance for a moment!"

  "Continue to have people monitor the Whitebeard Pirates, and report to me immediately if anything happens!"

  Warring States did not let down his guard, he knew that Whitebeard would not be such a boring person.

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