The fact that the Whitebeard Pirates have not acted now does not mean that there will be no more in the future.

  As long as today hasn't passed, don't let your guard down for a moment!

  Of course, if it is true, the Whitebeard Pirates did not come to attack the Naval Headquarters today, and they cannot relax their vigilance.

  Who knows if it will happen tomorrow?

  In short, as long as the Whitebeard Pirates do not leave for a day, they cannot relax their vigilance for a day!

  On the other side, after a period of flight, Whitebeard finally came to Marin Vando.

  At his current speed, it didn't take much time to fly to the Admiralty.

  He stopped in the air and looked at the dense crowd below.

  This time, the Admiralty made a lot of preparations to deal with him.

  However, although there are many people, many of them can't brush points.

  Those ordinary navy, whose strength is too far from him, can't get points from them at all.

  "Then let's start. I think Marco and the others are waking up soon. Finish work early and finish work early."

  Whitebeard muttered to himself, and then dived towards the naval headquarters below. .

Chapter 116

  Because everyone at the Naval Headquarters focuses on the sea, and no one pays attention to what's going on in the sky.

  Therefore, when Whitebeard first flew down, no one noticed it at all.

  They didn't notice until Whitebeard was about to get in front of them, why did someone fly down?

  But now I noticed that it was too late, and Whitebeard came to everyone in a very domineering landing posture.

  Because of the impact of the fall, a deep pit appeared where Whitebeard fell, and the dust was flying. All those who stood on the same ground as Whitebeard felt the ground shaking.

  If a certain Gaia Ultraman who did not want to reveal his name saw this scene, he would stand up excitedly and say two words aloud, full marks!

  Everyone stared blankly at this figure falling from the sky, dumbfounded and stunned.

  "How could it be! How could it be Whitebeard!"

  "I didn't read it wrong just now! Why did I just see that he just fell from the sky~!"

  "Although I haven't seen it, I have been paying attention to the sea. I can guarantee that Whitebeard definitely didn't come from the sea! If you read it correctly, then he probably really fell from the sky."

  "But how is this possible! How did he do it! There are no tools in the air! Could it be that he flew over?"

  "Impossible, except for the golden lion with fluttering fruit, there are only a few people who can fly with the ability of animal fruit, and it is impossible for them to fly for a long time!"

  "Besides, isn't Whitebeard the one who has the ability to shake the fruit? How could he have the ability to fly!"

  "Anyway, Whitebeard has appeared here, and it is estimated that his pirate group is also nearby."

  "Whitebeard, he really came to attack the Admiralty!"

  The arrival of Whitebeard made most of the navy panic, and even Qiwuhai was very surprised.

  They don't even know how Whitebeard appeared here!

  "I have no interest in you ordinary navy, if you can leave now, I will not do anything to you!"

  "But if you want to stop me, don't blame me for being rude!"

  For these ordinary navy, Whitebeard has no interest, and he doesn't even want to deal with them.

  If they could obediently get out of the way and don't stop him, then he wouldn't mind letting them go.

  But if they had to stop him, he wouldn't be polite.

  Although killing these ordinary navy won't get you points, it will at least save him some trouble.

  Whitebeard's words were very domineering. Although he did not exude any coercion, most of the navy still felt it, as if something was blocking his heart.

  In the face of Whitebeard, one of the Four Emperors, the strongest man in the world, even if he has partners and strong men by his side, he can't help but be afraid.

  Whitebeard hasn't shot yet, just this sentence has frightened many navies!

  "Marshal! Marshal! Whitebeard is coming! Here he is!"

  In the Office of the Admiral, a navy rushed in, panting, shouting while running.

  "What! How is this possible! The Whitebeard Pirates hadn't acted just now, why did they come so soon!"

  Sengoku suddenly stood up from his chair, his face full of surprise.

  He also received news not long ago that the Whitebeard Pirates did not act.

  But it's only been a few minutes!How could it come so soon!

  Did he just receive fake news?But this is impossible!

  "It's not the Whitebeard Pirates, there's only one Whitebeard here!"


  Sengoku hurriedly ran out, and while running, he asked the navy to call out all the three admirals and Garp.

  Originally, because the Whitebeard Pirates had not arrived yet, the top combat power of their navy did not go out.

  But now, it's time for them to go out.

  As for what came from Whitebeard alone, Warring States would definitely not believe it.

  Could it be that Whitebeard wants to take on the entire Admiralty alone?He doesn't want to court death like Kaido, nor is he impulsive like the Golden Lion, how could he come to the Admiralty alone!

  His Whitebeard Pirates must be waiting somewhere, waiting for Whitebeard's order to give them a sneak attack!

  This must be Whitebeard's conspiracy!

  Outside the headquarters, the people on the navy side are all ready to fight.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  Although there is only Whitebeard alone, they still do not have any underestimated enemies!

  In the face of existences like Whitebeard, it would be too stupid to underestimate the enemy.

  Moreover, no one thinks that Whitebeard came alone. Their thinking is similar to that of the Warring States Period. They all feel that the Whitebeard Pirates must be on standby somewhere, waiting to attack!

  Old conspiracy!

  "Whitebeard! I didn't expect you to actually come. But since you are here, don't think about leaving this time!"

  Warring States came to the battlefield, saw the white beard alone, and said loudly.

  This time, he summoned a very powerful force in order to keep the entire Whitebeard Pirates behind.

...... 0

  It may not be possible to leave everyone behind, but at least, the core members of the Whitebeard Pirates, those famous big pirates, must all stay, and none of them can be let go!

  "Warring States! If you can keep me, that's what you can do! Call out all the powerhouses on your side!"

  Whitebeard was not in a hurry, and now the people have not arrived, the three admirals of the navy, and the guy Karp has not arrived.

  It's not too late to wait until someone arrives.

  And this time, he didn't just come to earn points, but also to show his strength.

  Let the Admiralty know that his white beard is not what he used to be.

  He has this strength now, and can suppress the entire sea with the power of one person!

  After a while, three figures appeared, one white, one red, and one yellow.

  And these three figures are the three admirals of the navy, Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru!

  After the three appeared, they sat on the chairs prepared for them.

  Among them, Akainu and Kizaru raised Erlang's legs, while Aokiji did not, destroying the formation.

  Seeing the three admirals of the navy, Whitebeard originally wanted to remind Aochi not to sit like this, and like the other two, he also raised Erlang's legs.

  Because in the copy, Aokiji didn't do this, and then his leg was broken.

  But soon Whitebeard gave up.

  Because he thought again that Aokiji's legs would be broken by Akainu.

  And now, Akainu can't live to that time anymore!deficit.

Chapter 117

  He can let go of everyone else present, as long as no one wants to trouble him, he just needs to defeat them.

  But there is one person that Whitebeard will never let go of, and that is Akainu.

  In the dungeon, he can be said to be indirectly killed by Akainu, and other navies, including Sengoku and Garp, may just want to arrest him.

  But Akainu really wants him to die!

  In other words, Akainu wants all the pirates to die, leaving none of them!

  From the standpoint of the navy, there is actually nothing wrong with his idea, but it is just a little extreme.

  Unfortunately, it was because of his extreme thoughts on pirates that his life was about to be ruined.

  It is impossible for Whitebeard to let go of a person who wants to kill him, even if this person does not have the strength.

  When he kills Akainu, Aokiji won't be able to fight with the other side, and his feet will naturally not be broken.

  That being said, he also helped Aokiji, and Aokiji should thank him!

  The appearance of the three admirals of the navy calmed down the worried and fearful navies.

  The three generals of the navy are the strongest combat power of the naval headquarters. Even if there is only one person, they can compete with one of the four emperors, let alone three of them appearing together.

  Coupled with Shichibukai, naval hero Garp and Marshal Sengoku, such a strong lineup will definitely be able to keep the Whitebeard Pirates behind!

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