"Humph! Whitebeard, let's talk about it when you can get out of this cage!"

  Warring States believes that Whitebeard is just being stubborn now. He is locked in a stone cage in Hailou, and he no longer needs other means.

  And the point is, he has no other means. If Whitebeard breaks through the Hailou stone cage, then he really has nothing to do.

  But the Warring States period believed that Whitebeard was impossible to come out.

  Even if he develops the fruit ability very well, it is impossible to ignore Hailoushi's restraint.

  "In other words, you have no other means, right. If that's the case, then this operation should end."

  Whitebeard said as he walked to the cage.

  Looking at the stone pillars blocking him in front of him, Whitebeard smiled slightly, and then grabbed it with both hands.

  The actions of Whitebeard fell in the eyes of the Warring States and others, and they were all stunned.

  What is Whitebeard trying to do?Is it possible that you want to break through - break through the stone cage of Hailou?

  How could he, who lost his ability, damage Hailou Stone, even if Whitebeard's physical fitness is very strong, it is impossible!

  Hailou stone not only has the ability to restrain the devil fruit, but it is also a very hard thing.

  The devil fruit ability person, after losing the devil fruit ability, although the physical fitness is still stronger than the average person, but absolutely can not cause any damage to the sea floor stone.

  Only the powerhouses like Garp, Hawkeye, and Red-haired Shanks who do not rely on Devil Fruits can rely on their own strength to destroy Hailou Stone.

  Everyone didn't believe that Whitebeard could do it, or in other words, they couldn't believe it, didn't want to believe it.

  Because once they believed it, there was really no way to deal with Whitebeard.

  Although this is a bit self-deceiving, but at least it still retains a little hope for them, and it will not be too desperate.

  However, the next moment, Whitebeard crushed the last hope in their hearts.

  Under everyone's astonished gaze, Whitebeard used a little force to break the two stone pillars in front of him!

  Afterwards, Whitebeard broke off several other stone pillars, forming a space enough for him to come out.

  Immediately afterwards, Whitebeard walked out of the Hailou stone cage, almost effortlessly.

  "Impossible, how is this possible! How could the Hailou stone cage have no effect on you!"

  The Warring States period was going crazy. The Hailou stone cage he spent a lot of effort to create was actually useless to Whitebeard!

  This is impossible!No matter how powerful Whitebeard is, he is still a devil fruit person!

  How could he not be afraid of Hailou Stone?This is simply against the rules of this world!

  "Warring States, I'll give you two choices now. The first choice is to release those navies from before. Of course, you don't need to release the miscellaneous soldiers. You can release those navies above the rank of colonel."

  "Don't worry, I won't kill them, I just want to learn from them."

  After the battle just now, Whitebeard already knew the range of points he could obtain.

  Only those who have reached the level of a colonel or above can give him points.

  The navy below, no matter how many, can't provide him with any points.

  Of course, as his strength became stronger and stronger, even the Admiral-level, or even the Admiral-level powerhouse, would not be able to provide him with points.

  But by that time, his mind has long been out of this world.

  "The second option, if you refuse, then I will perform a new trick I learned on your naval headquarters."

  "However, this move is very powerful. Once I use it, at least half of Marin Vando will be destroyed. I'll give you three minutes, you can choose for yourself."

  Three minutes was Whitebeard's last chance to give Warring States.

  If Warring States chooses the former, he will leave after he has cleared the points, and he will not do anything to those navies.

  But if he chooses the latter, then he doesn't need to be polite to the Warring States period, and if he makes a big move, at least half of Malin Fando will be destroyed, and there will definitely be a lot of dead navies.

  Whitebeard believed that after what happened just now, those navies who only wanted to capture him would probably have resentment or even killing intent towards him more or less.

  These navies have met the criteria to earn points for kills.

  However, he was very generous and chose to give these people a chance.

  Of course, this mainly depends on how Warring States chooses. The life and death of these navies are all in his hands.

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

  Hearing Whitebeard's words, Sengoku's face was very ugly.

  He didn't know if Whitebeard had really learned any big tricks, but it was absolutely impossible for him to let the other navies out.

  Even the three major generals are not opponents of Whitebeard, this is no longer a number that can be defeated.

  Of course, if there are a little more Admiral-level existence, there may be hope.

  But the remaining navies, although there are indeed a lot of them, are not of high quality.

  Sending them out is no different from courting death, even if Whitebeard said it would not kill them.

  If he did, it would be irresponsible for all the rest of the Navy!


  "Marshal of the Warring States Period! Let us go! We fought against Whitebeard!"

  "Yes, Marshal of the Warring States Period! With so many of us, I can't believe that we can still win a white beard!"

  "Marshal of the Warring States! Even if Whitebeard can defeat us all and kill them all, he will definitely consume a lot of physical strength! When you let Lieutenant General Garp take action, you will definitely be able to defeat Whitebeard!"

  "Marshal of the Warring States, we request a war!"

  Whitebeard's words were not only heard by the Warring States period, but also by the navies in Marin Vando.

  They all spoke up, wanting to fight to the death with Whitebeard!

  Before they faced Whitebeard, they would not be able to use [-]% of their strength because of fear, and they didn't even dare to shoot.

  But now, because Whitebeard killed Akainu, and even wanted to destroy Marin Fando, they couldn't bear it anymore!

  They put their life and death aside one after another, with high morale, vowing to defeat Whitebeard and guard the Naval Headquarters!

  It may be nothing if one person speaks, but dozens, hundreds, even thousands, tens of thousands of people speak together, the scene is very spectacular!

  Even the white beard outside heard the voice of the navy inside.

  He seems to have united the navies and boosted their morale.

  But it doesn't matter, the gap in strength can't be made up by relying on this kind of thing.

  If the difference in strength between the two sides is not large, it may be useful, but if the difference in strength is too large, it is completely useless!deficit.

Chapter 127

  This kind of thing of idealism is not something that can appear simply.

  But even if it appeared, Whitebeard didn't panic at all.

  Sengoku looked at these high-spirited navies, and did not let them out because their morale was high now.

  The salt he has eaten is more than the rice that these navies have eaten. Naturally, he knows that although morale is very important, it is useless when facing an enemy whose strength far exceeds their strength.

  To put it a bit harsher, the morale of these ordinary navies has improved, at most, it will make them feel a little easier when dealing with those pirate soldiers.

  They simply won't let them have the strength to compete with the Four Emperors, not to mention, Whitebeard's current strength far exceeds the Four Emperors!

  The higher their morale is now, the quicker they will die if they are released!

  Although Sengoku didn't know why Whitebeard didn't kill these navies before.

  But he knew that if he let them out this time and angered Whitebeard, none of them would survive!

  "Warring States, let me go, my old bones, it's time for activities."

  Garp took off the cape behind his back, and was about to start.

  Although he knew that he was no longer Whitebeard's opponent, he could only rely on him now.

  Although the strength of the Warring States is also very strong, but he is a wise general after all, and there is still a little gap compared with the top combat power.

  "Kapp, if you lose, there's really nothing you can do."

  Sengoku looked at Garp with a serious expression.

  Karp is known as a naval hero who has created countless legends and is the belief in the hearts of most pirates.

  If he loses, it means that the faith in the hearts of the navy has fallen!

  "Do you have any way to do it now? Instead of letting these children go up to die, it's better for me to go, at least I will have a better chance of surviving than them!"

  After that, Karp jumped off the high platform and came to Whitebeard regardless of whether the Warring States would agree or not.

  "Kapp, you're finally on the court. It seems that the guy in the Warring States period has made a wrong decision!"

  Seeing Garp appear, Whitebeard knew that the Warring States period would not let those navies out.

  Then there is nothing to do. He has already given Warring States a chance, but the other party didn't grasp it.

  "Karp, we haven't played against each other for a long time. The last time we played against each other seems to have been decades."

  "At the beginning, none of us could do anything to anyone, but now, the situation is completely different!"

  A sneer appeared at the corner of Whitebeard's mouth, and then, when he stepped on it, he even stepped on the ground into a deep pit.

  Whitebeard rushed out like a cannonball, and soon came to Garp.

  "I didn't know before, why you didn't want to eat Devil Fruits, why you were called Iron Fist."

  "Now I know, I have understood your happiness, like this kind of fight to the flesh, that's the romance of a man!"

  As Whitebeard spoke, he threw a punch into Garp's old face.

  Iron Fist Garp, he has always been the only one who hits others, and he has never been hit in the face with a punch.

  Now is the first time, the first time he has been beaten by someone, still by Whitebeard, punched in the face and sent flying.

  The reason why Whitebeard did this was not that he had any opinion on Garp, on the contrary, he was showing respect for Garp.

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