After all, they are old friends who have been fighting for decades, and the relationship between them is more of an enemy as well as a friend.

  So Whitebeard was naturally going to give Garp a decent failure.

  If the two generals were knocked out as easily as before, it would be too unreasonable.

  Of course, Whitebeard still controls the strength of his strike very well, and it won't cause too serious damage to Garp. It will only let him lie down for a while, and he will recover soon.

  Garp was killed in seconds, and Sengoku's face was already ugly to the extreme.

  The Navy's high-end combat power has basically been wiped out, and even if he plays, the ending will not be better than Karp!

  One person, Whitebeard, actually managed to overwhelm the entire Navy Headquarters!

  "Warring States, your navy should have no high-end combat power. Since this is the case, most of the purposes of my visit this time have been completed, and now it is only the last step."

  "Warring States, I'm sorry to tell you that you made the worst decision."

  "And this decision will also lead to a devastating blow to the entire Marin Vatican!"

  After speaking, in the stunned eyes of the Warring States and others, Whitebeard flew up!

  Whitebeard flew into the sky and looked down at Marin Fando below.  …

  He saw the navies hiding in the Marin Fando, which were densely packed and seemed a little crowded.

  Afterwards, he put his hands together on the right side of his body, posing in a pose that was familiar to many.

  The starting position of Turtle School Qigong!

  That's right, the big move that Whitebeard and Zhou Xin traded before was Turtle Qigong!

  Besides Zhou Xin, Whitebeard was the first person to read the Dragon Ball dungeon, so he naturally knew the power of the Turtle School Qigong.

  Therefore, after he had enough points, he traded this trick with Zhou Xin as soon as possible.

  Since he learned this trick, this is the first time he has used it, so Whitebeard is still a little excited.

  Of course, he also knew very well that with his current strength, if he made a full effort, the entire Marin Fando would be destroyed, and even the surrounding sea would be punched out by him.

  There's no need, there's no need to destroy the entire Marin Vando.

  Therefore, he restrained most of his power and planned to destroy only a part.

  Although doing so will make many navies disappear, for Tony and the others, these are points.

  But Whitebeard figured it out. In the entire sea, the most important thing is people, especially those kind of masters who have some strength, but their strength has not reached the top level.

  At that time, Tony and the others will need to earn points. In fact, there is no shortage of these points, because after their strength reaches a certain level, these people will not be able to provide them with points.

  Therefore, even if it destroys a lot, it is not a waste!

  At this time, everyone was completely dumbfounded, looking at the white beard flying high in the air.

  Because Whitebeard flew higher, even the navies in Marin Vando saw it.

  Although the white beard fell from the sky before, but now they don't believe that the white beard can fly, so they still wonder how the white beard came from.

  Now they know that Whitebeard can actually fly!

  But how is this possible!Like this ability to stay in the air, there are some flying animal fruits, or the fluttering fruits of the golden lion.

  But there is definitely no shaking fruit!

  Could it be that Whitebeard has mastered other abilities! .

Chapter 128

  Later, in the Warring States Period, they were even more surprised to see that a glowing sphere suddenly appeared between Whitebeard's hands.

  Although it seems that the sphere is nothing special other than glowing.

  But for some unknown reason, there was a very uneasy feeling in the Warring States period, as if this sphere would pose a great threat to the Naval Headquarters.


  After the qi gathering was completed, Whitebeard imitated the Monkey King in the Dragon Ball dungeon.

  "Hurry up and dodge!"

  Warring States hurriedly shouted, although he didn't know what move this was, but thinking of what Whitebeard said before, the uneasiness in his heart became stronger.

  If Whitebeard's attack falls to the ground and falls into the crowd, many people will be injured or killed!

  Needless to say in the Warring States period, when Whitebeard made a move, other navies, and even Qiwuhai, already felt that something was wrong.

  They scattered desperately, turning the already crowded Marin Fando into even more chaos.

  But all they did was in vain, no matter how they escaped, they couldn't escape too far.

  And Whitebeard's attack had already arrived 14 years ago.

  Whitebeard didn't target the crowd to attack. He knew very well that once he did, everyone present, including Shichibukai, even Garp and Sengoku, might have problems.

  He didn't want to kill everyone, he just wanted to get rid of some of them and give the Admiralty a deterrent.

  But even so, with his current strength, using the Turtle School Qigong will bring back a lot of damage!

  The Turtle School Qigong fell to the ground, and a very powerful force exploded instantly, and then spread.

  Although it did not spread to the entire Marin Vatican, at least one-third of the area was affected.

  And in this third of the area, there are many navies.

  The power of Turtle School Qigong is not just to destroy the buildings above Marin Fando, but to directly smash one-third of the area into pieces and become small pieces of gravel on the sea!

  Not only that, but even the sea below was affected, the sea began to boil, and then rose into the sky, forming a tsunami.

  If the Aokiji woke up in time, use the ability to freeze the sea water.

  If this tsunami hits, the remaining Marin Fando will also cause very serious losses!

  The movement caused by the white beard was very huge, and the surrounding forces who came to watch the play felt the vibration of the sea.

  As the movement gradually calmed down, they were surprised to see that one-third of the Marine Headquarters Marine Fando had disappeared, replaced by small pieces of gravel floating on the sea!

  "No, no, one-third of Marin Vando is gone!"

  "Whitebeard destroyed a third of Marin Vando! Monster, he is a monster!"

  "Whitebeard's strength is stronger, he is really invincible now!"

  Various voices sounded, and these forces were completely shocked by the strength displayed by Whitebeard.

  Destroying one-third of Marin Vando is a feat no one has ever done before!

  Now it has been completed by Whitebeard, and the strength of Whitebeard has even surpassed Roger, the pirate king, and any other four emperors!

  "Whitebeard, Whitebeard!"

  The voice of the Warring States was extremely angry, and at the same time, it was also full of shock!

  He knew that Whitebeard's attack just now might be strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong!

  Directly destroy one third of Marin Fando!

  This is a huge blow to the entire naval headquarters!

  "Warring States, I gave you the chance to choose, but you made the wrong choice."

  "If you chose to let those navies out before, this would not have happened, and I would not have destroyed a third of Marin Vando."

  Whitebeard looked down at the Warring States and said lightly.

  It's really none of his business!He gave Warring States a chance to choose before!

  It was Warring States himself who made the wrong choice. What does this have to do with him? Can you blame him?

  "Also, I've already given you enough face, and only destroyed one-third of Malin Fando. If I do my best, do you think that Malin Fando can still exist?"

  "I have left a third of the place for you now, which is very good. You should thank me."

  Even so, Whitebeard was a little surprised.

  Originally, he thought that the attack just now could destroy a part of Marin Fando, but he did not expect that it directly destroyed a third of it!

  You must know that he has restrained most of his strength just now!

  If he burst out with all his strength, not only the entire Marin Vando, but even the surrounding sea would be severely hit!

  Powerful, his current strength is really too strong, and the power of Turtle School Qigong is too strong!

  Fortunately, taking advantage of this opportunity, he also knew what kind of power he could exert with his Turtle School Qigong.

  After he learned Turtle School Qigong before, he had never tested its power.

  He is very satisfied with the results of the experiment now. As long as he can continue to practice, one day, he can also reach the explosive level of combat power!

  Moreover, with his current strength, at least in this world, he is already invincible.

  Therefore, he has no place to use the points for the time being. He can save the points to buy more powerful things.

  He has always been very jealous of Saiyan blood!

  After destroying one-third of Marin Fando, and also destroying many navies, Whitebeard gained some points.

  Looking at the remaining navy powerhouses, Whitebeard didn't spare any of them, and it took a while to knock them all out.

  Although he has a lot of points now, of course there are points that cannot be wasted.

  The harvest this time is very huge. Although Whitebeard doesn't know how many points he has now, there should be thousands of points, or even tens of thousands of points.

  "Warring States, my purpose this time has been completed. Thank you for your help. You helped me gather so many masters and saved me a lot of time."

  This sentence of Whitebeard can be described as shrimp and pig heart!

  Hearing Whitebeard's words, Warring States' face became extremely ugly, and he even felt the blood in his body boiling.

  If he hadn't held back in the end, he would have spit out a mouthful of old blood!

  Looking at the extremely ugly face of the Warring States period, Whitebeard laughed and left.


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