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Chapter 1018 The Miracle Brought By God

Chapter 1018

Yuuki is the heroine of the Psalm of the Virgin in the seventh volume of SAO.

In the plot, his self-created eleven sword skills surpassed the limitations of the system, attracted the admiration of countless players, was dubbed the title of "absolute sword", and became friends with Asuna at that time.

But later, due to the worsening of the disease, his physical condition declined sharply. Shortly after he met Asuna, he passed away due to illness.

And her disease is AIDS.

Due to the birth of twins, the mother suffered from dystocia and massive hemorrhage, and was given an emergency blood transfusion by the hospital.

However, due to a hospital error, the blood transfused to his mother contained HIV.

Although the result was that the family was saved, it also caused all four members of the family to suffer from AIDS.

Yuuki's mother thought about committing suicide, thinking it was her own fault that her daughter had AIDS.

But because I am a Christian and my husband encouraged me, I decided to continue living.

But paper can't hold fire.

When Yuuki was in elementary school, her identity as a HIV carrier was leaked out. Under the pressure of other parents, Yuuki was transferred to another school, and the family had to move.

Then in the same year, Yuuki's AIDS broke out, and due to other complications caused by the sharp decline in immunity, the whole family was admitted to the hospital one after another.

Afterwards, in the third month after the outbreak of the SAO incident, Yuuki became an experimenter of a medical full-sneak machine.

What happened next is the plot in the Psalm of the Virgin.

When Bai Chen chased the fans back then, he had a good impression of Yuuki.

I have to say that it is not easy for a little girl in her teens to maintain a strong and optimistic attitude after learning that she is an AIDS patient.

It's just that Yuuki gradually closed her heart because her friends left one after another.

It wasn't until I used the stealth machine and met new friends in the VR world that my heart was gradually opened.

in reality.

The youth who recalled Yuuki's experience returned to reality.

Looking at the thin and pale girl in the ward.

Afterwards, Bai Chen ignored the obstruction of the hospital wall and passed through directly.

It was late at night.

But Yuuki still didn't fall asleep, she just looked at the bright city in the distance with her dull eyes.

Twelve years old is a lively and active age.

But the girl who suffered from AIDS can only stay alone in the ward.

Apart from doctors and nurses, the only people she sees every day are her family members.

During the period when SAO was just beta testing, Yuuki was far from becoming a volunteer for medical equipment.

What's more, the outbreak of such problems in today's SAO has also made many people have a negative attitude towards full stealth games.

"Unfortunate and lucky little guy" "."

Hearing the voice, Yuuki looked straight over.

"...Who are you?"

The young girl suffering from various diseases due to low immunity, her cheeks are quite thin, and her bare arms are as dry as bamboo poles.

The skin is also sickly white.

...It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is...Do you want to cure what's wrong with you?"

Bai Chen showed a gentle smile.


Hearing the young man's question, the girl showed a suspicious expression.

As the saying goes, a long illness becomes a cure.

Although she is only twelve years old, she is well aware of how serious her symptoms are.

Although there is news that AIDS has been cured in this world, the number is very small after all.

In addition, her physical condition was not good, and she had eavesdropped on the description of the attending doctor, so Yuuki knew that she might not have a few years to live.

Now, hearing a strange person suddenly say such strange words to her, Yuuki, who is more mature than her peers in her heart, naturally became vigilant.

Seeing Yuuki secretly turning her back, ready to call the nurse at any time, Bai Chen couldn't help laughing.

"Forget it, let's treat it as a little benefit to the world after accepting it."

The voice just fell.

In Yuuki's eyes.

The strange man in front of him disappeared flatly.

My own consciousness is also gradually hazy, and my eyes become blurred.

"Use this power to save the people you think are worth saving. Don't let me down."

Then, the sound gradually faded away.

By the time Yuuki regained consciousness again, it was already the afternoon of the next day.

Yuuki found that her originally narrow and lonely ward was surrounded by a large group of people in white coats.

There are old people, young people, and their own attending physicians.

The only thing in common is that each of them has incredible expressions on their faces.


One of the elderly people looked at the words on Yuuki's blood test report, his wrinkled face was full of disbelief.

"How did HIV suddenly disappear?"

"Is there something wrong with the instrument?"

"...The instrument is normal. We have repeatedly collected blood from the patient five times, and the test results are the same every time. The HIV virus in the child's body is really gone.

"...In the end what happened?"

...this must be a miracle, right?"

Even experienced doctors have never seen that all the viruses in an AIDS patient's body were eliminated overnight.

Even other complications of Yuuki's body disappeared together.

And the girl who was listening to the doctor's argument also looked down at her hands in disbelief.

Her arms used to be pale and limp.

And today, the blood color that should have been restored in the past.

At the same time, other pains bothering me also disappeared.

Recalling the "miracle" repeated by the doctor, the young girl recalled the strange person she met in the ward last night.

"I... have you met God?"


The message left by Bai Chen rang in the girl's mind at the right time.

And this also made Yuuki even more certain that the young man that night was the god sent by heaven to save her.

And, let her use this power to save those people in the world who are also suffering from terminal illness like her.

"It's really... a gentle god."

Yuuki raised her head and looked out of the window where the sunlight was somewhat dazzling.

"I will work hard...until the day I meet you again."

And at this time, the other side.

On a whim, Bai Chen temporarily returned to SAO and continued to play games with them for a while after solving the matter with Yuuki.

He didn't say anything about Akihiko Kayaba.

Anyway, after the game is cleared, the truth will naturally be made public.

Although those two people were eliminated in advance, so that "Shining Asuna" would not appear like the original book, but such a result is quite good, isn't it?

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