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Chapter 1022: Entrustment Of Determination

Chapter 1022


Kirishima Touka was surprised for a moment, and the next second there was a fist wind tearing the air approaching.

The girl crossed her arms to resist, but the huge force knocked her back several meters, and she barely stopped until her back touched the wall.

Kirishima Touka, whose arms were numb, was extremely shocked.

What kind of strange power is this?

Her strength is not too weak anyway, and she is responsible for helping the store manager maintain the stability of the stable area, but just now, Touka Kirishima realized the gap between herself and the other party.

"Arbitrariness is the right of the strong."

The gecko looked down at the girl condescendingly, with a distorted smile on his face.

Then, he walked to the next ward.

As one of the ghouls of the bronze tree, the word "order" does not exist in his dictionary.

Just like what he said, "Arbitrariness is the right of the strong."

As a strong man, he is right no matter what he does.

"Bastard! Stay away from those 21 places!"

Accompanied by the girl's roar, the purple, feather-like Hezi sprang out like a bullet out of the chamber.

The target is the gecko's thigh.

Despite the rage in her heart, Touka Kirishima still restrained her desire to kill and tried not to attack the opponent's vitals.

But what she didn't expect was that Hezi, who was strong enough to penetrate the flesh of ordinary people and severely injure ghouls, only pierced the opponent's thigh muscles.

The bright red blood moon dyed the white suit, flowing down the trouser legs.


Nicole, who spoke in a weird tone, looked at the wounded place of her companion with great interest, her eyes bursting with splendor.

If it was his body just now, how wonderful would that feeling be?


The gecko, which was about to go to the ward, stopped.

He turned his head to look at Kirishima Touka blankly.

In the next second, the girl's heart was full of warning signs, and she quickly jumped away from her original position with her red eyes showing.

The punch the size of a sandbag hit the place where she was standing like a cannonball.

The cement floor exploded, and gravel and dust spread in all directions.

Afterwards, more Hezi poured out from Yu He behind the girl. In the narrow space, the Hezi whose speed was only slightly slower than a bullet all pierced the back of the gecko.

More blood flowed out.

But this did not cause much substantial damage, instead it did not completely arouse the opponent's ferocity.

Along with the muscle shaking, Hezi's fragments fell to the ground.

Then, the gecko rushed over like a heavy tank.

Kirishima Touka just wanted to avoid it, but when she realized that Yoshiko was behind her, she stopped suddenly and wrapped herself with Yu He to resist.


The huge force almost shattered her hips, and pure white air waves swayed from her eyes.

Just click.

Kirishima Touka's posture began to collapse and hit the wall behind, making the not-so-solid clinic even more crumbling.

The girl also felt uncomfortable as if her whole body was falling apart.

Of course, this kind of injury is definitely a serious injury to humans, but it is nothing to ghouls, and it can basically be cured in less than a day.

Kirishima Touka stood up.

"It's amazing...to be able to stand up again.

But at this time, the other party showed an expression of surprise, and then quickly changed into an expression like discovering a new toy.

"Take you back too!"


Kirishima Touka rushed forward, using Yu He's speed to circle around with him. 【

But the narrow terrain limits her performance, not to mention protecting her friends, Kirishima Touka's situation is quite unfavorable.

And in this situation, after the opponent used Hezi, it took a sharp turn for the worse.

Although it is a scale, but the speed is not slow at all, and the gecko doesn't care whether it is discovered by the white pigeons in the stable area. Facing this kind of enemy, Touka Kirishima was not completely suppressed.

If she hadn't relied on her speed several times to avoid the attacks on her vitals, she would have been lying on the ground and unable to move.

"What a flexible rabbit, I want to torture you more and more with my own hands."

The gecko had a crazy grin on its face.

Let Touka Kirishima realize that the big ghoul in front of him doesn't have the thinking that normal people should have at all.

She wiped the dust off her face and grinned: "...I've heard of the Bronze Tree, the ghouls there are a bunch of lawless guys."

It was also reported in the news before.

A ghoul organization named Bronze Tree has become more and more active in recent months.

The ghouls that originally only hunted and killed humans at night dared to attack humans swaggeringly, and even invaded a branch of CCG. After killing everyone in it, they released the ghouls who were imprisoned in the cell.

The Dikou family was forced to move because of the activity of the Bronze Tree.

...The peace in the stable area was broken by you bastards.

If it weren't for these guys' reckless actions, Yiko would not have been attacked tonight.

A big hand grabbed the girl.

The gecko obviously didn't listen to anything Touka Kirishima said.

"What a bunch of bastards!"

After realizing that this group of people couldn't even listen to human words, Touka Kirishima clicked into the chat group without hesitation.

She had no choice before.

Now she just wants to be able to live a peaceful life without being disturbed like a normal person.

Ghouls, human beings, and all that don't matter!

As long as you can correct this world by 660, it will be fine!

White Rabbit: "Master God, I have figured it out thoroughly, and now I want to ask for your help!"

[Group reminder (private): When a group member is detected asking for help, you can use the group delegation function. 】

[Group reminder (private): The group entrustment function can release tasks and seek help from group friends. The person who releases the entruster needs to provide corresponding points. If there are no points, you can use the equivalent value of abilities, props, and equipment after exchange. 】

equivalent capacity?

Touka Kirishima hesitated for a moment, then looked at her hands.

Apart from her ghoul blood, which can bring her nothing but disaster, she has nothing.


In this small clinic, under the surprised gazes of other ghouls, Sonoshima Touka's red eyes and He disappeared out of thin air.

But the young girl only felt her whole body lighten up, and all the strength that originally filled her limbs disappeared.

The feeling of emptiness spread all over the body, and Kirishima Touka's heart was also slightly absent-minded because of "loss" in an instant.

But the gecko didn't give the girl time to react.

A big hand that was like a vise grabbed Kirishima Touka's head.

[Group reminder (private): Your entrustment has been received by the group member "Bai Chen". Do you agree with the other party to go to the world where you are?].

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