Chapter 1024

Before they could fully see the appearance of the visitor, they heard the person's leisurely voice.

....I didn't expect you to meet this pervert so early. "

Bai Chen glanced at the shivering man, and knew that this place should be the private clinic run by Fueguchi Hinami's father.

But it is a pity that they were discovered by the Bronze Black Cross Ghoul and CCG one after another.

A family of three, the father died at the hands of the gecko, and the mother died at the hands of CCG. If Touka Kirishima hadn't saved the scene in time, the last daughter would have to confess.

As he spoke, Bai Chen set his gaze behind Touka Kirishima again.

Same as in the animation.

Dark blue and black mid-length hair, with bangs hanging down in front of the forehead to cover the right eye, the hairstyle is a little bit unique.

She was dressed like an ordinary girl, with a jacket on her upper body and jeans on her lower body.

It's just that the clothes are a little damaged, and there are a lot of dust and wounds on the face, looking very embarrassed.

"...Ms. Kirishima Touka, I'm really surprised that you can do this.

Bai Chen said with a light smile.

Selling one's abilities is no joke.

Until now, in the entire chat group, only Touka Kirishima has done this.

The blood of the ghouls, the ghouls unique to the ghouls, and all the special abilities that distinguish 853 from normal humans are all sold out.

The current Kirishima Touka is just an ordinary person.

Soon, Bai Chen sensed the breath of life in the ward next door.

So it was for a friend... No wonder.

Don't look at her coldness on the surface, but in fact Touka Kirishima is indeed the kind of character who can give up a lot of things for a good friend.

As the saying goes, the outside is cold and the inside is hot.

Called Tsundere.

Regarding Bai Chen's evaluation, Touka Kirishima was noncommittal.

And give a smile uglier than crying.

After all, after losing the blood of the ghoul, the pain in this body is really not something ordinary people can bear.

The current self, even against the weakest ghouls, doesn't have much power to resist.

But Touka Kirishima has no regrets.

My current situation corresponds exactly to what happened to Yizi before.

Ordinary people are so desperate to face hungry ghouls.

...Bai, Mr. Bai Chen, right? I is not a good time for small talk. "

Kirishima Touka struggled several times to stand up, but the pain in her arm prevented her from doing so.

Simply give up and sit on the ground directly.

But she still issued a warning to Bai Chen.

"Be careful, the two of them are ghouls from the Bronze Tree, and they are very powerful. According to CCG standards, they are at least at the level of S-rank ghouls."

Even in an open area, Touka Kirishima may not necessarily win.

But in fact, the gecko is far stronger than she imagined.

Having had similar ghouls, he is not only one of the strongest S-rank ghouls, he is even a semi-heavy one.

The so-called hegemony.

That is to say, the whole body is covered with ghouls, and there are multiple ghouls, each of which has stronger power than ghouls of the same level.

As for the half-Hezi, Hezi can only cover half of the body, and most of the consciousness will go berserk.

simply put.

It is the elite monster among the ghouls.

However, the so-called powerful is only under normal circumstances.

Kirishima Touka kindly reminded her that she didn't know how powerful Bai Chen was, and she hadn't watched his previous live broadcasts.

At most, they learned that Bai Chen's strength is very strong through the chat group.

Moreover, coupled with the prefix "God", Touka Kirishima only has a very vague understanding.

all in all.

Reminder to be careful is right.

After all, they are their own group of friends.

But no matter what, Kirishima Touka has put all his wealth on Bai Chen.

She doesn't ask Bai Chen to have the ability to change the whole society, she just hopes that he can solve the current troubles is enough.


Bai Chen nodded and didn't say much.

Then, (cbdj) slowly turned his head and looked at the ghoul in front of him.

Feeling a little emotional suddenly.

When I first watched the live broadcast, Gekko's personal impression was not very good, he was a psychopath and blackened sleepiness to torture.

Gecko and Nicole never made a move when Bai Chen appeared.

Although they are ghouls, they have never seen such a bizarre scene.

The presence of Bai Chen made them very curious.

Especially the gecko, which is as tall as a cow, staring closely at Bai Chen who is no different from ordinary people, and his naked eyes, which are no different from human beings, instantly turned into black and red unique to ghouls.

Numerous capillaries take root around the eye sockets, some Hong Kong people.

smell good!

So fragrant!

I really want to eat this man!

Similar thoughts hit the gecko's brain, and Bai Chen immediately responded the moment he turned around.

He Zi wrapped the gecko's body unknowingly, turning it into a half-Hezi state, and rushed to the doctor frantically.


The speed is extremely fast, and the thick and thick Linhe has come to Bai Chen, and is about to aim at the head and smash it down.

But suddenly, the gecko seemed to have lost its strength, its eyes were still fixed on Bai Chen, but its body collapsed, followed by cracks all over its body, and pools of blood seeped out from the cracks.

"Ah la la..."

This situation is also staged in Nicole's body.

He and the gecko fell into a pool of blood almost at the same time.

Touka Kirishima and Dr. Fueguchi had no idea what happened.

how so?

In fact, only Bai Chen knew that these two ghouls were "scared" to death by him.

At that moment, his infinite spirit brought them into the scope of observation.

The spirit of the weak is like those human beings who see indescribable things in love craft novels, and there will be different reactions from the whole body.

If you can't bear it, the most direct result is death.

There is no need for Bai Chen to do it himself.

Bai Chen didn't care about them.

I have already had a balance in my heart to judge "fairness".

The fate of all creatures in this world had already been arranged when he came here.

The difference is only a matter of time.

Afterwards, Bai Chen turned and walked towards Touka Kirishima who was in a daze.

The holy light fell on the girl and healed her injuries.

Until this time, it was like waking up from a dream.

...what happened just now? Why did the two of them become like this?"

While speaking, she stood up while supporting the sundries beside her, and at the same time she was surprised to find that her originally strained muscles no longer hurt. .

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