Chapter 1027

Hearing this, Kirishima Touka was even more puzzled.

CCG is the Ghoul Countermeasure Bureau, a human organization dedicated to fighting ghouls.

According to common sense, since the headquarters is set up in an island country, the order here should be more stable.

But in fact, even Kirishima Touka feels that this country is not peaceful at all.

Bai Chen saw the girl's doubts, chuckled and continued.

"The Hexiu family is one of the earliest ghouls from the Middle East, and they established the prototype of CCG.


The originally calm girl was shocked.

Although she doesn't know what the Hexiu family is, she knows better than many people what the ghoul's strategy is.

But Bai Chen said that the Hexiu family is of the Hong family.

The ghouls created the ghoul countermeasures bureau, are you sure it's not a joke?!

"Why would they do that?"

Although Bai Chen has shown enough strength to make her trust, Kirishima Touka is very suspicious.

After all, this is too outrageous.

"It's very simple. Although the Hexiu family is the earliest ghoul family, not all ghouls are willing to obey their orders. In order to obliterate the enemy ghouls and hide themselves, this is their purpose."

" that so?"

Touka Kirishima had a dull expression on her face.

She couldn't figure out that there was such a big conspiracy behind the ghouls.

Not only ghouls, but even human beings were played by the Hexiu family.

"It's just dark under the lights, but with the physique of the ghouls, coupled with hundreds of years of behind-the-scenes manipulation, the Hexiu family has not yet ruled the world, which makes me very disappointed.

Bai Chen sighed.

"It can be compared to Boss Scum's pig."

"Who is the crumb boss?"

Kirishima Touka asked.

"The origin of all the ghosts in the other world has been thousands of years, and even an island country has not been able to control them. Even pigs can become spirits after such a long time.


Touka Kirishima was noncommittal.

I always feel that this boss is a bit angry?

"Is he also a group member?"

"No, it's a big villain in the group member world.

Hearing this, Touka Kirishima was completely speechless.

No wonder it sounds a bit weird, but it's not her own problem.

While speaking, the two had arrived at the gate of the CCG headquarters.

The front of the building is empty.

Although at this time, it is already the off-duty time of most companies, but the Ghoul Countermeasures Bureau operates 24 hours a day, and implements a shift system, so there will never be no one.

What's more, the night is already the home field of the ghouls, and CCG's work will only get busier.

The monitor in front of the door has captured the figures of the two of them.

The staff in the security room also noticed the two of them.

Not a staff member of the Ghoul Countermeasures Bureau, obviously dressed as a commoner.

As for the ghouls.

Although there have been incidents of ghouls attacking the branch in the past, this is the headquarters, and the security force cannot be compared with the branch.

"...Uh, is it really okay for us to do this?"

Touka Kirishima subconsciously panicked.

As a former ghoul, he is still quite resistant to the CCG headquarters.

"no problem."

Bai Chen said.

"Haven't you heard that the king is captured first when the thief is captured?"

To solve the problem of ghouls once and for all, Bai Chen needs a blood sample of the original ghouls.

And the Hexiu family must have the origin of the "dragon".

What's more, in order to allow one's "reason" to erode more smoothly around the world, it is also necessary to create the impact of major events.

...Although I know Mr. Bai Chen, you are very powerful, but I think it's better for us to have a long-term plan. "

Life in Anding District has almost smoothed Kirishima Touka's temper.

Besides, every time there is an action, the store manager Fangcun has made a detailed and careful plan, and she only needs to do her own job well.


Bai Chen said.

"In the face of absolute power, any strategy is futile."

After finishing speaking, the young man looked at the girl.

"You'll see that later."

For Bai Chen, the confrontation between ghouls and humans, the conspiracy of the Hexiu family, the rampage of the bronze tree, and the so-called "one-eyed king" among the ghouls are completely uninteresting to him.

The schemes of those ghouls and people, in his opinion, are as childish as a child running a house.

Unless there is interest, Bai Chen will temporarily put down his figure and play games with them in a role-playing way.

if not.

As it is now.

There is no need for so many detours at all, after finalizing the murderer behind the scenes, just kill it directly.

After that, I will think about it later.

At this time, security personnel were ready to check on Bai Chen and Tohka Kirishima.

It was too suspicious after all.

However, they haven't waited for them to speak yet.

The invisible chains penetrated their bodies, and after their eyes were dull, they became loyal slaves.

Afterwards, Bai Chen and Kirishima Touka followed the security personnel and walked into the CCG headquarters unimpeded.

When passing by the ghoul detector, Touka Kirishima hesitated a little.

It was when Bai 050chen reminded her that she was no longer a ghoul that the girl passed through the inspection gate.

"Huh... I'm really worried that the alarm will be sounded."

Kirishima Touka said nervously.

Entering the CCG headquarters can be said to be the most exciting move in her life.

"The skinning ability of the chat group is still trustworthy, not to mention that the ghoul detector is also a joke. The Hexiu family has specially adjusted it. Even if ghouls and half-ghouls with the blood of the Hexiu family dance in it, it is impossible to send out an alarm."

...Is it still possible to do this? "

Kirishima Touka seems to understand but not understand.

But the girl also hated the Hexiu family more and more.

This kind of behavior of being a ghoul, but enslaving and deceiving human beings to hunt and kill ghouls is really shameless.

Halfway through, Bai Chen dominated the rest of the staff.

Take them all the way to the top of the headquarters.

Push open the door.

The huge office is decorated like the hall of a castle noble.

A red carpet was spread on the floor, and an expensive solid wood long table was in front of it.

An old man with white hair was sitting there.

At the same time, Bai Chen saw an unexpected figure.

Wearing a white suit, the hair is also white.

— Kisho Arima.

Known within the CCG as "The Undefeated Ghoul Investigator". .

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