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Chapter 1030: Mother Of The Black Goat

Chapter 1030

Ghouls are humans.

This is a certain fact.

The reason why it is difficult to control the desire to eat people is because of the mutated RC cells in the body.

As a ghoul, the daily energy consumption is much higher than that of ordinary people.

Therefore, in order to replenish the lost energy in the body, the ghouls will phagocytize the RC cells to achieve the balance in the body and suppress the hunger caused by the lack of RC cells

Therefore, if you want to solve the problem of cannibalism of ghouls, you need to solve the excessively mutated RC cells in their bodies.

The information obtained from Hexiu Changji's brain can be regarded as the "dragon" of the real origin of ghouls.

"Dragon" has the characteristics common to all kinds of ghouls.

Just like in many doomsday movies, the protagonist needs to find the patient zero who has a virus outbreak, so it is easier to make a virus vaccine from the sample of patient zero.

Bai Chen left the CCG-building with Kirishima Touka.

In the next second, the two of them appeared out of thin air hundreds of meters above downtown Tokyo.

The girl who experienced the feeling of flying for the first time was taken aback by the scene in the air, subconsciously took Bai Chen's arm, her face turned pale as if she had lost too much blood.

Even if a ghoul fell from such a high place, he would definitely die, not to mention that she is just an ordinary person now.

However, Touka Kirishima soon discovered that she did not feel any weightlessness.

Instead, he stood in the air like walking on the ground.

"I have solidified the nearby space, as long as you don't run around, you won't fall.

Bai Chen joked with a chuckle.


Hearing what he said, Touka Kirishima blushed, as if touching a hot potato, she quickly withdrew her hands that were hugging Bai Chen.

As if to divert the embarrassment, the girl timidly asked, "What are you going to do next?"

...set out to change the world so that the concept of ghouls and ghouls disappears.

The girl listened ignorantly.

However, after hearing about making the ghouls disappear, my heart still tensed for no reason.

Bai Chen saw what Kirishima Touka was thinking, and smiled lightly, "Don't worry, I won't use that rough method to physically wipe out all ghouls."

According to destiny, everyone must die once, and after death there will be judgment.

As Bai Chen has done to some worlds in the past.

Damn people, not alive.

People who should live will not die.

...Speaking of which, you should be very curious about my strength, right?"

Touka Kirishima subconsciously nodded.

It would be a lie to say that I am not curious.

After all, Bai Chen is a god from another world.

To what extent the power of God can be achieved, she certainly wants to know.

"Then satisfy your curiosity a little bit, and of course don't have too high expectations, after all..."

Bai Chen shook his head.

"after all?"

The girl was even more puzzled.

Then, she vaguely noticed a trace of abnormal changes.

Bai Chen raised his hand slightly towards the city below.

next second.

Space, not...should be the involuntary vibration of the world.

The girl standing next to Bai Chen, even though she is just an ordinary person now, has also felt the unprecedented change, and she couldn't help being shocked in her heart.

Is this the power of Mr. Bai Chen?

I haven't figured out what Bai Chen wants to do, just the prelude to the shock of the world surprised Kirishima Touka.

The next moment, the earth's crust cracked unstoppably in a certain area of ​​Tokyo.

The earth's crust was squeezed and deformed, and buildings that had long been uninhabited collapsed one after another.

Like the changes brought about by the earthquake, the power grid system of the city was affected, and power was cut off in large areas.

But the changes in the earth's crust intensified instead.

Just like a volcanic eruption, something deep underground is about to burst out.


The sound of breaking and breaking accompanied by changes in the earth's crust, and a roar that seemed to be made by some kind of monster spread throughout the city.

Ordinary people would shudder just listening to this distorted roar.

"What the hell is that thing?"

With the bright moonlight, Touka Kirishima saw the whole picture of the monster emerging from the ground.

A huge blood-colored lump of flesh like a black cloud, countless tentacles wriggling like life, and several big mouths dripping with mucus growing on the indescribable twisted blood clot.

...asking for flowers......

The terrifying body organs twisted and grew together, and at the end of the body there were black hooves that could barely be called sheep's hooves.

Such a weird appearance made Touka Kirishima feel the urge to vomit after seeing the whole picture.

But Bai Chen didn't think so.

The setting of the ghoul dragon is similar to the black goat goddess Shab Nicholas in the Cthulhu mythology.

It is the darkness produced from Azathoth, the source of all things, and it is also the representative of "earth", with super fecundity.

There is also a saying that the mother of the black goat gave birth to almost all the old rulers, including Cthulhu, and even all life.

In addition, it also gave birth to a creature called "Black Goat Cub".

They act as agents of Shabu Nicholas, accepting sacrifices and worship from believers instead of her, eating those who disrespect her, and spreading the mother's gospel to the world map.

The setting of the ghoul dragon is derived from the mother of the black goat in the myth of Cthulhu.

As the source of breeding ghouls, ghouls are the "black goat cubs" bred by dragons.

And just when Bai Chen dragged the ghouls out of the ground, a large number of ghouls called "dragon abandoned sons" fell from the dragon's body, and then were pulled into the air again.

Strange monsters and dense ghouls almost covered the sky.

Such a terrifying scene, people in other areas of Tokyo stopped to look at the source of the sound because they heard the previous noise.

Then he saw a scene that he would never forget.

For a while, almost everyone couldn't help but commit PTSD against dragons.

But Bai Chen didn't care about these issues.

He diffused the divine power into the dragon's body, and quickly figured out the original information of the ghoul.

With this information, Richen will be able to erase the characteristics of the ghouls in a targeted manner.

And after getting what he wanted, Bai Chen also planned to draw a perfect end to this commission.

Standing in front of Touka Kirishima, he expanded his consciousness outward.

One kilometer, ten kilometers...a million kilometers.

In just a few seconds, the entire world was covered by Bai Chen's consciousness. .

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