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Chapter 1032: Infecting The World

Chapter 1032

Want to change everything that exists.

I'm afraid that can only be done by doing it all over again.

Just when Aite thought so.

The fireball in the sky seemed to be ready to brew, broke through the golden aurora, and fell obliquely.

The dazzling brilliance blinded Aite's eyes, and the recovery power of the ghouls continued to repair her body. Two lines of blood and tears flowed from her eye sockets. Her vision was blood-red, but she could still vaguely see the countless fireballs falling from the sky.

The fiery red form rubbed against the air, sending out a sharp and mournful roar.

If someone can look from outer space at this moment, they will find that there are countless meteors falling in every corner of the world.

They roared and shredded the atmosphere, and the billowing heat swept the world.

In less than ten seconds.

The crimson star has expanded from the size of a football to occupying a quarter of people's sight.

The man and the ghoul stood there sluggishly, like 21 prisoners who were hung on a cross.

Immediately, the stars fell like rain.

The hundreds of millions of sparks pouring down swallowed people's sight and consciousness in just an instant.

Immediately afterwards, a hurricane like waves was set off, and the world was shaken by absolute power.


The scene of the meteor shower looked exciting, but in fact it did not cause much harm to the earth.

The fire of karma is aimed at the soul of the guilty.

Any soul who commits a capital crime cannot escape the fate of being burned to ashes.

The fire of crime karma is not only aimed at ghouls, but also humans.

In Bai Chen's perception.

In the process of the fire of sin karma taking effect, the souls of millions of living beings all over the world were burned to death.

This amount surprised Bai Chen a little.

It's not that there are too many, but that there are very few surprises.

Although most of them are ghouls, it also reflects from the side that the number of ghouls in this world has not changed too densely for thousands of years.

The reason for this result is that the conditions for becoming a ghoul are somewhat harsh.

The number of RC cells in a ghoul's body is more than dozens of times that of a normal person, and if an ordinary person wants to reach this level, they must constantly eat human flesh, so that they may mutate in a relatively long period of time.

The second is to forcibly infect the blood of a normal person with a Hebao by transplanting Hebao, turning it into a Cyclops ghoul.

But there are few doctors with this qualification in the whole world.

It can even be said that only the Hexiu family should have mastered this technique.

As for natural reproduction.

This way of birthing ghouls is less likely than human beings.

Of course, the reason why the number of ghouls in the world is less than one-thousandth of that of human beings is also due to the influence of the CCG created by the Hexiu family.

If they hadn't created violent organizations against ghouls for the benefit of their own families, perhaps the number of ghouls in this world would have doubled several times.

However, the number of ghouls has no effect on Bai Chen.

The fewer the dead, the lower the impact on social order.

at the same time.

Bai Chen also felt that millions of souls had been added to the Golden Demon City.

And some of them with a little combat power will become war slaves in the magic city.

The soul slaves who are burdened with crimes will always fight in the magic city, and as they fight each other, Bai Chen's strength will become stronger.

Millions of souls, for ordinary people, are enough to make them a superhuman existence.

The crown heroic spirit of the Xingyue world, if its strength is converted into soul volume, there is nothing more than this.


However, the enhancement of millions of souls is just icing on the cake for the Overbearing God.

What Bai Chen really cares about is the world itself.

His golden principles have spread to the essence of the world while doing it himself.

When "reason" completely erodes the "nucleus" of the world, then this world will become a part of his Bai Chen's general army.

After ensuring that his "reason" was steadily eroding the world, Bai Chen also started to prepare for another operation.

The fire of sin can only burn the souls of those who have committed capital sins.

Although after this big cleansing, the world will definitely restore peace for a period of time, but no matter which world, there will be no shortage of careerists.

The entire Hexiu family has become war slaves in the Demon City, but after a hundred years, there is no guarantee that there will be no second Hexiu family.

At that time, the world will become a mess again.

And he is not in that mood, he has to come to this world to burn every once in a while.

He is not the undead in the black soul.

Therefore, in order to solve this problem once and for all, Bai Chen decided to carry out an all-round transformation of the humans and ghouls in this world from the genetic aspect.

next second.

A purple band of light like a star ring appeared in the sky over the world.

The bands of light are intertwined with each other, wrapping around the world like ribbons.

Then, almost at the same time, a DNA-like double helix band of light soared into the sky.

Gold and purple intertwine to form a dreamlike scene.

But at this time, no one was in the mood to look at the scenery.

The five senses and consciousness of the people illuminated by the purple brilliance were engulfed again, and metal crystals grew out of their flesh and blood in an instant. If 610's real names were here at this moment, Qiqi and Yingman would definitely recognize that this dreamlike light belt and the fantasy crystal that grows in the human body are the effects of being infected with the Apocalypse virus.

And after confirming that the Apocalypse virus broke out in the world, Bai Chen also mobilized his own power again to reverse the human beings infected with the virus at the soul level.


The metallic crystals drilled back into the human body, and at the same time they turned back into human beings, the apocalypse virus also modified their genes once from the inside out.

The RC cells stored in the blood that can transform humans into ghouls, their phagocytosis after mutation, were also eliminated by Bai Chen by attacking poison with fire.

And Touka Kirishima, who stood next to Bai Chen and witnessed everything, was in a daze from beginning to end.


Although the girl didn't understand at all, it also made her gradually understand how outrageous the power Bai Chen possessed.

If Mr. Bai Chen is the devil who destroys the world

Kirishima Touka had just had such an idea in her head, but she immediately killed it.

This idea, just thinking about it, makes people shudder.

"Okay, there is one last step left."

With the sound of the young man's voice, the concept of reality was distorted in his thought. .

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