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Chapter 1039 Bai Chen Is A Big Radish?

Chapter 1039

Or, as long as she is a goddess related to Athena, she will be very concerned about her external image?

Athena was, and so was Alger.

The silver-haired Athena stared at Bai Chen motionlessly, with an attitude of not leaving until she gave an answer.

"It's not a question of whether she's pretty or not."

Bai Chen paused.

"Of course, she's not as pretty as you."

Although it is a proposition, it is also true.

He had never seen the goddess Athena of Hakoniwa.

Although Alger talks about ugly girls all day long, he also knows that Athena cannot be a real ugly girl.

However, no matter how beautiful it is, it doesn't matter to him. My little Athena Koroko is definitely much cuter than Hakoba's.

"Hmm... I like to tell lies.

Athena snorted softly, but judging from the smile on her face, she was very happy now.

"So the next development is the process of the concubine competing with Athena for the godhead. The change in the godhead will definitely be discovered by another concubine.

"It may have been discovered, too."

"Isn't that going to be a problem?"

Athena frowned slightly, and said in a slightly worried tone.

The abundance of aura in Hakoniwa is the only one she has ever seen in her life.

You don't need to guess too much, you know that the gods living here must be much stronger than the gods who don't obey.

In addition, Bai Chen also said earlier that Athena has triple-digit power.

Therefore, she was worried that her problems with Godhead would bring troubles to Bai Chen.

"You don't have to worry about this. Hakoba didn't stipulate that there must be only one Athena. There are many identical godheads here. Besides, another Athena might thank you

Bai Chen said.


"Because you and she are both Athena, since you have obtained the power after the spiritual level has been raised from the center of Hakoba, the other may also receive a corresponding "gift"

"Is that so... I still don't quite understand."

The silver-haired Athena nodded half-understanding.

Then, Bai Chen looked at Luo Hao again.

Like Athena, she is not fully attuned to her powers.

However, compared to Athena's huge improvement, Luo Hao's strength and spiritual power were not so greatly improved.

Of course, because of the experience of killing (cbdc) gods, her spiritual status has also reached the peak of five figures.

If you work hard, it is enough to compete with some four-digit numbers.

"I know you still have a lot of questions about Hakoniwa, so the rest..."

Having said that, Bai Chen gave up Leticia's position.

"I will let my assistant in Hakoniwa, Ms. Leticia, introduce you to Hakoniwa.

"Come, welcome with family drums."

Bai Chen took the lead in clapping his palms.

But Athena and Luo Hao ignored her, only Pest who was next to her clapped her hands.

"Then, my lords, I will tell you all about the basic knowledge of Hakoniwa. If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask questions at any time."

Leticia stood up, glanced at the two of them, and lightly kicked the hem of the skirt.

Athena and Luo Hao looked at the blond girl in front of them, and they could clearly sense the surging vitality in the opponent's body.

And looking at her attire, where is the assistant, it is clearly his woman.

Maybe, besides the two little maids in front of me, there must be other lovely girls in other places.

Flower Heart Carrot!


Sensing the two copies of the same malice, Bai Chen couldn't help looking at Athena and Luo Hao.

But he didn't care about such trivial matters.

"By the way, after the teaching is over, you can take them for a stroll around the City of Flames, and participate in some gift games as appropriate to adapt to your new power."

After speaking, Bai Chen was ready to leave.

It's rare to come to Hakoniwa, so naturally I have to see Shiroyasha.

Since the appearance of the three-headed dragon, the attitude of the upper gods has become quite ambiguous.

According to the usual situation, with Bai Yasha's temperament, he should find a way to return his spiritual status at this time, and return to the lower class to be a carefree vassal king.

However, after such a long time, they still stayed on the upper floor. It was obvious that something had happened.


It may also be that he thinks too much.

In that case, it is naturally better.

Master, please stay. "

Just when Bai Chen was about to contact Bai Yasha, Leticia stopped the young man.

"It's actually about forming a community. Now that the site and qualifications have been planned, all that's left is the flag and the name, so the master..."

"Oh, this one, I've already thought about it."

Hearing this, the girl stared at Bai Chen suspiciously.

The so-called thought it over, is it the level of just creating a new folder?

However, Bai Chen was quick to come up with his own designs.

Regarding the pattern of the flag, it is natural to use gold as the base, with a throne in the middle surrounded by golden feathers and stars.

Empty throne, only missing king.

And as the leader of the community, Bai Chen is naturally that king.

As for the naming of the community.

Bai Chen also decided to take it back as a doctrine, and directly named it "Gold Supreme".

Although it is suspected of stealing a teacher, this name is also completely consistent with the route he is currently walking.

Besides, there were no Sun of Wrath travelers in Little Garden, so Bai Chen would naturally not be suspected.

Besides, there is nothing wrong with it.

Now he is the God of Gold.


Leticia wrote down the two designs and solemnly put them away.

After she finishes teaching the two newcomers the corresponding knowledge, she will start to establish a community.

And she, after a few years, is no longer "nameless" but a person who has a real new home.

For the residents of Hakoniwa.

Community has extraordinary significance.

This is especially true for Leticia who has lost everything.


Bai Chen clicked on Bai Yasha's private chat in the chat group.

Bai Chen: "I'm looking for you, where are you?"

Waited a while for a reply.

Indecent white-haired loli: "?"

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "When did you come to Little Garden?"

Bai Chen: "Not long ago, I already had the spiritual status of Little Garden, and I came to Little Garden without your consent. You will not forget, right?"

The unscrupulous white-haired loli: "Well, I forgot such an important thing, but it's really a coincidence to come to Little Garden at this juncture.".

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