Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1050 Newcomers Join The Group

Chapter 1050

Not long after Bai Chen and Bai Ye returned to the lower floor.

The upper level of the box garden.

Inside the grand hall.

Inside the gate of the hall opposite to each other, countless Arhats and Bodhisattvas sit cross-legged on the lotus platform.

In the grand hall, the ethereal sound of chanting is endless.

"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, if you practice the deep prajna paramita for a long time, you will see that all five aggregates are empty, and you will overcome all hardships."

During the process of chanting the scriptures, the hall was illuminated by the sun, and the bodies of the Buddha's disciples burst out with a steady stream of light, which was transported to the Tathagata like a liquid in a pipeline.

And the incomplete body of the incarnate Buddha on the highest colorful lotus platform has also grown a new arm-.

The skin is smooth and flawless, just like a newborn baby.

And as Sakyamuni was reborn, those arhats and bodhisattvas who conveyed the power to the Buddha were like corpses with all the water drained from their bodies at this moment.

A gust of wind blew by, and the dry corpse was turned into ashes, leaving only a gray-black irregular stone.

At this time, the chanting sound in the hall suddenly became louder again.

"Shariputra! It is the empty appearance of all dharmas, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor clean, neither increasing nor decreasing."

"There is no hindrance in the heart, there is no hindrance to the reason, there is no fear, away from reversing dreams, to the end Nirvana..."

I saw only those places where only relics were left, a gap slowly cracked on the originally bright relic surface.

A bloody tentacle drilled out of it, and its cry was like that of a newborn baby.

Shortly thereafter, the chanting stopped.

Shakya gently opened his eyes.

A Bodhisattva spoke under the stage.

"The White Night Protoss has returned to the lower layer."

"With the help of that young man of unknown origin, we are in a disadvantaged position. Let's ignore her for now. When the Buddha is born in thousands of families, I will break through the existing shackles. Those who belong to the Buddhist sect will not be taken away by others."

"Yes, disciple obeys."

In the next period of time, as Bai Chen expected, Buddhism and other kingdoms of God will make any moves.

And Bai Chen also asked Leticia to take Luo Hao and Athena around the City of Brilliant Flames, and let them participate in the training if there was a suitable gift game.

While improving popularity, it can also grow the spirit, and it can also contribute to the development of Zhigaotian.

One can imagine.

In the future, the golden sky will gradually become lively.

Members of different worlds.

As well as those virtual characters from fantasy works in the RE world, as well as those heroic spirits of Chaldea.

The reason why he didn't ask Gu Dazi to bring the heroic spirit now is also to take care of the situation when he will face King Solomon in the future.

When the time is right, I can go there and take all those heroic spirits away.

Just when Bai Chen had nothing to do and was about to enter the group to see what the sand sculpture group friends were talking about.

The message from the private chat rang first.

[Group reminder (private): You have received a red envelope from a group member "Indecent White-haired Lolita". 】

Bai Chen nodded subconsciously.

Seeing that the points balance is about to break through the 80,000 mark.

Bai Chen: "?"

Bai Chen: "What's going on with the 10,000 points?"

Bai Chen: "Could it be that you want to adopt me? Maomao is surprised.jpg.y

Irregular white-haired loli: "Then can I keep you with this ten thousand?"

Bai Chen: "No, thank you."

Irreverent white-haired loli: "Cut! I'm not trying to fool you, this 10,000 points is your reward for helping me, although it's not a lot, but many of our treasures are left at Qianyan's side

I can't get it back for now.

Bai Chen: "It's just a matter of raising one's hand. I haven't said it before. I don't care if any member of the group suffers. The same goes for you."

Irregular white-haired loli: "Brothers also need to settle accounts clearly, just keep it for us! From now on, we will be grasshoppers on the same boat, you are so lucky, get some powerful equipment and abilities from the group, and we will be able to feel at ease in the future..."

Bai Chen: "Retire with peace of mind?"

The unscrupulous white-haired loli: "No, it's peace of mind to train the black rabbit. We found that the black rabbit is a bit disobedient during this period. We must kill her spirit! It's just a black rabbit!"

The unscrupulous white-haired loli: "Plus, after all, our ability has already been developed to the limit, but you are different. The path you take has infinite possibilities, so we think it is right to invest in you as soon as possible."

Bai Chen: "Subway elderly mobile phone.jpg."

Afterwards, he quit the chat group, and looked helplessly at Bai Ye who was playing games on the sofa not far away.

...asking for flowers...

"Is there anything that can't be said in person?"

"I thought about it at first, but I forgot after I gave you a red envelope."

Bai Ye licked his lips.

"We can use this place as our base camp in the future. Even if the points are not investment, they can also be used as rent, right?"


Bai Chen let out a laugh, then stood up, and a blue gate of time and space appeared in front of him.

"I'll go back and have a look first, and you will take care of this side, and talk to me privately if you have anything to do."

No response was received.

Beside Bai Ye, an elf held up an "ok" sign, staring at the game screen.

As a class ruler in the past, she basically has no time for entertainment except for business and teasing the black rabbit.

Now that there is nothing to do, it is natural to make up for it.


After finishing speaking, Bai Chen's figure walked into the gate of time and space and returned to the world of Godslayer.

Bai Chen who came back was warmly welcomed by the girls, but he was a little uncomfortable without Athena, the cook.

Bai Chen secretly decided to discuss it with Athena next time and ask her to come back regularly to have a meal. He must not forget his own work in order to become stronger.

Afterwards, Bai Chen sank into the chat group again, looking through the chat history to see what the group members were doing these days.

The SAO game was cleared by Gandi Kitty in less than a month.

The final boss, Akihiko Kayaba, was a bit difficult, but he was tortured to death by Kitten, Spider, Fubuki and Paojie.

Yotsuya Miko and Asuna were paddling aside.

Surprisingly, Limulu played a trick, which belongs to the kind of giving away people's heads.

For this reason, he, a social animal who was over 30 years old in his previous life and had no girlfriend, was ridiculed in the group.

It’s fine if you don’t have a girlfriend, it’s fine if you don’t have money, it’s fine if you don’t have money, playing games is still a big deal, no wonder you become a slime through time travel.

After reading the record, Bai Chen interjected.

Bai Chen: "It's really good."

Little Spider: "My boss suddenly appeared!"

The Spirit of Time: "Good morning, Mr. Bai Chen.

Just as other people greeted each other one after another, the reminder for newcomers to join the group sounded.

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