Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1057 Is It The End Of The World, Isn't It A Big Problem?

Chapter 1057

Watching Saeko Busujima's speech, Bai Chen guessed that the zombie virus has not yet broken out and is in the early stage of the plot.

Otherwise, Saeko Busujima is running for her life now, not spying on the screen.

But since others asked for it, Bai Chen didn't hide it.

Bai Chen: "Actually, there's nothing to say, it's nothing more than that one day later, the zombie virus suddenly broke out in your world, and then you and other survivors escaped in the end of the world. In the future, 90% of the world's population turned into zombies, and there were no other major problems.

Saeko Busujima: "???"

Teacher Loli: "???"

Grandpa is so cute: "???"

Railgun: "Is this not a big problem?"

The Spirit of Time: "This is already the biggest problem, isn't it?! Mr. Bai Chen, be normal!"

Seeing this, Tokisaki Kurumi suddenly worried whether Bai Chen's brain was broken.

That's billions of lives, and he said it so lightly.

As Bai 21chen's girlfriend, she was very worried that Bai Chen would become more and more inappropriate.

Saeko Busujima: "...you're not lying to me, are you?"

The girls in the dojo were completely stunned.

She originally just wanted to find a way to get rid of her inner demons from the chat group, but she never thought that she would hear this near-joking prophecy.

At this moment, it was hard to believe that the chat group was the serious Saeko Busujima, and she began to suspect that this thing might not be deliberately teased by some god.

This is like one day when you are going on a date with your girlfriend, and then a mysterious person pops up and tells you that your girlfriend is a human body transformed from a cosmic being defeated by Ultraman from the Kingdom of Light.

It's just outrageous fucking open the door for outrageous-it's true that outrageous is home.

Bai Chen: "I'm normal. The reason I say this is because the doomsday outbreak was caused by man-made viruses. It's really hard for me to sympathize.

The queen who wants to fall in love: "It's another reason for the artificial virus."

I don't want to go to hell: "It's the classic rerun."

Blue Slime: "I remember Miss Shengtianzi's world, is it the chaos caused by man?"

Gastrenterovirus, this kind of virus is the result of research by the governments of some countries.

Then accidentally played off.

The speed of virus mutation is beyond the control of human beings, leading to the outbreak of gastritis crisis in the world. When the emperor entered the group, the whole world was in an atmosphere of despair

Holy Son of Heaven: "Oh..."

Just a long sigh represented the complicated mood of the Holy Son of Heaven.

Bad woman: "People's hearts are wrapped up. I like this idiom from the East. It's just that if you treat some people with a better attitude, those people will come over like dogs, and they are quite obedient."

Bad woman: "From a certain point of view, human beings are actually more terrifying than demons. After all, as long as you can find the weakness of demons, you can target them, but humans can't do it at all."

Electromagnetic Gun: "Although I am also a human being, I have to agree with you this time, after all, some people's hearts have been distorted to the point where there is no way to correct it.

She recalled the content of the evolution plan for the absolute capable user.

In the past, she could never have imagined why anyone in the world would agree to conduct such a brutal experiment.

The princess in military uniform: "I am deeply moved. I have never had a good impression of those humans until now."

After speaking, he was afraid of misunderstanding in the group, Altair added.

Princess in Military Uniform: "Of course, I'm only targeting the world I'm in."

I don't want to see a ghost: "Oh, I always feel that we humans are the most catastrophic race in the universe. Hurry up, let's all perish!"

The golden goblin: "Ah... all the human beings in my world have already perished once."

Blue Slime: "How should I put it, after becoming a slime, I also felt a lot of malice from my former compatriots.

Although the group members are just joking and don't really want the entire human race to perish, but whenever this kind of thing appears in front of them, even members of the group who are also of the human race will have the urge to complain.

After all, human beings are too good at killing.

Purple Sweet Potato: "No, I think all races and life in the universe have a reason for existence, and it is too rude to achieve a goal by exterminating a certain race."

Seeing this, Bai Chen became more and more sure of his guess.

This Thanos is not from the madman in the comic universe, but similar to the Thanos in the movie universe.

Big Bone boiled it into soup: "Indeed, if there is a problem, as long as you find it, you can solve it. As long as human beings keep holding on to hope, miracles will definitely appear."

Although he has seen the darkness among human beings, Big Tongue completely believes in the existence of human beings.

It's just that before Dagu finished speaking, the purple sweet potato essence's next sentence completely stunned Dagu, and even all the group members except Bai Chen.

Purple Sweet Potato Essence: "But because every life has its own reason for its existence, for its own benefit, it can only rob new resources through constant fighting. But in this way, one day the resources of the universe will be divided up, and all life in the universe will perish together."

Railgun: "I know this. The law of conservation of matter and mass is 890. This is just like the earth. If human beings don't control it, when all the resources on the earth are exhausted, all human beings can only wait to die."

Irreverent white-haired loli: "I've never heard of it! But... if it is to observe the universe, there is indeed a limit."

Some two-digit existences who have mastered some observable universes should have unlimited scale and power.

But it didn't turn out that way.

Elegant lady: "Uh... is this knowledge about astronomy? But... this should be a scientific theory, right? There should be no need to worry about such problems if you have a magical world that can create something out of nothing, right?"

Purple Sweet Potato Essence: "At least the universe I live in is facing this kind of problem."

In order to solve this problem, he will embark on a journey to find infinite gems.

Prepare to use that supreme power to wipe out half of the life in the universe, so that the remaining life can continue.

Saeko Busujima: "I...what should I do?"

Seeing the discussion in the group, Saeko Busujima did not participate in it, but took the initiative to ask for a solution.

After all, if even the world is about to be destroyed, there is no need for her to worry about her inner demons.

At least make sure that you are not infected into a zombie first! .

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