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Chapter 1062: Saeko Busujima's Live Broadcast

Chapter 1062

Bai Chen: "What's wrong?"

Saeko Busujima: "I seem to understand your suggestion to me before, but I always feel that something is missing."

Bai Chen: "It's normal, you have been suppressing the other side of yourself in the past, and the subconscious you will not accept it so quickly, just wait for a while.

Bai Chen: "But be careful not to indulge in that feeling too much, otherwise it will easily cause problems in your heart."

Although most of the problems are blocked, it is better to be sparse, but if you are accommodating, it is very likely that things will get out of hand.

The other side of Saeko Busujima is quite dangerous.

If you are not careful, you will become a murderous maniac.

Coupled with the fact that the order of the last days has collapsed, it is easier to turn people into lunatics of desire.

Saeko Busujima: "I understand, thank you very much for your guidance."

Bai Chen: "You're welcome, no matter which side is you, you just need to know this."

Looking at the message 21 of this boss in the chat group, Saeko Busujima not only felt a touch of gratitude and longing in her heart.

The status of the two is very different, but even so, the other party still takes the trouble to explain his doubts.

So much so that even she felt a sense of guilt.

After all, Bai Chen is already equivalent to a mentor in life for her.

The inner demon that had troubled her for several years was quickly relieved according to the other party's method, and she was also taught to face up to her own heart.

For Saeko Busujima, this is undoubtedly the most precious gift so far.

But she couldn't respond to that man.

The disparity in status made her completely unable to think of how she could repay Bai Chen.

Even if Bai Chen said it was nothing, but Saeko Busujima would not think so.

Regardless of her inner personality, Busujima Saeko is a standard Yamato Nadeko.

After all, it is impossible for a person who can say the phrase "protecting the dignity of a man is the greatest reserve of a woman" to expose this article carelessly.

But... what should she do to satisfy Bai Chen?

Railgun: "That's right! Miss Busushima, you just said that you have gradually let go of your psychological problems. Could it be that the virus has already broken out on your side?"

Saeko Busujima: "Yeah, I guess it's almost an hour now.

Railgun: "So fast!!! I thought it was at least a while longer."

The Spirit of Time: "Mr. Bai Chen said that the virus has been released in advance, so when it will break out is only a matter of time."

Little Spider: "Miss Poison Island, can you start a live broadcast? We can also warn you about places you can't see."

Chaos Evil: "Actually, I just want to see the new world, right?"

Little Spider: "Hey.

Chaos Evil: "Actually, I want to watch it too. After all, there hasn't been a live broadcast for a while. Although the world over Asuna is interesting, that kind of game world is more attractive than watching the live broadcast."

Although the game world in SAO is colorful, the live broadcast effect is not very good.

After all, that is the level that most group members can touch. Playing games and watching games are two different experiences.

Compared with Bai Chen's previous live broadcast, for those commissions that cannot be completed by other group members, of course it is more comfortable to watch the big guys perform.

Blue Slime: "I want to see it too!"

Ye is so cute: "The outbreak of the virus should be regarded as a tragedy, whether it is for the human beings in that world or Miss Poison Island.

The Spirit of Time: "Yes, although we can't experience it, Miss Busujima is experiencing that kind of thing herself."

Butterfly Shinobi: "For ordinary people, it is indeed a catastrophe, so if Ms. Busujima doesn't want to open it, you don't need to open it.

Saeko Busujima: "No...Actually, I don't have much feeling, my only relative is not in the mainland, so I don't have anything to worry about.

indeed so.

For Saeko Busujima, since the outbreak of the virus, her biggest feeling is that her personality is changing in an unknown direction.

Although there are some people who feel sorry for the classmates they know turned into zombies, but after thinking that there is a big guy who will turn the tide, that little bit of regret is gone.

Saeko Busujima: "Let me try how to start a live broadcast?"

Although I didn't think of a way to repay Bai Chen's kindness, it is more than enough to satisfy a small wish of the group of friends.

Soon, she found the option to start the live broadcast.

At the same time, there are also reminders in the chat group.

[Group reminder: group member "Bujima Saeko" started the live broadcast, everyone come and watch~~~]

[Group member "Little Spider" enters the live broadcast room]

[Group member "Super Electromagnetic Gun" enters the live broadcast room]

[Group member "Blue Slime" enters the live broadcast room]

[Group member "I don't want to see a ghost" enters the live broadcast room]

[Group member "Elegant Miss" enters the live broadcast room]

Soon, a group of group members who were currently idle and had nothing to do swarmed in.

The live broadcast picture quickly appeared in everyone's mind 923.

At first it was a black and white picture, like an old movie.

Black and white are thriving, full of youthfulness, walking together on campus.

Some are chasing and fighting, and there are also couples who are chatting with each other in the grove, and there are figures who are combing the middle part and wearing overalls sweating on the basketball court.

Then the black and white and color scenes alternated back and forth.

Accompanied by a low and strange roar.

The scenes shown in those black and white pictures become dilapidated, the campus is no longer lively, and the benches where the lovers sat are stained with a large pool of blood, which drags extremely long as the camera lengthens.

Finally, a group of walking corpses still wearing school uniforms appeared in the picture.

Smelly blood and mucus flowed from their mouths, and they ran towards the living people.

After a few screams, the screen went black.

Then, a school bus driving on the road came into view.

The embarrassed and tired students lay down on the seats, exhausted physically and mentally after the test of life and death.

And as the camera turned, finally a woman with long purple hair, Saeko Busujima appeared in the center of the video interface.

At first she looked dazed.

Because Saeko Busujima saw herself in the live broadcast. .

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