Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

The First Thousand And Sixty-Five Chapters Beat Him

Chapter 1065

Obviously when it is necessary to unite as one, a few rat shit will appear to fight among themselves.

Most people in the group don't like the man Wisteria Koichi either.

Everyone is a transcendent person, and one can guess a person's psychological activities through his appearance.

This is not to look at the luck in fantasy novels, but the micro-expressions of a person's face are easily affected by psychological activities, and even he himself does not know what he has done.

Of course, what is more obvious is that the shots given by the chat group are all backlit and tilted.

No matter how stupid the audience is, they can tell that Koichi Wisteria is not a good man.

But Bai Chen is not surprised by this.

After all, infighting in the last days is an island nation's tradition.

Basically, every movie that is related to the end of the world and the crisis, the main theme is the infighting among human beings.

Whenever he sees this, Bai Chen really wants to crack the heads of those screenwriters and authors to see what it is.

The meaning is not that infighting is not allowed, but it is too much for the plot to be all about infighting.

Looking at the analysis in the group, Saeko Busujima raised her eyes slightly.

At this moment, Wisteria Koichi is giving a speech in the school bus calmly.

As long as you obey the leader's command, you can live. This directly brainwashes those students who are not firm in their minds.

"I think we can have an election and choose an interim leader from among the candidates here.


"Teacher, my life is in your hands."

"As long as it keeps me alive, I'm willing to do anything!"

Those brainwashed students spoke one after another.

And at this moment, the live broadcast room just happened to show Zi Kuojie's sinister smile deliberately showing her back to everyone.

The picture presented in the second perspective made Saeko Busujima even more disgusted with this man.

Especially when I noticed that Koichi Wisteria's eyes were not so clean, I became even more disgusted.

With the experience of being followed by perverts in the past, Saeko Busujima hates the kind of man who only dares to attack weak women.

At this time.

A girl with pink hair tied into twin ponytails said in a sarcastic tone.

"The so-called candidate, shouldn't you be the only one?"

"No way, after all, who made me the teacher here.

Wisteria Hiroshi pushed his glasses.

The pink-haired girl cut lightly, obviously with a disdainful attitude, but she didn't say anything.

"According to what you said, Ju Chuan Shizuka is also a teacher, so she should also be qualified to be a candidate.

Hearing this, Wisteria Hiroshi subconsciously looked at Ju Chuan Shizuka.

It was a tall, slender, and extremely magnificent beauty with blond long hair who looked over with a cute expression.

She pointed to herself and asked suspiciously: "You...are you talking about me just now?"

Seeing this scene, the pink-haired twin-tailed Takagi Saya clicked her tongue.

She couldn't count on it.

Wisteria Koichi also showed a faint smile.

Ju Chuan Shizuka is a foreign mixed-race person, with an Asian face but a figure that is hundreds of times better than those European and American actresses.

If there is no zombie crisis, he still wants to find a chance to get this stupid thing.

"In this case, let's vote with a show of hands. Those who support me please raise their hands."

Following the words of Koichi Wisteria, more than half of the students in the school bus raised their hands.

"Then those who support Teacher Ju Chuan, please raise your hand."

The arms are all down.

Wisteria Koichi was very proud of himself.

As he once targeted government councilors, trying to brainwash these students who have not yet left society is just like playing.

In addition, there is a real status gap between the seniors and the juniors in the island society, so even if some students have a slight criticism of him, they absolutely dare not stand up and confront him face to face.

He grasped this point and chose to bring up this topic when everyone escaped from birth and was most mentally and physically exhausted.

"It seems that the result is already obvious, the minority obeys the majority."

Wisteria Koichi showed a triumphant smile.

Although Ju Chuan Shizuka is a teacher, she is a health care teacher, and she is famous for being confused and natural. It is okay to be a cute creature, but if you really want to choose her as a leader, you will choose her if you have a good brain.

His eyes were subtle, and he secretly swept across the audience.

Soon, as long as they stay in this school bus, everyone will become his most loyal supporters.

But at this moment, Saeko Busujima stood up gently.

Sensing the movement behind him, Wisteria Koichi asked suspiciously.

"Bujima-san, what do you want to do?"

...asking for flowers...0

Before he fails, Koichi Wisteria will try his best to control his emotions.

He believes that with his level of speaking skills, even if it is an iceberg on the opposite side, it will be melted by him one day.

Moreover, Saeko Busushima is the champion of the National Kendo Competition, so she must be kept.

So is Shizuka Ju Chuan.

Although it is a cute thing on campus, as a health care teacher, the most basic knowledge reserve is still online.

Saeko Busujima didn't respond, she just walked to a position less than one meter in front of Koichi Wisteria and stopped.

She sighed softly.

"...No way, you are a bit too annoying."

She didn't care about what Wisteria Koichi did.

If you want to become a leader, just let him go, and you can only erase the side effects caused by your demons.


No matter ugly, or what, that is yourself.

It's her, it's Saeko Busujima.

However, although Saeko Busujima is a nosy person, it is not a big deal for the group members in the live broadcast room to watch the excitement.

Grandpa is so cute: "Wow! It's completely a villain's face! It's exactly the same as Paimon!"

Little spider: "The nostrils are growing upwards!"

Chaos Evil: "Slap him! I feel a little angry for some reason."

Blue Slime: "Smack him!"

Ultra-Railgun: "Hit him!"

Then there was another round of swiping.

Although some group members were just joining in the fun, the behavior of Koichi Wisteria did arouse their resentment.

Elegant and decent lady: "Did you see the look in the eyes of that man looking at that female teacher? He's squinting, and you can tell what's going on in your heart just by looking at it!"

The Spirit of Time: "At this time, it's outrageous to think about women."

Saeko Busujima: "Uh...is this really okay?"

Looking at the group members who were still arguing in the chat area one second, and the group members who were fighting against each other because of the arrival of Wisteria Koichi the next second, the girl was both helpless and funny.

Bai Chen: "Didn't I already say that? Just be yourself. Whatever you think in your heart, just do it directly. You don't have to worry too much. Anyway, if something happens, I will take care of it. Even if you kill this kind of person, you are only making a contribution to the world."

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