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Chapter 1070 Exclusive Skills For Veteran Drivers

Chapter 1070

"Oh? What?"

Before Ju Chuan Shizuka could react, she was dragged to a high altitude.

The strong wind ruffled her long hair and rattled the white coat she was wearing.

After a brief pause, Ju Chuan Shizuka let out an ah.

The sudden jump of her body made her unprepared to let out a cry of surprise.

With her rough-and-tumble character, after experiencing such an unreasonable incident, Rao couldn't help temporarily letting reason prevail and thinking about what was going on.

But big sister... the zombie crisis is obviously more serious than taking off, right?

Even if Bai Chen knows Ju Chuan Shizuka's setting, he still has to spit out what should be said.

The exact opposite is Takashi Saya.

The girl started yelling after being dragged into the sky by Bai Chen, and she held on tightly to Saeko Busujima who was closest to her, not daring to let go.

Saeko Busushima was much calmer, but the look on her brows showed that she was surprised.

Despite knowing that Bai Chen is a god.

But such things as flying broke her ten-year-old concept.

The exclamation of the two girls attracted attention.

All the other students in the school bus looked up in astonishment, their mouths opened wide, as if seeing God was unbelievable.

First, the zombie crisis broke out, and then the former classmates suddenly became able to fly.

This is not pretending, it's a showdown, and the hermit is ready to save the world?

Young people's imaginations are still quite rich, but their guesses are not bad.

Bai Chen is indeed here to save the world.

But he didn't come here on purpose, but he came here with the attitude of treating it as his own back garden.

The fact that the world was his thing was a done deal.

As a host, it is normal to clean up the weeds in the back garden.

Of course, Bai Chen didn't do that right away.

"Okay...so high, too high! Sister Xue, please hold on to me, otherwise I will fall and die! I will definitely fall to my death at this height!"

Saya Takashiro tightly hugged Saeko Busujima's waist, looking terrified.

After being surprised, Ju Chuan Shizuka also showed an anxious expression.

I saw this health care teacher pulling down his short suit and skirt with both hands, which was enough to make the heroine in Lifan feel ashamed and wriggled physically.

"This height will be seen by others, it's better to say that it will definitely disappear!"

Takashi Saya was stunned.

At this time, you still think about getting naked?

Shouldn't the point be that they fly?

However, when Ju Chuan Shizuka said this, she couldn't help but clamp her legs tightly to prevent herself from showing up.

"Don't worry, no one will see it. It's better to say that no one is not in the mood to see it now."

Bai Chen said lightly.

And of course he thought about it.

Therefore, a layer of absolute domain enchantment that "seems to be visible but absolutely invisible" has been added to these three people.

This is the unique skill he learned from Bai Yasha, and besides this move, there are many other strange moves.

Of course, all are exclusive to old drivers.

"This kind of thing... did you do it?"

Seeing Bai Chen's calm tone, Takashiro Saya already had a clue.

Until then, she didn't understand the meaning of what Saeko Busujima said before.

However, the modern education she has received for more than ten years still makes it difficult for her to accept this surreal unfolding.

The zombie crisis can still be explained by science, but the current situation cannot be explained at all, okay?!

There is no need for Bai Chen to answer questions that he knowingly asks.

And Takashi Saya also found the answer from the silence.

She looked at Saeko Busujima, with a look of anticipation and tension in her eyes.

"Senior sister, who is this lord..."

...is a god. "

Saeko Busushima's tone became more serious.

Seeing Takashi Saya holding her breath [The girl's mood is a little delicate.

"But please don't worry, Master Bai Chen is very good, it is he who offered to help me solve the world's problems."

What is going on in this world?

Although Takashiro Saya no longer asked questions, but more questions popped up in her head.

But the girl felt somewhat relaxed in her heart.

If it is really a god, this sudden crisis will definitely be resolved satisfactorily.

The night darkened.

The bright and bright moon is the same as in the past, fulfilling its own duties, and decorating the earth with a thin layer of silver gauze.

...asking for flowers...

But things have changed on the ground.

The once bustling city was dead silent, and walking corpses wandered everywhere in the streets.

And, a girl holding a dagger and hacking around in the night street.

Pu Chi Pu Chi

After the blade cut into the flesh, it made a creepy sound.

Along the road, there are broken limbs and broken arms of the merchants everywhere.

After Busujima Saeko used the steel sword, the speed of cleaning up the walking dead was even better.

Ordinary walking corpses are not close at all.

And in order to allow Saeko Busujima to adapt to her dark side faster, Bai Chen specially strengthened the girl's body so that she would not look too tired after killing a few zombies.


But for the young girl, the almost infinite physical strength allowed her to fully appreciate the pleasure of killing.

But this pleasure drove Saeko Busujima into madness several times, almost becoming a slave of desire several times.

But fortunately, Saeko Busujima's mind is firm enough.

Despite having abundant physical strength, he still maintained the utmost restraint in the process of killing.

And after two hours of hacking, the girl's mood gradually stabilized.

During this period, Bai also further investigated the source and truth of the virus outbreak.

The virus was indeed jointly developed by the beautiful country and the island country.

The cause of the virus outbreak is also more or less due to the uneven distribution of spoils.

The island country wants to use the power of the virus to break the existing world pattern, make its international status no longer embarrassing, and get rid of the domination of the beautiful country, so that the island country can become a world power.

To this end, the island governments have made long-term preparations.

Secretly release viruses around the world, and prepare a disaster response manual in the country to prevent citizens of the country from being caught off guard when encountering the same incident.

But these tricks were seen through by the beautiful country, and the island country became furious and wanted to make this matter public, but the former obviously didn't give them a chance.

Through spies and traitors, as well as the power of the troops stationed on the island, the source of the virus is placed all over the island country, and when the virus outbreak causes social chaos, a nuclear bomb is detonated to cause an electromagnetic pulse, completely sealing off the island country.

Typical black eat black feet. .

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