Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

The First Thousand And Seventy-Six Chapters I Am A Waste

Chapter 1076

The Spirit of Time: "Suddenly Alert.jpg."

Little White Cat: "Is the teacher finally going to start?"

Chaos Evil: "Run! Plop.jpg.

Chaos Evil: "I can't run away anymore."

Blue Slime: "Wow! What crime did I do today! It's just this time!"

Blue Slime: "Is it too late to run now?"

Super electromagnetic gun: "It's hopeless! Wait for death! Farewell!"

Silver-haired Witch: "...What's going on here? Wouldn't it be nice for Mr. Bai Chen to liven up the atmosphere?"

Princess in Military Uniform: "It's rare that Mr. Bai Chen takes the initiative to become a comedian. Yu is looking forward to it."

I don't want to see a ghost: "A comedian? No, no, it seems that you haven't seen that scene yet... But it doesn't matter, anyway, you can't escape the "250" today.

Little Spider: "It seems that Emilia and Miss Altair have never seen that scene, but you newcomers will see it again soon."

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "You start! We have already drawn a magic circle and cursed you."

After seeing Bai Chen's speech, Bai Yasha, who was staying in the lower floor of the Little Garden, immediately took out the carefully prepared curse moves.

Although I don't know if it will help, but I have to find a psychological comfort.

After all, as the largest non-chief in the chat group, Bai Yasha's mentality has completely collapsed since the last ten shipwrecks of the Ten Company.

In addition, there were a lot of things to deal with during that time, so there was no lottery draw.

It wasn't until he was free for a while that Bai Yasha remembered that there was a lottery draw in the group.

However, before she could organize her mentality and come back to the ten consecutive times, Bai Chen took the lead again.

The existence of Bai Chen made her see the gap between Europeans and non-dogs.

And took out the bad luck magic circle that has been carefully planned for a long time, in an attempt to interfere with the luck of Europeans in this way.

As for whether it is useful or not, she doesn't know.

Anyway, just for fun.

Bai Chen: "?"

Bai Chen: "In the past, I just drew a prize, and then shared the joy of shipping with you. Is this wrong?"

At least Bai Chen subconsciously never thought so.

Indecent white-haired loli: "Fuck! (a plant)." 1

Railgun: "Fuck! (a plant)."

The Spirit of Time: Fuck! (a kind of plant).

Railgun: "Fuck! (a plant)."

Blue Slime: "Fuck! (a plant)."

Purple Sweet Potato: "I have read the lottery setting in the group file. It is said that all props and powers in the world where the group members are located can be drawn?"

Little Spider: "That's right! So, does Uncle Purple Potato want to draw a lottery?"

Purple Sweet Potato Essence: "I have this idea.

Thanos thought a lot.

If he can get powerful equipment or abilities, the resistance he receives will be even lower.

All his purposes are for the regeneration and sustainable development of the universe.

And he didn't come up with the idea of ​​destroying half of the universe's life in order to save the world.

It was only after decades of practice that we came to such a conclusion,

He has been to a planet with a developed civilization, and then destroyed half of the life on that planet, and spent twenty years observing the development of that planet.

The civilization is more advanced, the population is more refined, and the allocation of resources is more concentrated and reasonable.

This proved his conjecture.

Therefore, Thanos will embark on the road of destroying half of the universe.

During this period, he was also hindered by many parties.

If his strength is strong enough, some things may go more smoothly.

And seeing the discussions and replies in the chat group, Thanos also made his own decision.

His army has collected many treasures over the years.

The transportation compartment has been almost full, even too much to fit, so that most of them have to be thrown away.

Maybe those things could be reused.

Thanos knows that chat groups only recycle valuables.

However, so many planets have been invaded, and there are some useful things among them.

It's just that it can't be used with Thanos' strength.

Thanos soon arrived at the transport warehouse.

The guards there moved away in awe, but they wondered why the master came to such a place.

Afterwards, they saw the treasures in the transport warehouse disappear one by one, so fast that people couldn't react at all.

At the same time, a series of screen swiping prompts appeared in the chat group..

::Group member "Purple Sweet Potato made an exchange, 9.1

[Group reminder: Group member "Purple Sweet Potato Essence" made a redemption and got +5345 points. 】

[Group reminder: Group member "Purple Sweet Potato Essence" made a redemption and got points +6077.1

[Group reminder: The group member "Purple Sweet Potato Essence" made a redemption and got +4179 points. 】

After the fourth company ended, the discussions among the group members became more heated than before.

Little Spider: "Wow! I didn't expect the newcomer to be a hidden rich man!"

Blue Slime: "Please take care of me!"

I don't want to see a ghost: "It's really a big deal! There are 20,000 points in one exchange!"

Best-selling novelist: "Is the gap between people so big?"

Mad nurse: "This means... is Mr. Thanos going to draw a lottery?"

Purple Sweet Potato Essence: "I have an idea, but let's put some of it into it first."

He is very clear about the lucky draw mechanism of the chat group.

It's no different from a machine in a casino, it's all about luck.

Thanos doesn't know if he can get it, but he has to experiment, calculate the probability of getting useful items, and then make adjustments.

Thanos believes that everything has its own rules.

And as long as there is a law, he can calculate it and get the answer that is closest to the truth.

Little White 5.1 Cat: "Scary!"

Chaos Evil: "Are all the rookies this way? Twenty thousand points are only part of it.

Luo Abao: "Completely underestimated! We are obviously old people in the group, why do we feel that the worse we get, the worse we get?!"

Electromagnetic Gun: "To put it nicely, it's a senior, but to put it bluntly, it's an old thing."

Ultra-railgun: "I'm trash.jpg.

Chaos Evil: "I am trash.jpg."

Little Spider: "I'm trash.jpg.

Seventeen-year-old beautiful girl: "I'm trash.jpg."

A series of swiping screens is more than Thanos's message when exchanging points.

But Thanos also knew that this group was like this, so he didn't say much, and directly started his first lottery draw. .

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