Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

The First Thousand And Seventy-Five Chapters, Let's Make A Promise To The Little Girl

Chapter 1075

At any time, saving the beauty by a hero is the best way to gain favorability.

What's more, what Bai Chen did was far beyond that level.

Of course, the most important premise is that the face value passes the test.

The level of appearance will directly affect the different attitudes of the opposite sex towards the same thing.

High appearance means "little girl has nothing to repay and can only promise her with her body", while low appearance can only hear the sentence "little girl has nothing to repay, and she is willing to be a cow and a horse in the next life-to repay great kindness"

The world is always so realistic.

Fortunately, Bai Chen's appearance is not low.

In the eyes of Saeko Busujima, there are no shortcomings at all.

In the eyes of other members of the chat group, Bai Chen has no shortcomings other than his character in the lottery draw.

Therefore, day cut pigs let nature take its course.

It is worth mentioning that in the middle, Ju Chuan Shizuka came in drunk.

So the next day, the health care teacher slept until the sun was up.

But Saeko Busujima got up early and took on the job of a housewife.

After all, according to her words, she has already caused a lot of trouble, at least housework can allow her to retain a little bit of meaning as a woman.

She is such a pure woman.

A wife who will live for a man.

As for Ju Chuan Shizuka.

Just a simple cute thing.

Although he also thought about taking the two of them away, after all, in this world, each has relatives and property that they care about, so Bai Chen didn't say much.

Anyway, if there is anything, Saeko Busujima can also contact him directly through the chat group.

But Ju Chuan Shizuka was a little clingy.

Therefore, Bai Chen had to stay with this Yuexiong big and brainless health care teacher for a few days after integrating the world into the general army.

Although he is strict with outsiders, Bai Chen is very patient with his own people.

For Ju Chuan Shizuka, she is already Bai Chen's person, so she naturally wants to spend more time with her lover.

Saeko Busujima completely regards Bai Chen as her husband.

As a wife, she did not show any attitude.

The husband's words and deeds are absolute.

It's just that she also knew that after Bai Chen left, she would miss him somewhat.

But when I think that the chat group can be contacted at any time, I relax.

"I have handed over the control of the island country to you, and those congressmen and cabinet members will fully support your work, and you are my envoy in this world. As long as my name is still there, no one in this world will resist you."

Bai Chen said.

"I see."

Saeko Busujima didn't understand what it meant, but as long as it was Bai Chen's request, she would try her best to do it.

"If you are free later, go to the group to find a group member whose nickname is Violent Nanny. When you go to the world over there, you can not only continue to fight, but also become stronger through the attributes brought by the upgrade."

Taking into account the influence of some relationships before, Richen has never proposed to strengthen the strength of the group members.

After all, except for some girls with whom he has a good relationship, Bai Chen has never brought up the matter of engraving the stigmata.

Therefore, the strength of the group members has always been uneven.

But after Asuna joined the group, this problem was easily solved.

The setting of the game world is quite perfect, as long as players follow the guidance given by the system, they can become stronger step by step.

This way of becoming stronger is much easier than drawing a lottery.

Therefore, after Bai Chen solved the problems faced by Asuna, he directly controlled Akihiko Kayaba, governments and game manufacturers around the world, and asked them to continuously develop new games to meet the different needs of chat groups.

The one that suits Saeko Busujima is obviously the SAO system.

After that, there is nothing to explain.

Bai Chen submitted the commission, and left this world under the reluctance of Ju Chuan Shizuka, Busujima Saeko, and Takashiro Saya.

[Group reminder: The entrustment of the group member "Bujima Saeko" has been completed, and the settlement is in progress...

[Group reminder: The settlement is completed, the group member "Bai Chen" perfectly solved the entrustment, and got +10000 points. 】

Little Spider: "Huh? I just woke up, what did I miss? Miss Saeko Busujima's request has already been completed?"

Blue Slime: "Are you awake?"

Blue Slime: "The boss's pretense is over, are you happy? Are you surprised?"

Little Spider: "Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow!

...asking for flowers......

Bai Chen: "It's just a reset of the world, and it's not a scene worth mentioning."

I don't want to see a ghost: "I want to see it even more when I say it this way."

Teacher Loli: "That's it".

The Spirit of Time: "Since the commission has been completed, it means that there is no virus on Miss Kunishima's side."

Saeko Busujima: "Yes, thanks to Mr. Bai Chen."

Having said that, Saeko Busujima felt a little uncomfortable.

I always feel that talking in the chat group now is a bit like a mistress.

But since you are an extraordinary person, you shouldn't have to abide by the monogamy system in human society, right?

Teacher Loli: "But we can't let go of those who spread and study the virus. If there are those people, the crisis will come back sooner or later."

Saeko Busujima: "I will always pay attention."

But to be honest, Saeko Busujima thinks it's impossible.

The arrival of Bai Chen directly brought those culprits to the forefront.

Although he was pushed to the position of ruler at this juncture, because of Bai Chen's brainwashing of other people, he didn't have to worry about being retaliated against.

The only thing to worry about is the days ahead.

In the future, it is inevitable that someone will want to destroy this peace.

Silver-haired Witch: "...It's hard work no matter where you are, but fortunately, Mr. Bai Chen is here.

Bai Chen: "Emilia, how is your progress?"

The silver-haired witch: "Everything is going well, Rem and Ram miss you very much, but that witch is a little... how should I put it, seems to be a little malicious towards me."

Before Bai Chen left, he ordered the lustful witch to assist Emilia in the selection of the king.

And the lust witch herself hates Emilia, who has the same appearance as the jealous witch.

However, due to his order, he could only obediently assist Emilia.

Of course, the attitude is definitely not going to be very good.

Bai Chen: "Don't worry, she just has a weird temper, but she won't hurt you."

Bai Chen: "By the way, seeing how depressed you all are, why don't I do something to make everyone happy.

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