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Chapter 1084: Entrustment Of The Southern Sun Crane

Chapter 1084

Even the Dark Quadrant Empire he built could be teleported to Earth's satellite orbit in an instant.

Unfortunately, he is an African chieftain.

Thanos regretted that he didn't wait any longer.

Or if he listened to the persuasion, if he was not so easy to get ahead, maybe he has already collected all the infinite gems by now.

If he still has points...

After his subordinates took orders to leave, Thanos began to think wildly again, sighing just like Mrs. Xianglin.

In fact, Thanos has lost his mind without even knowing it.

Just like the mentality of those gamblers, they will definitely win next time, there will always be a next time, but they will never realize the lesson.

Meanwhile, discussions in the chat group continue.

Little Spider: "Ah...Uncle Purple Potato seems to have disappeared."

Blue Slime: "Maybe I'm sad. After all, tens of thousands of points have been wasted. Anyone should feel sorry for them."

I don't want to go to hell: "I feel sorry for Uncle Purple Potato for a second!"

The Spirit of Time: "I think he probably went to study metaphysics."

There is such a good thing as being able to become stronger without side effects by drawing a lottery, which universe can find something similar?

After all, isn't it good to lie down and become stronger?

Bai Chen: "Should have something to do, Thanos is not as idle as we are."

Although the Thanos who entered the group has a decent temper, but no matter what, he is still a ruthless character who has destroyed planet-level civilizations.

For the sake of righteousness, even one's own close relatives can be ruthlessly abandoned.

For Thanos, the lottery is at best an extra.

Of course, as the ruler of the dark quadrant, he is actually not as rich as Bai Ye.

Maintaining the normal operation of an empire requires huge expenditures. In addition, whether the Dark Quadrant has its own pillar industry or not, the reason why it can be maintained until now is entirely because the ruler is Thanos.

Because of this, Thanos will lead them to plunder one planet after another until all the infinite stones are found.

Now he probably has found the coordinates of the earth, and he is rushing there.

After all, no matter what, the first purpose of Thanos is to make the universe last longer.

I don't want to go to hell: "Yeah, no one has as much free time as we do."

I don't want to go to hell: "By the way, I'm the most free!"

The number of times Yotsutani Miko exorcises ghosts is rare.

After all, after such a long time, the ghosts in her home and some places she frequented were all caught by her.

Because it is the relationship between students and minors, there is no way to leave home not far.

However, Yotsuya Miko herself is not the kind of character who likes to travel, so she has been staying at home since the holiday, or going shopping with friends in the mall.

The daily work is to eat and sleep, sleep and eat, and occasionally go out to play, blow water with sand sculpture group friends, and be a proper house girl.

It is well deserved to say that it is the most leisurely.

Everyone else has their own work to do.

Limuru's side became more and more busy after being organized in the city. The spider had to deal with the dungeon and the evil god D, and he couldn't miss the opportunity to team up with Kitten and others to fight monsters and upgrade in SAO.

Fubuki is busy with the Fubuki team, and often goes out to hunt monsters, so as to improve her ranking among S-level heroes, and hopes that one day she can surpass her sister dignifiedly.

Nangong Nayue is the demon attack officer of Xiangami Island. Although there is Agullola, the Fourth Primogenitor, in Xiangami Island, after hearing that the Fourth Primogenitor is just a half-grown loli, many people don't pay attention to her.

The law and order of Xianshen Island was still not good, which also made Nangong very busy that month.

Emilia has been practicing as a princess with peace of mind, and at the same time canvassing votes throughout the kingdom according to Echidna's suggestion (cbch).

The gimmick is naturally based on the crusade against the Witch Cult and Warcraft.

If you want the public to eliminate their prejudice against Emilia's silver-haired half-elf, it is naturally the best choice to start with the Witch Cult.

As long as the few troubles that have plagued the world for a long time can be solved, the misunderstandings that Emilia has suffered will also be erased.

In the world of Tiga, Dagu also continued to work in the victory team, and was wary of the enemy from space that Bai Chen said.

Estes and Machima are both queens, and they usually take care of everything.

Altair, as the link left by Bai Chen, assists those characters in the world of fantasy works to join the "chat group" created by Bai Chen, stripping their world from the pens of each author and forming an independent world view.

And with the opening of the new world, Bai Chen's principles will also deepen the erosion of the new world, and truly become stronger while lying down.

Best-selling novelist: "Well... In the end, I should be the second least busy. After all, I have been staying in Tokyo in the past and have never been anywhere."

Wild Nanny: "During this period of time, I haven't seen you online? Is there something in reality?"

Nanfang Rihe had been to the world of SAO a few times before, but there was no movement after that, which made Asuna a little concerned.

Best-selling novelist: "Nothing important, just that there are things in reality that need to be dealt with."

Little Spider: "Oh...is it about shadows?"

Best-selling novelist: "Yeah, after all these years, I think it's time to get rid of them, too."

Best-selling novelist: "@ Bai Chen, Mr. Bai Chen, do you have time for the next words?"

Bai Chen: "I don't have many things, but I have enough time.

It will take some time before Thanos arrives on Earth to start the plot.

Before that, those shadows were not a problem.

And by the way, he can get a new world to be included in the general army, which is also helpful for improving his own strength.

After all, there are so many strong people in the Marvel Universe, and with his current strength, he still has no way to compete with the top ones.

However, the universe where Thanos is located is just one of the countless multiverses, and he would never meet Eternal, OAA and the like.

Railgun: "Can I go too?! Rubbing my hands excitedly.jpg."

Best-selling novelist: "Of course."

Nanfang Rihe never refuses anyone who comes, so she naturally hopes that the more helpers who come, the better.

It's not that I'm worried about my own lack of strength, it's just that it's more lively.

After all, the feeling of getting along with a group of friends is much more interesting than being with some of her so-called "friends" in reality. .

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