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Chapter 1085 The World Reappears In Summer

Chapter 1085

Although the summer reappearance world where Southern Sun Crane is located, she did not have a way to earn points, but she had followed the SAO regiment several times before, and while her physical attributes improved, she also ate a lot of oil and water behind the big troops.

Although it is far from enough points for ten consecutive rounds, there are still more than a thousand points.

And she also looked at the points required to release the commission, which was exactly one thousand~.

Best-selling novelist: "...Also, the credits for this entrustment are only one thousand, which is very small.

Electromagnetic Gun: "It's okay, it's okay, I haven't been out for a long time anyway!"

Misaka Mikoto is in a good mood now.

As for Index and the others, they can buy whatever they want if they have money.

What's more, she also understands that if Bai Chen also goes there together, this mission will be over soon, and there won't be too much time wasted.

Bai Chen: "You really have to go out and experience it, after all, sister Pao, your actual combat level is too weak, even if you have the ability, but you don't have enough experience, you can't show your full strength.

Misaka Mikoto in Almighty God mode has surpassed Kanzaki Kaori to some extent.

But even so.

If the two of them had an actual battle now, Sister Pao would undoubtedly lose.

Without it, the only reason is that she has too little actual combat experience, coupled with the perennial living environment, which makes her too simple.

In the confrontation, as long as Kanzaki intentionally sells a little bit of weakness, Sister Pao will fall into it foolishly, and then be instantly killed by Kanzaki Kaori's Seven Heavens and Seven Swords.

Although SAO can also provide actual combat experience, it is only a game after all, and it is still not comparable to reality in many aspects.

It just so happens that the shadow monsters in the summer reappearance are not too strong, so it's just right for Sister Pao to practice.

The Spirit of Time: "Ah, then can I participate too?"

Bestselling Novelist: "Welcome Welcome."

And everyone else is more or less busy.

Yotsuya Miko, who claims to be the most leisurely, did not ask to follow her on the grounds that she might be delayed.

I don't want to see a ghost: "I just need to watch the screen silently."

Best-selling novelist: "Okay, then wait until I get to the place and then release the commission."

Going to his hometown Ridu Island requires a complicated transfer of transportation.

Post now to let them come over, I am a little embarrassed.

Railgun: "No problem!"

Sister Pao was gearing up excitedly.

After all, she has been in the group for so long, and this is the first time she has traveled to a serious different world.

Seeing this, Bai Chen showed a faint smile.

Although Misaka Mikoto often pretends to be an adult, but now she is like those elementary school students who are going on an outing the next day.

Still just a child after all.

After all, no matter how you say it, he is just a junior high school student.

After finishing the group chat, Bai Chen returns to reality and enjoys a peaceful daily life.

His singing can soothe his soul.

He stroked the soft long hair of the pink-haired girl, and the girl was lying on his lap like a well-behaved cat, just humming a new song in her mouth.

the other side.

After going through complicated transfers, the southern Rihe has boarded the last vehicle to go to his hometown.

Because my hometown is an isolated island in the sea, if you want to go in, you can only enter the pier by boat.


Nanfang Rihe looked at the black-haired beauty reflected in the mirror, and exhaled deeply.

I remember the last time I left this island, I was still a junior high school student.

"It's been fourteen years."

The feeling of being on the verge of stepping into your homeland again is quite strange.

After all, if it wasn't for what happened to her and her younger brother, maybe she would have worked on that island.

Maybe the current self will not necessarily be a teacher.

Nobody likes being away from home.

But the Southern Rihe was forced to leave.

After all, if he stayed there again, he would most likely be killed by the shadow.

The death of her brother, and the fact that she would leave her home, were all caused by that monster.

Just get rid of it and all will rest in peace.

"No, you have to cheer up a little bit."

She patted her cheek, trying to wake herself up.

Southern Rihe's eyes regained clarity.

Friends from the chat group will come over later, but we can't let them see their weak side.

Southern Rihe went quiet.

Many men among the other passengers on the ship looked at her secretly.

After all, Nanfang Rihe has a good face, with long straight hair like tassels, combined with the beauty mole on the corner of his mouth, it adds a bit of different charm

...asking for flowers......

She was just dressed in a black suit and a large black suitcase, but she exuded an aura that strangers should not get close to.

Of course, even so, it cannot conceal the beautiful body wrapped in that restraint.

The scale of Yuexiongqian is quite impressive, far surpassing any female that Southern Rihe himself has seen.

Royal sister is full of fan!

Two hours later.

Accompanied by the loud sound of the ship's whistle, tourists disembarked one after another.

Nanfang Rihe deliberately disembarked last, waited until everyone had left, and then went to a remote corner of the pier to issue a commission in the group.

[Group reminder: Group member "Best-selling Novelist" released the commission "End the disaster brought by the shadow", do you want to receive the reward points +1000?】


[Group reminder (private): You have accepted the commission and are about to go to the world where the group member "Best-selling Novelist" resides. 】

Then, the azure gate of time and space opened at the same time, Bai Chen got up from the sofa and walked towards the gate.


Ridu Island, a small town far away from the hustle and bustle, is on the pier with the sea breeze blowing gently.

In the clouds, the bright sun spreads light and heat, bringing heat to the already summer days.

Afterwards, under the slightly nervous gaze of Nanfang Rihe.

Light blue ripples suddenly appeared in the originally calm space, and then gradually formed water-like vortices, and finally fixed into the shape of a door.

And from this weird door, a girl with heavy color and short hair slowly walked out.

"Oh... is this a different world? Is this the sea? This is the first time I have come into contact with the sea so closely.

The chestnut-haired girl who just came out had a slightly excited and high-pitched voice.

Wearing ordinary but fashionable light clothes, this person is Misaka Mikoto from Academy City.

Then, a girl with black double ponytails and a black dress came out from another door.

Tokisaki Kurumi greeted the two of them gracefully.

"Gui'an, Miss Nanfang, Meiqin, and..."

Then, he opened his mouth to the figure who appeared beside him at some unknown time, with a look of joy in his eyes.

"Mr. Bai Chen."

New books may be a while away.. Mouth..

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