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Chapter 1086: Miss Pao's Airport

Chapter 1086

With this call, all the eyes of the people present turned to Bai Chen.

Sister Pao and Bai Chen are already old acquaintances, and they raised their hands to say hello, without any alienation.

However, it was the first time for Rihe in the south to see the Lord.

After all, the live broadcast is a live broadcast, and the feeling of watching it with your own eyes is still completely different.

The black-haired young man who appeared suddenly showed a handsome side face under the blowing of the breeze, looking at the spring-like smile on the corner of his mouth, the brows that Nan Rihe originally frowned slightly due to some nervousness also relaxed slightly.

"Excuse me, you are Lord Bai Chen, right?"

Hearing such a formal address, the two girls next to her couldn't help laughing.

Without Bai Chen's own explanation, Tokisaki Kurumi squinted his eyes and said: "...group members don't need to use that kind of address with a clear distinction between "803", and Mr. Bai Chen doesn't like that either.

"Is it..."

Southern Rihe grinned.

I didn't expect to lose my composure when we met for the first time.

"Then can I call you Mr. Bai Chen?"

"It's just a title, anything goes."

Bai Chen shook his head.

"Of course I prefer to be more approachable, after all, we are all group friends, there is no need to be too outsider.

"Okay, here...

Southern Rihe nodded.

And after she finished speaking, just as she was about to speak, her mind was stuck because she didn't know what to say.

She herself is not good at words.

He didn't have many friends in childhood, and after the shadow incident, after leaving his hometown Ridu Island, his personality became more and more withdrawn.

If she didn't happen to have a talent for writing, otherwise, with her social fear personality, even eating would be a problem.

After writing the work "Marshman" and becoming famous in one fell swoop, he refused to disclose any information including gender, real name, and education. Even after the work was awarded, he also missed the award ceremony. He became the only novelist who was absent from the award in the past 60 years since the award was established.

If she hadn't been in the group for a while, and the shadow incident had to be resolved, she would only be a Wannian diving party.

Even so, after seeing a real person, it is as easy to shut up as those netizens who meet the base for the first time.

As the host, Nanfang Rihe actually wanted to say something, so that the atmosphere would not be so cold.

But she has been away from her hometown for more than fourteen years, and she doesn't know anything about the changes in her hometown, so naturally she doesn't know what to introduce.

And Bai Chen saw through her inner thoughts, and said with a light smile: "Don't bother to introduce, I have already received the general parameters of the island.

"Feel sorry."

Nanfang Rihe said with a reddish face.

It's really embarrassing for her to be like a local.

Together with the nearby islands, Ridu Island forms a small town.

The town has a small population, just over 10,000 people, and this is in addition to the number of immigrants.


Small but complete.

Although the size of the island is small, all necessary facilities are quite complete.

Schools, hospitals, police stations, shopping malls and shops selling other small items are also available.

In his opinion, the only shortcoming is the underdeveloped transportation.

But looking at the entire area of ​​the island, this shortcoming is not considered a shortcoming.

However, it is such an island that can be called a paradise, but because of alien creatures like "shadows", the original peaceful life is disrupted.

Of course, the monster thing doesn't really matter.

As long as he wants to, he can find out those alien creatures that are different from humans anytime and anywhere.

However, considering that there is still an actual combat exercise for Sister Pao, Bai Chen gave up the idea of ​​finding out all the shadows, including the culprit.

"Is this... Miss Nanfang's former hometown?"

Misaka Mikoto looked around curiously.

If you look down on the small island from the air, it is surrounded by the sea. If you want to go to other places, you have to take a boat to cross the sea.

Because of this, the pace of life in the small town is very slow, and there are leisurely country streets after leaving the pier.

Some of them are full of quaint atmosphere at first glance.

This gave a great sense of freshness to the girls who lived in Academy City all year round.

At least she hasn't seen the sea a few times.

The chestnut-haired girl in light clothes looked around curiously...

Although compared with Academy City, the building materials and technological level are completely incomparable, but this simplicity and backwardness are somewhat interesting.

So she subconsciously wanted to go shopping.

However, since he is not here for tourism after all, he can only temporarily suppress the eagerness in his heart, and sneak glances at Bai Chen from time to time, with the look of wanting to play flashing in his eyes.

Although her experience is much richer than that of ordinary peers, she is only a junior high school student after all, and she is still childish.

And Shokuhou Misaki, who was in the same period as her, was far more mature than Misaka Mikoto.

Bai Chen glanced at the washboard.


Although electrical stimulation is useful, it is not very useful.

Compared with the little bee, it is still a pure airport.

Sister Pao sensed the malice coming from somewhere, and immediately cut around vigilantly.

Because he knew the existence of the shadow, he subconsciously believed that there was an enemy nearby.

And Bai Chen looked a little funny.

He stretched out his hand and patted the girl's head: "Let's go, the real master is not here."

There are indeed shadows nearby.

That is the shadow created by the chief culprit of the shadow, "Hiriko", to monitor outsiders.

Zhizi used to be a god enshrined on this island for a hundred years, but with the changes of the times, the belief gradually declined.

5.1 Up to now, no islander believes in this god anymore, and the younger generation has never even heard of it.

A group of four wandered leisurely in the street.

During the period, it also attracted frequent glances from the islanders living here.

After all, the combination of three women and one man is indeed rare in this small town.

Black-haired and black-haired sister Yu, a girl with double ponytails in a one-piece dress, a small man with chestnut hair, and the "average" Bai Chen.

Because Bai Chen deliberately concealed his aura, in the eyes of those outsiders, he was just an ordinary man.

Compared with the three girls with different looks beside him, it really pales in comparison.

"Huh? Are you Miss Rihe?"

Just as a few people were walking along the village road towards the center of the town, a refreshing voice came from behind them. .

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