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Chapter 1087 If Violence Is Useful, Why Use Your Brain

Chapter 1087

Hearing the call, Nanfang Rihe subconsciously turned around and saw a familiar face.

The long golden hair fell like tassels, and the blue pupils were like the sky, but he had an oriental face.

"Who are you...?"

Nanfang Rihe's early memories were mostly blurred. She only felt that the girl in front of her looked familiar, but she couldn't recognize who it was.

"Oh? So you don't remember me anymore? I remember it very clearly. I'm a big sister who likes to put on a face and tell stories."

The blond girl sighed.

"Putting a face...telling a story?"

Nanfang Rihe frowned slightly, and then his vague memory gradually became clear.

"Are you the daughter of Xiaozhou Restaurant?"

"Ha! You finally remembered, didn't you? When I heard you left Ridu Island, I was still sad for a while... because no one told me the story.

Hearing this, the emotion that the southern sun crane had just risen disappeared without a trace.

Dare you just care about this?

Xiaozhou Restaurant is a well-known restaurant on Ridu Island. Because of its high quality and low price, many residents on the island will go there to eat.

I am also a frequent customer of that store.

In addition to the delicious food, the daughter of that restaurant also impressed her. 21 Because every time I go there with my friends, I will be pestered by a blond girl from that shop to tell stories.

....I didn't expect the annoying little guy to grow up so big. "

Southern Rihe was a little emotional.

But after all, it has been fourteen years since she left the island last time.

"...However, I'm still not as old as you, senior."

Xiao Zhouchao's eyes involuntarily fell in front of the majestic Yuexiong of Yujie in a suit.

As a girl in adolescence, she is unexpectedly sensitive to these things.

"elder sister..…"

Behind him, a black-haired girl in a sailor suit tugged Chao's arm in dissatisfaction.

Although it is a former senior sister, after all, it has been so many years, and it is easy to make others unhappy by saying this suddenly.

"I'm sorry my sister has troubled you."

"Well, it's okay."

Southern Rihe smiled slightly.

The sisters are still the same as before.

The blond-haired sister is extroverted and carefree, while the black-haired sister is introverted and flexible.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Nanfang Rihe decided to chat with them first, to inquire about the recent situation in his hometown, and if any strange things happened.

at the same time.

The three of Bai Chen and his party also looked over.

On the side, Tokisaki Kurumi noticed that Bai Chen's gaze had been fixed on the pair of sisters, and he subconsciously drew closer to the young man, with a teasing smile on his lips: "What, did you fall in love with the pair of sisters?"

Her voice is very small, but enough to be heard by Bai Chen.

"is a bit."

Bai Chen nodded very directly.

After all, the heroines and supporting roles in the summer reenactment are really lovely, and there are occasional scenes in the animation that tend to be astringent towards the sisters.

"But that's not the main thing."

Tokisaki Kuangsan knows Bai Chen's personality very well, so he will not be angry because of this answer

But when she heard this sentence, she quickly reacted.

"What's wrong with the two of them?"

"Are the two of them shadow monsters? But they look no different from ordinary people?"

Miss Pao was a little excited.

I didn't expect to enter the actual combat so soon.

The chestnut-haired girl lowered her body slightly, and a pale electric current flashed through her hair.

She is ready for battle, and she can launch a super electromagnetic gun at any time to blast the enemy to pieces.

"It's not a shadow, it's just that the future will be copied by the shadow... No, one has already been copied."

Compared to the plot in the animation.

The heroine Xiao Funao was killed at the beginning of the animation. The Xiao Funao that appeared in the animation is just a copied shadow.

But since the real person didn't die, it means the plot hasn't started yet.

Of course this is normal.

In the original book, the reason why Rihe in the south returned to Ridu Island was because of the distress message sent to her by the shadow of Kofushio.

But because she joined the chat group, she knew her own reasons, which gave her the confidence to solve the murderer.

Since Xiao Zhouchao is not dead, the original hero has no reason to come back.

"Shadows are basically no different from human beings except that they don't need them. They will bleed when they are injured, so they are flat."

Although the shadow is very weak, it is relative to him.

The speed and strength of the shadow far exceed normal people, if Miss Pao is approached, she is still easily injured.

Of course, the most important thing is that the shadow is very deceptive.

They will perfectly copy all the information of the person being copied, including emotions and memories.

"Don't worry, I'm an experienced superpower!"

Misaka Mikoto flexed her muscles, confident that she would never make a mistake.

After watching so many live broadcasts, she also summed up a lot of experience, which should be useful in the future.

At this time, Nanfang Rihe also happened to ask Xiao Zhouchao if he knew about the shadow.

"Have you ever met, or heard of two people who are exactly the same?"

"Uh... this... no, no, how could such a thing be possible? If there are such rumors, it must be the nonsense of those drunk drunks!"

Xiao Zhouchao suddenly faltered, and his eyes became erratic.

If it was a day ago, she really hadn't seen it.

But just yesterday... She saw it with her own eyes and came into contact with 827 people who were exactly like herself.

Now that other self is hiding at home, and he and his sister go shopping, and buy some daily necessities by the way.

"Haven't you seen it...then you just take it as my random nonsense.

Southern Rihe saw some clues, but did not say anything.

This kind of matter still needs to be discussed with Bai Chen and wait for the boss to make a decision.

But before she could turn around, a young man's leisurely voice came from beside her ear.

"It's no fun to lie, or are you covering up something?"

Bai Chen crossed the southern sun crane and said with a light smile.

"You... what are you talking about, I don't understand, if you haven't seen it, you haven't seen it..."

Xiao Zhouchao's voice subconsciously increased a little, but it was a sign of lack of confidence.

Especially after seeing Bai Chen's half-smile expression, I feel even more guilty

Seeing this, both Tokisaki Kurumi and Misaka Mikoto saw that the girl was lying.

"Forget it, anyway, her existence is not a bad thing, but if you want to know the truth, come with us."

Xia Ri's reappearance was originally a battle of wits with superpowers. The protagonist group and the villain fought wits and courage, and finally won with difficulty.

But in the face of absolute power, any strategy is useless.

So what if the villain has a higher IQ?

Just like Jibril's Flügel.

In her words, "If violence is useful, why use your brain?"

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