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The First Thousand And Ninety-Three Chapters Tokisaki Kuang Iii Who Was Squeezed Dry

Chapter 1093

In the past, she regarded Bo Dao as a friend, but in the end, her closest relative died at the hands of her friend.

And because of that warning, I have left my hometown so far.

But in the end, she will get back everything she lost.

Although it is not relying on its own strength.

"Mr. Bai Chen, what are you going to do next?"

South Rihe asked.

"Of course I will continue to complete the commission."

Bai Chen said without looking back.

"So, we just need to get rid of this little girl?"

Misaka Mikoto stared at the white-haired girl in Bai Chen's hands.

After the scene just now, she no longer treats Bo Dao as an ordinary girl.

The other party is just a monster in human skin, definitely not human.

"Use your brain to think about it, what is the specific content of the entrustment."

Bai Chen said with a bit of hatred for iron.

To be honest, Sister Pao, from the supporting role in the magic ban to the protagonist of the published personal series, is completely the preference of the magic forbidden authors and the majority of otaku.

After all, sometimes, Sister Pao's mind is outrageous.

"End the disaster brought by the shadow...so it's just to destroy the shadow...uh..."

At first, Misaka Mikoto was a little stubborn, but she quickly found the problem after silently reading it a few times in her heart.

She lowered her head and glanced at the southern sun crane.

The family members of this group member died in the shadow incident.

Since it is to solve the disaster caused by the shadow.

Then resurrecting her family is also one of the contents of the commission.

"In other words, things that happened in the past are also included in it."

Tokisaki Kurumi added.

Then, she looked at Bai Chen.

"So, we have to go back in time, right?"

"That's right."

Bai Chen nodded.

Now that everything has happened, it's good to go back to the source and stop it.

This kind of thing, they have done many times.

Go back to the day when Hiruko came into contact with the residents of Ridu Island, and prevented the two parties from contacting each other.

In this way, history is changed from the source.

And since Ridu Island had no contact with God Hiruko, then all the events that happened due to the shadow would not happen.

"I understand, it means that if we go back to the past and prevent the descending of Hiruko, the residents of Ridu Island will not die because of the shadow, and Miss Nanfang's family will be able to be resurrected because of the change of the world line,"

Misaka Mikoto slapped her head.

Then asked a little strangely.

"If this is possible, why not go back to the past without starting?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Misaka Mikoto regretted it.

If it wasn't for the fact that there were people around her, she would have wanted to slap herself two big mouths.

This question is so stupid.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that one is the truth of the shadow incident, giving Southern Rihe an answer, and the other is that Bai Chen asked himself to participate in an actual battle.

And the actual battle before did expose her many problems.

He was too hesitant to act by himself.

If there were no Bai Chen and the others beside him, maybe he would have to fall on an enemy who was infinitely weaker than him.

Now she, although her hard power has improved a lot, her mental state has not seen any visible growth at all.

It's no wonder that Bai Chen hates her.

If I challenged Accelerator with my past mentality, maybe the ending would not be better than the first time.

"Mr. Bai Chen, do you know the exact time when the God of Hiruko descended on Earth?"

Tokisaki Kurumi asked.

At this moment, she has changed out of the dress she was wearing before, and switched to an orange and black gothic loli dress with extremely bright colors.

With the sound of the pendulum, a huge golden clock appeared from the sky.

She is already ready to launch the Twelve Bullet and go back to the past.

"The contact between zhizi and human beings is exactly three hundred years ago, and the time when it came to the earth is three hundred and fifty years ago. y

While capturing the clone of Bo Dao, Bai Chen has already obtained relevant information from Bo Dao's brain.

Just like the group information he uploaded earlier.

The body of the God of Hiruko is an alien creature from the deep space of the universe. Because of insufficient energy, he accidentally fell into the ocean of the earth. After contacting the whale, he copied the information of the whale.

In this way, it wandered in the deep sea of ​​the earth until it ran aground on the beach of Ridu Island in the past few decades and was discovered by humans.

In this regard, shadow whales come into contact with humans.

And the first person who came into contact with the shadow was Bo Dao, who was a little girl at that time.

And the world's first shadow man is also Bo Dao.

"Is it so long?"

Tokisaki Kurumi suddenly felt a little guilty.

Going back to 30 years ago almost exhausted her spiritual power, but if you want her to go back to 300 years ago, wouldn't that kill her on the spot?

"... The energy to make the Twelve Bullet, just absorb it from me."

Bai Chen reached out and touched Tokisaki Kurumi's small head, and using the girl's body as a medium, he transmitted the required spiritual power to Tokisaki Kurumi.

In the process of receiving the power, Tokisaki Kurumi let out an imaginative groan.

It made all the girls blush, except Bai Chen, the old driver.

Going back to the past, Bai Chen can easily do it after taking over the world.

But it's rare for everyone to come out together, and he can't let him steal the limelight alone.

Soon, Tokisaki Kurumi created the Twelve Bullets.

After loading the Time Bullet, Tokisaki Kurumi shot at the void.

Ripples appeared in the space, and a time gate that could accommodate one person appeared.

Bai Chen walked in first, followed by Tokisaki Kurumi.

Misaka Mikoto also wanted to go with her, but Bai Chen left her to watch Bodao with Nanfang Rihe.

At the other end of the gate of time is Ridu Island three hundred and fifty years ago (De Nuozhao).

When Bai Chen and Tokisaki Kurumi appeared out of thin air over the Pacific Ocean.

At a glance, there is a line between the water and the sky.

Apart from the two of them, there was no living creature.

If ordinary people are placed in this environment, it won't take long for them to go crazy.

"Is this the place where the leeches first appeared?"

Tokisaki Kurumi looked around curiously.

But apart from the blue sea water, nothing strange was seen.

Could it be that the position after time travel has deviated?

Not impossible.

After all, this is the first time that Tokisaki Kuangsan has involved time manipulation in units of hundreds of years.

"Don't worry, it's here."

Just when Tokisaki Kumzo was still worried, Bai Chen dispelled the girl's doubts.

Looking in the direction of the young man's finger, in Kuang San's eyes, there was a meteorite-like object falling rapidly from a high altitude with its trailing flames. .

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