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Chapter 1092 Are All The Bosses Behind The Scenes Like This?

Chapter 1092

Wave Rice's right eye is related to the power of time.

Perhaps this group of people was able to know their information through that eye.

In this case, it will be much easier to handle.

Kill all these people, and then regain the eyes.

After Bo Dao was fully restored, the ceremony of Yuan Ri Ji could be carried out ahead of schedule.

At that time, he will gain the power of immortality and achieve eternal life in the true sense!

"It's up to you, Pikachu!"

Bai Chen patted Misaka Mikoto on the shoulder, pointed to his four hands in a dignified manner and said.

"Use the railgun quickly."

"Don't treat me like a Pokemon."

Misaka Mikoto, who was pushed out, complained, but the movements of her hands were not slow.

Although attacking humans would cause hesitation, the four-armed monster in front of him was clearly out of his reach.

The girl took out a coin that she had already prepared a bag of, a pale electric current wrapped around her body, and crackling electrical explosions came from the surrounding air.

The stones and debris on the ground float up slowly due to the traction of electromagnetic force, forming a rather sci-fi scene.

"This is a super electromagnetic gun that I specially strengthened with the power of Thor! You are the first subject to be tested, let's experience it!"

As soon as the words fell, the pale streamer cut through the space and illuminated the entire cave.

Hidden in the shadow of the four hands, the Yankiri Masaman showed an unbelievable expression, his strengthened body was able to react, and he used the shadow to mimic a manhole cover and wanted to use it as a shield.

But in the next second, the manhole cover and the figure of the four hands were completely melted by the super electromagnetic gun.

The brilliant cold light burst out with tyrannical energy, and with just one blow, half of the cave was engulfed, and there was a roar of collapse.

Fortunately, the structure of the air-raid shelter is still strong, but it has only collapsed in half.

But the Yanqie Zhensha people who were directly hit by the electromagnetic gun disappeared after the smoke cleared, and they were completely wiped out.

Although that is the power possessed only by God Zhizi, but the four hands disguised by Yanqie Zhensha people are the final boss.

In order to fulfill the wish of immortality, the director of the first rhombic hospital, Ryohiko Kazuhiko, has been in close contact with Nami, who was transformed from Hiruko.

Using the child born with this alien creature, he can keep his own consciousness and achieve another kind of eternal life.

This generation of Nito Shrine Miyazaki Kanakiri Masa, in essence, is the diamond-shaped Kamitre himself.

However, this degree of continuation does not satisfy his desire.

For the sake of eternal life in the true sense, he would like to sacrifice all the islanders on the day of the summer festival held on Ridu Island to help Bodao recover his strength, and accept its gift to become a perfect immortal creature.

Using the power of this alien creature, it is indeed possible to get rid of the human body and achieve eternal life.

However, the ideal is very full, and the reality has always been very skinny.

Yanqie Zhensha people who want to live forever will never wait for that day.

"This... is this gone?"

After the smoke cleared and the roar disappeared, even the perpetrator, Misaka Mikoto, couldn't believe it.

Appeared with the attitude of a big boss behind the scenes, but he couldn't even take a blow from her.

Are all bosses in this world like this?

Misaka Mikoto felt like a basin of cold water had been poured on her.

The tense and exciting battle that I was looking forward to in my heart was gone, but instead I felt a sense of emptiness like a lonely master.

"It obviously looks very powerful."

"It doesn't look like one or two, and the strength of the four hands can at most be the boss of the current few floors in SAO."

Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

"This time, at best, I brought you here to practice your hands. I really thought that I would give you a life-and-death fight?"

hey-hey. "


Misaka Mikoto scratched her head, she did think so at first.

Originally, when the Four Hands appeared, Sister Xiaozhou was very nervous.

It's just that when Misaka Mikoto destroyed the monster, she also felt a little confused.

In their opinion, the monsters that appeared in this situation should be very strong, but they never expected that they would be so vulnerable.

"Paper hanging... no, it won't..."

After the Four Hands were wiped out, Bo Dao, who was sitting on the altar, gradually recovered from his astonishment.

Copy the look of grief on other people's faces.

"You guys...!"

Bo Dao stood up, his body gradually floated into the air, and his whole body was emitting red light.

At the same time, a galaxy-like liquid flowed out from under her body, approaching Bai Chen and the others as if they were alive.

"What it is?"

Misaka Mikoto asked.

"It can be regarded as its stomach bag. All living things that come into contact will be digested by it."

Bai Chen said.

This trick also appeared in the original book.

At the summer festival, Nami used this liquid to eat all the humans who participated in the summer festival. If the protagonist group can't go back in time, all the humans on Ridu Island will become Hiruko's meal.

After finishing speaking, the young man looked at Bo Dao again, and spoke with a smile on his face.

"Are you angry? It's just that even this kind of emotion is just something you copied.

Zhizi is an alien creature without emotion, and the emotions it shows are just what it copied from Bodao.

Hearing this sentence, the expression on "Bo Dao's" face was distorted.

She wished she could kill the man in front of her immediately.

It's just that this wish is doomed to fail.

Next, Bai Chen stopped talking nonsense with the alien, and directly shook the void.

In the next second, Bo Dao, who was floating in the sky, appeared in his hands and was sealed with all abilities.

The liquid like the starry sky also disappeared.

"Okay, there is one last step."

Bai Chen held the back collar of the white-haired loli and shook it towards the girls.

The girl turned her head and looked at Bai Chen fiercely.

But she who has lost her strength can only be powerless and furious at this moment.

To ordinary people, the alien life, which can be called god, is just a special toy in front of Bai Chen.

After all, for this world, Bai Chen's power is too much.

Even if all the peculiar existences in the entire universe are tied together, it can't stop him from blowing a breath.

Because he can be willful enough to change the shape of the world at will.

...Hami, everything is over, I am back on the island again, you can't kill me. "

Nanfang Rihe looked at the girl held by Bai Chen in his hands, and his mood was both complicated and carefree. .

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