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Chapter 1091 Surprised By Four Hands

Chapter 1091

"Hey! It's disgusting!"

After destroying the shadow monster in front of her with electricity, Misaka Mikoto complained in disgust.

Shadow monsters are almost everywhere in the air defense facility.

And it's different from those shadows that have a human form.

Just like an incompletely printed portrait, it can be vaguely seen that the humanoid body lacks arms and legs, very much like the walking dead in horror movies.

But their speed is much faster than that of weak corpses, and they can recover even if half of their bodies are destroyed.

At the same time, they also have physical qualities beyond human beings, enough to allow them to perform various difficult movements in narrow terrain.


A blue arc pierced through the dark environment, knocking down a jumping monster, and then the lightning turned to the direction of "530" in the air, hitting the shadow on the ground.

In the midst of a sound like a scream, the monster all over his body disappeared.

This behavior Misaka Mikoto has repeated many times.

The little cheeks that were slightly excited at first were also full of helplessness and irritability at the moment.

...there are as many monsters as there are cockroaches, no matter how much you kill them, you can't kill them all!"

"God Zhizi has been copying and procreating for hundreds of years, and other shadows can also copy new shadows. Of course, there are a lot of them."

Bai Chen said with a light smile.

"It's a pity that the shadows other than Hiruko can only be copied once. If they can be copied infinitely like the mother body, let alone Ridu Island, the whole world will be occupied by them.

Speaking of this, Bai Chen couldn't help but feel a little bored.

Although the individual strength of the shadow is far superior to that of ordinary people, its threat level is not as high as that of the zombie virus.

According to what he said, all shadows have the ability to replicate infinitely, which is barely a challenge for him.

but now...

Judging from the plot shown in the animation, Hiruko's strength performance is not good enough, and the shadow armor made by the priest Yanqiri Masaren using her power can't even defend against bullets and flames.

In one episode, he was almost burned to death by the protagonist group.

If it hadn't been for God Zhizi to save Yanqie Zhensha, it would have ended on the spot.

However, the protagonist group's ability to achieve that level is also related to the protagonist's ability to cheat.

It's like being able to save files in the game.

Each time after being killed, the time will roll back to the last autosave time point.

And since the actions of the shadow can be predicted in advance, it is natural to make targeted countermeasures.

Although Yanqie Zhensha saw through the protagonist's ability later on, it just made the protagonist group suffer a lot.

In short, after receiving the previous lesson, Sister Pao has also become more cautious.

As the pioneer, she also led everyone to the deepest part of the cave.

The rock wall at the end is dotted with bright candles, and on a high platform decorated like an altar, sits a white-haired blindfolded girl in a red kimono.

"Bo Rice!"

The moment he saw the girl, Nanfang Rihe narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists unconsciously.

Bo Dao was a friend she met by chance in the old diamond-shaped courtyard, and she often brought snacks to this lovely girl after school.

But it was her friend who ate her younger brother Nana Ryunosuke one day.

Also because of Bo Dao's relationship, Rihe in the south could only leave his hometown for fourteen years.

"...So it was you."

Seeing the visitor, the young girl Bo Dao slowly raised her eyes, and looked at everyone with her left eye.

Weird combination.

Is this group of guys able to get rid of the shadows outside?

"Long time no see, Rihe, as I said before, when I see you again, I will kill you."

"Don't call me by my name so intimately."

Southern Rihe suppressed the restlessness in his heart.

"Also, this time I won't dance again.

"Oh? Just rely on those companions beside you?"

Paddy smiled and narrowed his eyes.

Then he closed his left eye, as if smelling some tempting fragrance, his fair face showed an intoxicated look.

"It smells so good. In this way, I can just take you for lunch."

Then, as if she saw something, she showed a surprised expression, her eyes fixed on Bai Chen's body, and there was a long-awaited look in her eyes..

"I'm so hungry, if I eat you, my strength should recover."

Hearing this, Bai Chen showed a faint smile.

"It seems that hundreds of years have not allowed your brain to develop."

The ignorant are fearless.

This was the first time Bai Chen met someone who wanted to eat him.

But this is also related to him covering up his breath.

In the eyes of some special beings, the current him may be as special as Tang Seng's meat.

"What should I do next? Kill her directly?"

Misaka Mikoto hesitated.

All the monsters that were dealt with before were grotesque monsters, and this cute loli in front of him was really helpless.

Although it has been educated once, it is still different from the actual situation.

"Don't be fooled by her external image, her body is just a copy of someone else's, the real little girl is already dead.

Bai Chen said.

The shadow copies the image of others. If it wants to last for a long time, the copied body must disappear from this world.

Since the god Zhizi has lived in the form of Bodao for hundreds of years, it means that the real Bodao has long since died.

The kind side shown by Wave Rice in the original work is just the same as the copied personality.

After all, the shadow can perfectly copy everything about the copied body, even personality 5.2.

"I didn't expect that you, a human being, would know so many things. I'm already a little curious about the reason why you know.

At this moment, a voice that seemed to be tuned to a bass sounded from the darkness.

Finally unable to hold back, the Yankiri Masa who appeared from the shadows appeared strangely as a pitch-black shadow with four hands and a height of two meters.

"Come out, just save me the trouble of dragging you out."

Bai Chen looked at the tall black shadow with a faint smile on his lips.


Hearing this sentence, Yanqie Masha who was hiding in the shadow frowned.

What the hell is this guy talking about?

Have you been discovered already?

Could it be...is this man who took the eyes of Bodao? .

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