Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

The First Thousand And Ninety-Nine Chapters Gourmet Captives, Small Masters

Chapter 1099

Little Spider: "Good guy, just left a world where cards are king, and a world where cooking is king has come.

Blue Slime: "I'm living in Bengbu, don't tell me that I'm going to save the world after frying the vegetables."

I don't want to see hell: "I think it's very possible.

God's Tongue: "Woooo!"

To be honest, Suikiri Erina was also nervous.

After all, that Muto Yugi just now was a ruthless card player who knew nothing about his own world.

So after learning from the past, the girl also began to speculate that she would have to transform into a culinary superman to save the world, or to have a culinary competition with the demon god who wants to destroy the world?

If it's an evil god, its name should be Gourmet Demon~God, right?

So, in the nervousness and anticipation of Nakiri Erina, I saw Bai Chen's speech.

Bai Chen: "There will be no RPG elements such as evil gods and demon gods, and there will be just cooking and doing.

The Spirit of Time: "So it's safe?"

Bai Chen: "For us, it's really safe."

Blue Slime: "I really want to go to a world that is purely about cooking!"

Limulu, who has grazing experience for three months, is very interested in food, and it is also a food from another world.

Silver-haired Witch: "If it's a world of professional cooking, then the level of cooking in that world must be very high?"

Little Spider: "It's delicious! I'm already drooling!"

Compared with Limulu, Spider's experience at the beginning of his journey was even more miserable.

If he hadn't joined the chat group, he might still be lying in the crypt and eating monster corpses.

It’s not like there is everything you want to eat now, and the group members are also very tacit to feed the spiders with snacks regularly.

But even so, Spider is still extremely obsessed with "taking food".

Princess in military uniform: "Can Yu also taste your food?"

Altair, who was added by the creation master Setsuna Shimazaki with all-round housekeeping, is very interested in Erina's cooking level.

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "The newcomer is here? Can you make a dish that can stun rabbits?"

God's Tongue: "If it's rabbit meat, I haven't tried it yet, but it should be fine."

Irregular white-haired loli: "No, no, it's a dish that can stun rabbits, how could we be willing to eat rabbit meat?"

Unscrupulous white-haired loli: "It's like a drug, you know? Can you cook it?"

Tongue of God: "?"

Is this guy about to commit a crime?

Does she agree or not?

Bai Chen: "Don't listen to her nonsense, you just need to cook some dishes that you are good at. I also want to taste the level of cooking skills of God's Tongue. If I am satisfied, maybe I can fulfill your wish."

God's Tongue: "It's serious, if you don't mind, I'd be happy to do it, but...about your wish?"

Bai Chen: "Literally, if the cooking you make satisfies me, I can help you realize a wish that does not exceed the limit of your world.

Tongue: "What does it mean not to exceed the limit of the world?"

Bai Chen: "For example, becoming the president of a country, holding supreme power, or becoming the richest man, possessing wealth that can never be spent, or curing all diseases in the body, etc.. Ordinary people are rewarded because they meet the requirements of the gods. I remember many movies or novels have similar plots?"

God Tongue:

Seeing this, Nakiri Erina hesitated.

The education she received since she was a child told her that there is no such thing as a free lunch.

It's just that the food provided satisfies the other party, so let her rule the world or something, which sounds more like a trap.

But what if?

The existence of the chat group itself is quite strange, maybe this group member named Bai Chen is really an omnipotent god.

Thinking of this, the girl's heart gradually became restless.

Of course, Nakiri Erina did not show too much excitement.

She knows that if the other party is really a god, then it is definitely not that simple to satisfy the other party's desire for tongue and tongue.

The reason why gods are gods is that they possess power, experience and wisdom beyond the reach of human beings.

Even if she is as conceited as she is, the girl knows that "It's definitely not that simple.

Bai Chen: "Are you planning to accept it?"

God's Tongue: "No, of course I am very happy that you can say that, but I also know that it is not easy to satisfy your appetite, so... I will do my best."

...asking for flowers...

Bai Chen: "In that case, I will wait for your good news."

Bai Chen: "In addition, if you need ingredients, you can also ask other group members for help.

Seeing this, Nakiri Erina's eyes lit up.

For a good chef, there's nothing more exciting than an ingredient you've never seen before.

If given the chance, she would really like to try it.

God's Tongue: "Is it really possible?"

Little spider: "Yes, yes! It's absolutely fine, I don't have much of anything here, except that there is a lot of monster meat.

Blue Slime: "It's the same on my side!"

The queen who wants to fall in love: "When I was marching in the past, I ate some dangerous meat, and the quality of the meat was not bad, but it's a pity that there are no good cooks.

Big bones boiled into soup: "Is monster meat okay?"

Grandpa is so cute: "Slime should be fine too? For example, make ice powder or something. The slime ice powder that Paimon made last time almost gave me a leaf.

Tongue of God: "Yes, of course!"

Until then, Nakiri Erina's vigilance towards the chat group completely disappeared.

After all, what could be more joyful than having ingredients that are not found on earth?

And today he not only got new dishes, but also got a challenge from the gods. The two happy things overlapped and brought her more happiness, making Nakiri Erina seem to be in a dreamlike world.

Seeing this, Bai Jing couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Following the group combat unit, this chat group finally added a new profession-group chef.

Thinking about it, Nakiri Erina should be very busy in the future.

Speaking of the world of cooking, Bai Chen suddenly thought of several other worldviews that are famous for cooking.

A small Chinese master and a prisoner of gourmet food.

Needless to say, the former's luminous cuisine, and the latter's cooking skills, the almost endless ingredients alone are really incredible.

Bai Chen felt that, according to the current rate of joining the group, it might not be impossible for characters from these two worlds to join in the future. .

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