Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1010 One-Handed Abuse Of Double Digits

Chapter 1100

Bai Chen, who no longer thought about it, temporarily quit the chat group.

After exchanging feelings with the girls in the world of godslayers, Bai Chen did not sit idle and began to realize his current energy.

Now that he has stepped into the throne of God in Little Garden, and is constantly spreading the truth to the world of group friends, Bai Chen can feel that the energy in his body has expanded to an unimaginable level

"It seems that it's time to reap a wave."

Bai Chen thought to himself.

In the past, when he traveled to different worlds, he just spread the truth, eroded the new alien world, and incorporated it into his general army.

But in this case, it is just the basic operation of exercising the supremacy of gold.

If he wants to completely accept the energy of different universes, he still has to spread his golden supremacy all over different universes.

Right now is also the time of "350".

After all, so long has passed, and his golden principles have completely spread in different universes.

Bai Chen has always been a man of action.

After thinking about it, he immediately closed his eyes and felt the total army of different universes.

Like iron hooks connecting trains, perception gradually changes from blurred to clear.

next second.

The bright golden light suddenly shone in the starry sky of different universes, and the endless golden light swept across the city like waves in a storm and swept across the city like a hurricane.

The object is the entire universe.

At the same time, in those different universes, there seems to be some obscure and incomprehensible language spirit singing and singing.

"...he lives in the center, all kinds of people, all kinds of locks..."

"All kinds of things can't be tied together."

Moon world.

Gaia and Alaya vibrated suddenly, unconsciously they were restless.

"That one, the lord of the dead tomb who shattered the chains and shattered the shackles..."

Guanbuzi City.

The short-haired girl Ryoichi in a kimono suddenly raised her head, her eyes changed and revealed a soft color.

"In the long world, there are all things in the world, and there is no power to restrain others...

The City of Brilliant Flames in the northern part of the Lower Hakoniwa.

In the Golden Demon City, Shiraiyasha, who was molesting Heitu, also raised his head subconsciously.

"Therefore, the gods asked: Who are you?"

At the same time, the gods on the upper floors of Hakoba shook.

Lingshan, Buddhism.

The Sanskrit sound above the high hall stagnates with the cessation of the Buddha's chanting, and the eyes of Sakyamuni Buddha on the colorful lotus platform are distorted and slightly shocked.

"Who on earth is in the lower level? They can actually strip Hakoniwa part?"

"This is a stupid question, ignorant and ignorant! Since you don't know, answer it here..."

Shakyamuni Buddha opened his eyes.

Did you hear something just now?

"My name is Legion, and I create—"

All the gods in the sky looked at the changed color of the golden sky in shock, as well as the boundless majesty and sense of oppression emanating from the lower layers.

From the Buddhist hall, the distorted and chaotic tentacles protruding from the bodies of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats also seemed to be suppressed and trembled slightly.

"Supreme Heaven - The fifth universe crowned with holy gold!"

At the moment of this announcement, the chaotic golden world descended in different universes.

Ordinary residents, the clock tower or the magicians wandering the sea, the soldiers of the empire, the angels of the heavens, the demons and fallen angels of the underworld, or the huge machines that occupy the space between the stars, and the gods and elves who have not yet formed in the spirit world, all are equal at this moment, under the command of the golden magic city.

The time and space of more than a dozen universes and derived parallel universes were swallowed by the pure golden wave, and incorporated into Bai Chen's body.

The young man's eyes are clear and transparent, as if there is the light of the stars in the eyes.

——That is the symbol of parallel unity of time and space.

It feels good. "

After finishing all this, Bai Chen showed a satisfied smile.

After consolidating the power of the total army that spread in different universes, Bai Chen could feel that his strength had increased a lot.

As for how much is difficult to estimate.

But Bai Chen is confident now that even if he is hostile to all the gods in Hakoniwa, he doesn't have to worry about any problems.

And just when Bai Chen felt the beauty brought about by becoming stronger, a private notification sound suddenly sounded in the chat group in his head.

Irreverent white-haired loli: "@ Bai Chen, did you create the vision in Hakoniwa?"

Elegant and decent young lady: "My side is the same, the whole sky has turned golden, I thought it was the end of the world!"

Teacher Loli: "I also observed a vision here..."

The queen who wants to fall in love: "Is this Bai Chen's means?"

Little Spider: "Huh? Why didn't I see it?"

Blue Slime: "Me neither."

Bai Chen: "It's just concentrating and consolidating my scattered power in some universes, and it won't have any impact on the residents except visions."

Irreverent white-haired loli: "It's really you, but what you say doesn't matter. Now the entire northern part of the Lower Garden has become a part of you, right? The gods on the upper floor are probably already jumping in a hurry, ready to find a way to deal with you."

Originally, because Bai Chen did not harm their interests, the group of gods could turn a blind eye, but now, even if the entire north area of ​​the lower level of Hako Garden is directly separated from the influence range of Hako Garden Central, who can do it?

Bai Chen: "They don't dare to come over and make trouble, it's okay."

Little Spider: "Although I don't understand it, does this mean that the boss has become stronger again?"

Bai Chen: "It's so-so, and now it's just one-handed double-digit abuse."

Spirit of Time:

Chaos Evil: "If you regard the two-digit number as the universe, that means the boss can blow up the entire universe with one hand now?"

Luo Abao: "As a mobile suit pilot, I can't understand what it is to be able to blow up the universe." 4.4

White Rabbit: "I can't understand either."

Blue Slime: "This is too scary! No, it scared the slime! Fortunately, the boss is on our side. If I have to face an enemy of this level in the future, I might as well hit him to death on the spot.

Bai Chen: "Don't worry, your enemies will satisfy you in the future."

Although the plot of the slime world is very warm and everyday, but in the later stage of the plot, the combat power soars, even reaching the level of stacking boxes.

It is also easy to explode the universe and create multiple things.

Of course, that is also a very behind the plot.

It will take a long time for Limuru to grow to that level.

King of Draws: "I can't understand what you are talking about at all."

God's Tongue: "I can't understand it! Raise your hand to be cute.jpg."

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