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Chapter 1120 Use A Duel To Bring A Smile To Your Opponent

Chapter 1120

The few people didn't say any more nonsense, but were taken by Youji... er no, Youji to wander around Tongshino Town.

Although the duel competition has ended for several days, the heat is still unabated. Many duelists holding duel discs are looking for opponents on the street.

"This is... Yugi Muto?!"

"Duel King!"

"Look! The wild Duel King is here!"

I don't know who yelled such a voice, the duelists who were originally in twos and threes swarmed like sharks that smelled blood.

They surrounded the three of Bai Chen, men and women, their eyes almost glowing green like a wolf.

"It's started again."

Muto Yuki showed a timid look on his face.

Since Haima Company publicized his deeds as the dueling king, Yugi Muto became famous, and "Nine Nine Three" has become a celebrity in Tongshino Town.

And I don't know who leaked the news, saying that Yugi Muto has the strongest three cards of God.

Yugi Muto is troubled every day. No matter after school or after school, there are a bunch of duelists who are eager for the card of the gods to find him to duel.

No matter how much Muto Yuki likes to play cards, he is tired of it.

After all, if you are a powerful opponent, you can still enjoy the fun of dueling.

The key is that this group of challengers are more aggressive than each other, and they still say "I didn't lose to you, I lost to the card of God" and so on.

But the entire duel didn't even see the shadow of a god card.

It's a complete waste of time to duel with Caibi.

"Let's duel! Bet on each rare card!"

"Look, my rare card is "Lion Wizard", this is a card of God!"

(Note: Lion wizard, level 4, magician family, earth attribute, attack power 1350, defense power 1200, normal monster: a magician in a black cloak, whose main body is a talking lion.)

"I'm going to order your god card!"

"Come here, Duel King!"

The yelling came one after another, and there was an imposing manner that I won't let you go until there is a duel.

Bai Chen looked around at the crowd surrounding the inner three floors and the outer three floors.

If the game really duels with this group of people, I am afraid that it will really lose the God Card in the end.

He didn't lose the duel, but died of exhaustion in the middle.

Especially the "Lion Wizard" that the man raised, Bai Chen laughed out loud.

If it is the plot before Duel Kingdom, this thing is indeed a magic card.

Because at that time, the rules of advanced summoning were that monsters with four stars and above needed to be summoned by sacrifices, and monsters with an attack power of 1400 or above also required sacrifices to be summoned.

Therefore, the Lion Wizard's 1350 attack power is the highest among all monsters that do not require sacrifices.

But now that the Duel Kingdom plot has begun, especially now that the Duel City Contest has ended, the rules have matured, and the Lion Wizard cannot be said to be useless, but it can only be said to be average.

After all, there are still a lot of monster cards with an attack power of less than 1,000 and no special effects in their decks nowadays.

But if you want to exchange the supplementary card, you just want to eat fart.

Just when Xiaoyou took out the duel disk in a very tangled state, he found that the surrounding crowd had dispersed.

Little Game looked at Bai Chen gratefully.

...go to a place that sells card packs.

Bai Chen said.

Then the group went to the largest card shop in Tongshino Town, directly operated by Bekas's subordinates, and the venue was ridiculously large.

You know, this is just an ordinary card company.

However, the International Illusion Society founded by Bekas is a super-large multinational company, and its market value is even more outrageous than that of the Haima Company, which was formerly a military factory.

The prevalence of dueling monsters, coupled with the maturity of virtual images, has made monster duels popular all over the world.

The success of Bekas has once again proved from the side how profitable it is to sell peripherals.

Bai Chen spent a little time, got some start-up funds, and then used these funds to build a deck for himself.

Just as he had thought before, the reflector, the magic tube, and Shenxuan and other heavy pits were stuffed into it.

The same goes for the pot of lust, the angel's handout, and the marshmallows.

"Okay, done!"

The game has finished watching the whole process of the Bai Chen group card group.

As a duelist, he can see that Bai Chen is still very good, but he doesn't want to comment on the cards stuffed inside, and he doesn't want to duel with Bai Chen.

After all, even if you win that kind of deck, you will definitely not feel happy.

"Mr. Bai Chen "Are you really planning to use that deck for a duel?"

Xiao You's body trembled a little, and Atum in his body also...

The opponent who wins will not feel happy, and the opponent who loses will definitely have high blood pressure and autism on the spot.

Could it be that this lord god who came from another world is a devil?

"Of course, I intend to use this deck to bring smiles to the opponent."

Bai Chen showed a sunny smile.

Seeing this, Yu Yu and Atum became more and more sure that Bai Chen was a devil, and at the same time secretly prayed that he would not challenge him to a duel.

Of course, the game is lucky, Bai Chen did not seek a duel with them.

Instead, he took Tokisaki Kurumi for a stroll.

Although I am not interested in playing cards, but because of Bai Chen's relationship, I formed a card group myself.

But because there are some cute characters in it, the intensity is not high.

Although the cards in Yu-Gi-Oh Kakuli have many card faces, which are cute and hellish, but it is only the duel city period now, and there are not as many cards as there are in later generations.

And at this moment.

Accompanied by a slight shock in the world, the dark clouds in the originally clear sky changed.

On the window sill where Bai Chen and his party were, a giant dragon with a crimson tail could clearly be seen flying past quickly.

In addition, there are a large number of monsters that are different from reality wandering in the field of vision.

"This is... what's going on? Why are duel monsters everywhere?"

The little game was deeply shocked by the scene in front of him.

Could it be that there is something wrong with Haima's system?

"It started so soon."

Bai Chen said with a smile.

"Does Mr. Bai Chen already know the reason?"

Tokisaki Kurumi asked.

"Well, these monsters are actually not virtual images, but the materialization of monster elves, which were forced out of the elf world by the god of Orihagang."

Bai Chen explained.

"What is the spirit world?"

"That is the world of dueling elves. In fact, all the monster cards in this world have entities in the world of dueling elves."

Having said that, Bai Chen showed a faint smile.

Duel in the spirit world.

He has wanted to catch a female elf in it since before chasing fan. .

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