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Chapter 1121 Go To The Elf World And Catch Some Female Elves Back

Chapter 1121

"Why, do you want to go to the elf world to capture some female elves?"

Tokisaki Kurumi lowered his voice and said teasingly.

The girl looked at him a little affectionately, stood on tiptoe, and whispered in his ear with a slightly crooning voice.

The sweet smell is enough to make people feel distracted.

If it was an ordinary man, he would definitely be scratched by Tokisaki Kurumi provocatively.

But Bai Chen has long been used to it.

Kuang San belonged to the type of attacking high and low defense, Bai Chen followed Kuang San's meaning, and his voice rang directly in the girl's mind.

"What's the point of catching some female elf, isn't there a ready-made one here?"

Bai Chen chuckled lightly.

Tokisaki Kurumi understood what the youth meant, and his drunken cheeks flushed red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

How could she not have guessed the hidden meaning in Bai Chen's words.

This time, the purpose of coming here is to be alone with Bai Chen.

"Mr. Bai Chen, what did you just say... Aoliha 21 Gang God?"

At this time, Xiao You's attention flew from the sky, and the dueling monsters running around on the ground withdrew, and subconsciously asked.

"It's nothing, it's just an evil god who wants to destroy all mankind, and this riot is caused by its power."

Bai Chen said with a smile, not hiding anything.

Oliha Gang is the original story of the animation, which tells the story of Darzi, the last king of the legendary kingdom of Atlantis.

The peaceful Atlantis got the power of "Olihagang" by accident, so the whole country began to use Olihagang to realize their wishes.

This also makes the country more depraved and corrupt.

Dazi, who was the king of Atlantis at that time, saw that the people of his country were so easily corrupted by Olihagang, so he merged with the power of Olihagang [summoned the god of Olihagang and destroyed Atlantis at that time.

And after that.

Darz did not die with Atlantis, but has been observing and guiding the development of human society behind the scenes.

The industrial revolution in the human world, the Italian Renaissance, Napoleon's domination of Europe and other major events all have Darcy's shadow behind them.

Up to now, the world's largest and strongest enterprise "Paradis Corporation" has also been formed.

The strength of the company is strong, and it has economic reserves comparable to the world's most powerful country. Its power is so great that it can even blackmail the president of a big country and easily control the trend of the global stock market.

Now, Darcy sees that the real world is full of darkness, so he decides to reproduce the doomsday of Atlantis here and destroy the whole world with the power of the God of Olihagang.

"In this world... since there are such people?"

Hearing the information provided by Bai Chen in friendship, Xiao You and Atum were completely shocked.

They thought that the strength of Haima Company was unattainable, but they didn't expect that it was nothing compared to the enterprise established by Darzi.

"But why did he want to destroy the world? The reason for the darkness of the real world...does it really exist?"

Little Game asked in disbelief.

After all, a villain suddenly appeared to destroy the world, he couldn't understand it at all.

Isn't it good for everyone to play cards happily?

"No, in fact, if there is a channel, it is still easy to see through the world. The darkness of human nature is far more evil than imagined.

Tokisaki Kurumi said sarcastically.

In the thirty years since she became an elf, she has seen many ugliness in human nature.

In the past, the reason why she had 20,000 lives on her hands was also because she had seen too many.

Tokisaki Kurumi is not a saint, he was just an ordinary girl before becoming an elf.

Therefore, under the big dye vat of society, it is inevitable that other colors will be dyed.

"Actually, you have experienced the game yourself, right? Bekas controlled by the Millennium Eye, and Malik not long ago.

Hearing what Bai Chen said, Little Game fell silent.

He had never paid attention to this aspect of things before.

But it is undeniable that human nature is indeed more complicated than imagined.

Bai Chen looked at the game lost in thought, and didn't say much.

Don't look at the Yu-Gi-Oh world view as playing cards, but it is actually very cruel.

Sacrifice is required in the ritual props for making millennium artifacts.

And the sacrifice here is human life.

To make them, the then Pharaoh ordered the execution of hundreds of people in an entire village.

Another example is the destruction of Atlantis, at least tens of millions of lives were destroyed by the god of Olihagang, and even more.

In modern times, anyone with a thousand-year-old artifact can easily dominate people's hearts, and mortal armed forces pose no threat to the thousand-year-old artifact.

It's just that those cruel realities were all covered up by playing cards.

"In a short time, the dueling elves will be fully materialized, and it won't work if we don't want to stop it.

Bai Chen said.

Hearing this, Xiaoyou clenched his fists tightly, and Atum's soul body also showed a serious expression.

"By the way, game, where's your god card?"

Bai Chen asked casually.

"I left it at home."

Little Game replied.

After the Duel Tournament ended, Atum and Youyou carried out a systematic improvement of the deck, adding some new cards, and removing some temporarily unused cards.

And the card of God 610, because its power is too powerful, if it is summoned and attacked during the duel, it will bring real damage to the opponent.

After a duel, those with weaker physical fitness will not be able to travel to the ICU ward for a few days.

Therefore, the game does not intend to use the god cards, but puts them all at home.

"It's actually at home."

Hearing this, Bai Chen was a little helpless.

"One of Dazi's goals is the God Card, he will use the power of God to revive the God of Olihagang faster.

"So.....Chicken Sauce might be in danger?!"

Thinking of his grandfather, Xiao You couldn't help but exclaimed.

He cares most about his family and friends.

Once his grandfather was taken away by Bekas, he desperately participated in the Hongmen Banquet hosted by Bekas, and took back his grandfather's soul.

And now, the God Card is in the store kept by his grandfather, so he is naturally extremely worried.

"We're going back now."

Bai Chen used the power of the space gem to open the portal and came directly to Muto Shuangliukai's card shop.

And just when the three of them appeared here, they happened to find Muto Shuangliu who was rushing to the street and three motorcycle guys wearing leather clothes and pants and riding motorcycles. .

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