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Chapter 1122 I Told You To Read More Books, But You Went To Feed The Pigs

Chapter 1122


Little Game showed anger.

That is his most cherished family!

"Who are you? Why did you hurt my grandpa!"

Seeing this, a classic line suddenly appeared in Bai Chen's mind, "Since you asked the question sincerely, then I will tell you mercifully..."

However, things backfired. The motorcyclist on the right raised his right hand and said lines that did not match Bai Chen's expectations.

"When the forbidden door opens again..."

"With the light of Orihagang, to issue judgment on the polluted world..."

"We are the Three Swordsmen of Doma!"

The three of them showed their special duel discs successively, as if this was their appearance ceremony.

"Olihagang...It really is exactly what Mr. Bai Chen said!"

The little game showed a clear look.

Sure enough, he deserves to be a boss.

Even this kind of thing can be predicted.

But then he was a little worried. If this is the case, then the god of Olihagang who destroyed the civilization of Atlantis also exists.

"Oh? It seems that you know us Olihagang, the nameless Pharaoh."

The biker in the middle seemed surprised.

"Hmph... Anyway, if you want to get back these three God Cards, go to the rooftop, this is ours...


Little Game suppressed his anger.

But at this moment, he suddenly found that the figure in front of him suddenly stopped in place.

Not only that, the noisy sound of the locomotive disappeared, and the whole world was extremely quiet.

Afterwards, he saw Bai Chen strolling over in a leisurely manner, stretched out his hand from the dueling plate of the motorist in the middle, and pulled out the opponent's entire deck.

Little gamers are stupid.

"This card group... is pretty strong."

Bai Chen roughly filtered it, and then took away the three God Cards.

Then he put the deck back and walked back.

Bai Chen could feel the power contained in the three God cards.

The ancient Egyptian text on the card is a spell to unleash the power of the gods, only qualified duelists can summon the gods and drive the powers of the gods to fight.

In the previous duel city plot, Peacock Dance used the resurrection of the dead to resurrect the sun god in Malik's cemetery, but because he was not qualified, he was punished by the pterosaur and passed out directly.

But if relying on the power of Olihagang, even ordinary people can control the card of God.

Of course, it is not necessary for the Three Swordsmen of Doma to take away the God Card.

Now that he is here, Bai Chen will never get what they want.

"Mr. Bai Chen, what's going on now.*?"

Little Game asked in surprise.

"It's nothing, it's just a simple standstill of time."

"In this world, only Mr. Bai Chen can say it so easily."

Tokisaki Kurumi said.

"Even I, a real time elf, can't stop time at will."

Although under the guidance of Bai Chen, I have a better understanding of angels and time spiritual power, but if you want to activate the ability, you still have to condense the time before playing it.

The gap between him and himself lies in the speed of making the God's Bullet, the strength of his own spiritual power, and the development of other time abilities.

If you want to pause time anytime and anywhere, it's not that you can't do it, but it's too long.

Even if it can be done, it is far inferior to Bai Chen's strength.

"I asked you to read more books before, but you chose to feed the pigs."

In the early stage of dating, Tokisaki Kurumi hadn't done any research on his abilities, he was just collecting spiritual power constantly.

"It's too much, people are really reading books."

Although it was an attitude of admitting his mistakes, Tokisaki Kurumi showed no guilt at all on his face.

"And after revenge, I have no motivation to move forward. Even if I collect all the spirit crystals of the elves, I still can't reach half of the Siyuan elves. After all, they are not as lucky as Mr. Bai Chen, so there is naturally little room for further progress~mn"

The coquettish tone combined with the coquettish expression made the assassin Tokisaki Kurumi full of lethality.

Hearing this, Bai Chen didn't mention her anymore.

"Are you sure you'll eat this soft meal?"

Bai Chen said with a smile, and then returned the God Card to the little game.

He is not interested in the power of the three phantom gods, after all, he is far from himself now.

"I told you before to keep it with you."

"I'm sorry, I made a mistake. I thought that I would be safe at home, but I didn't expect these people to find my home and hurt grandpa.

After receiving the God's Card, Xiao You walked over to the grandpa who was on the street.

Fortunately, nothing serious.

Otherwise, even if Yuyou fought Atum for his old life, he would die with the Three Swordsmen and Dazi.

On the other side, Bai Chen lifted the time stop.


The leading motorcyclist finally finished his lines.

Then, in order to increase the persuasion, let the Pharaoh put on the set, pull out the three-way card at the top of the duel plate, and show it to Bai Chen and the others.

If you want to get back the God Card, go to the unfinished building opposite. "

After speaking, they will leave.

But at this time, Tokisaki Kurumi couldn't help but kindly reminded: "Well...before threatening others, can you look at the chips in your hand first?"

Looking at the smiling faces of Tokisaki Kuang, the three men on the opposite side sped up their heartbeats slightly,

Then, the man in the middle subconsciously reversed his hand.

"Raphael, you don't have a God Card in your hand!"

At this time, a companion next to him sounded a reminder.


The man named Raphael exclaimed, and quickly looked at the cards in his hand.

What kind of God's card is this? It's clearly a card from his own deck.

Then he continued to pull out three cards unbelievingly, and when he saw that they were not, he continued to repeat

Three cards and three cards... (Good Li's) After drawing all the cards in the duel plate, I finally realized a serious problem.

What about the god card?

What about the god card I just grabbed?

So why did the big three God cards disappear?!

Raphael was startled.

The other two companions were also shocked.

They've been through the process together before.

In front of the old man, he directly snatched the three cards of God that the other party was admiring.

"You guys! Unforgivable!"

Although grandpa was not injured, Yugi was obviously annoyed, and at the same time transformed into Atum.

"No, wait, we didn't do anything to your grandpa! He just chased him to the waist!"

Raphael sweated on his face.

Although the Olihagang enchantment can absorb the souls of losers, the three swordsmen are not hooligans, and they will not attack an old man for no reason. .

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