Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1139 I Need A Strategic Retreat

Chapter 1139

After the brave man came out, Listadade went up and pestered him to ask things.

However, he kept silent the whole time, and only said that after going to Xinshou Village, he remained silent no matter what the goddess asked.

There was really no other way, Lista could only open the portal, and regarded it as Aaliyah who successfully persuaded this brainless brave man.

The route of descent is outside the small town, and that small town that looks peaceful and peaceful is the planned Novice Village.

After buying the equipment, the two left the town.

The goddess strongly advises the brave to fight monsters.

Although she is not very happy, but she really can't hinder the attitude of the goddess, so she can only obey temporarily.

It's just that in the face of a monster he has never seen before, the cautious brave directly uses his big move to kill the slime that even a farmer can kill with a stick~.

"Wait! Wait a minute! It's just a slime, there's no need to do that!"

The hurricane whipped up the goddess's hair, causing her to scream in the gale.

"No, it's possible he's still alive."

After finishing speaking, Ryuguin Seiya shot out a magic flame from his left hand, spreading across the empty grass field where there were slimes originally, and the scorching flame quickly turned the grassland into scorched earth.

"I told you, the slime is gone!"

But the goddess' cry was completely ignored, and Ryuguin Seiya continued to release his skills.

Accompanied by the constant repetition of roars and explosions, the goddess's beautiful blond hair was blown into a big back by the strong wind.

"Don't be careless about everything."

"But enough is enough! Don't you know the ability value of slimes?"

"Perspective ability value" is basically a standard skill for every brave man. Slime's ability value is only in the single digits, even a little human girl can't match it.

"Seeing is not believing."

Such a stubborn answer made Lista sigh deeply.

"In short, your strength impresses me, so hurry up to the next town, according to the information given by the Great Goddess, the companion who will travel with you in the future is waiting for you there.

As soon as the words fell, an evil aura lingered on his back.

The temperature in the air seems to drop a lot, making the exposed skin feel cold.

But what made people even more uncomfortable was the breath that couldn't help but make people vomit.

As a goddess, Lista Dai felt particularly obvious.

Turning around tremblingly, he saw the source of the ominous aura.

I saw a tall woman with black hair like a crow, wearing swimsuit-like, and extremely revealing clothing, walking slowly with a huge sword that was about the same height as the opponent.

"You...you are?"

The woman smiled alluringly at the two of them.

"I can smell the strong smell of the goddess from a long distance. Since the goddess is here, it means that this man is a brave man, right?"

After finishing speaking, the corners of the woman's mouth grinned to a degree that humans cannot do.

Originally, he looked like a human being, but because of this expression, he became hideous like a ghost in an instant.

No...her existence is a demon!

Lista clearly felt the evil inhabitation emanating from the opponent's body.

"You belong to the Demon King! Impossible, it's impossible for the Demon King's army to appear near the starting city?!"

However, the aura overflowing from the woman was like a monster.

Listade's face was contorted.

This was the first time she had encountered such a situation.

Her divine power was sealed because of the rules, and she couldn't use any power at all.

Besides, even if the divine power is unsealed, with her weak power, she can't do anything to this demon king army.

"Ho... Seiya, what should we do now?"

The goddess turned her head to ask for help, but what she saw was the brave man who had already run tens of meters away.

"You bastard, you actually left the goddess and ran away! Unforgivable! Absolutely unforgivable!"

The feeling of madness overwhelmed the fear, and Ristade ran after Ryuguin Seiya like a ghost.

But he didn't care about this kind of thing at all.

While running, click into the chat group.

At the same time, he pouted secretly.

"...It seems that what the god said is true.

If there were still doubts before, then no matter how cautious Longgongyuan Seiya is now, he can understand that the chat group is indeed not some harmful curse or other things.

After all, if something that can directly enter his brain wants to murder him, he would have done it long ago, so why bother to tell him so much important information?

Ryuguin Seiya muttered inwardly.

...asking for flowers...

At the same time, he also felt the Succubus General approaching more and more behind him.

Although my ability value is not too low, but for the sake of insurance, it is better to be cautious.

"Hey, retreat temporarily and open the door to Tongshi God Realm."

He called out to the goddess.

"I...I see."

In a panic, Listadade chanted a spell, and the portal to the heaven appeared about ten meters in front of the two of them.

But before taking a few steps, the plump and strong demon general raised his sword high, and then smashed it to the ground like a shooting star.


This blow made the brave man gasp slightly.

But quickly reacted.

The opponent's target is not them, but the earth.



Like a landslide and an earthquake, cracks appeared in the ground beneath them.

Although Lista is a goddess, after her divine power is sealed, her physical strength is not much better than that of ordinary people.

The shaking of the ground made her unstable, so that the casting of the spell was no longer stable, and the portal kept flickering like a TV show with an unstable signal.

The brave couldn't hold back.

Don't be afraid of opponents like gods, but teammates like pigs.

Although he was cautious enough, but there is still a goddess who can hold back.

no way.

He stopped immediately and raised the best sword in the village.

Although it is said that with his hidden ability value, he can escape, but if the goddess dies here, the task of attacking the demon king will also fail.

Thinking of this, Seiya Longgongyuan heaved a sigh of relief.

He didn't want to use it now.

In the end, he reluctantly clicked into the chat group and hit someone.

Cautious brave man: "You're right, I went to the goddess here to verify it before, and the matter about the magic general has also been verified, but unfortunately, now I don't get along very well with her, and I have been restrained, so..."

Bai Chen: "Long story short."

At the same time, Longgongyuan Seiya has already seen the great sword that is slashing at the head of the goddess, and the scarlet magic light overflowing from the surface of the demon general.

Cautious brave:

Cautious brave man: "I may need your help.".

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