Just Entered Killing God, Join the Chat Group

Chapter 1445: Goddess Of Destruction

Chapter 1145

Lista remained silent. Although she did not open the portal to the God Realm, she was obviously persuaded by Bai Chen.

Bai Chen walked over, touched her head, and said.

...If you really hope that human beings will no longer suffer from the invasion of the demon king, then follow me.

Lista nodded incredulously.

Subsequently, Bai Chen opened the realm door leading to the unified God Realm.

It took a while to search for the location of the Unified God Realm. Even without Lista's consent, he can now freely enter and exit the Unified God Realm.

It's so convenient, and without the ability to move forward, Ryuguin Seiya is a little envious.

After all, compared to the teleportation skill that Lista needs to recite spells to open the door, and will be affected if she is not careful, the skill "Seven Seven Three" cast by Bai Chen is obviously more convenient.

Under the rapid display, it is quite easy to use whether it is used for fighting or escaping.

This should also be the power of God.

Although he didn't say it on the surface, he was still very envious in his heart.

At the same time, it also made the brave man more and more certain in his heart that Listade was a useless useless goddess.

Even going back to his own home is not a foreigner's skill.

And after hearing the words "all abilities can be obtained in the chat group lottery", Seiya Longyingyuan was even more excited.

There is no way to learn such a powerful skill by training alone.

I thought it was exclusive to Bai Chen, but I didn’t expect this to be available!?

After coming out of the Realm Gate, Ryuguin Seiya suddenly said, "Did you draw all your strength from the chat group?"

"It's not all, the current result is just a little bit of good luck, plus a little bit of hard work in return."

Bai Chen smiled lightly.

"I see."

The brave man nodded, then turned around and walked towards the summoning room.

Although the demon king in this world has been eliminated, the defeated generals of the demon king's army are still somewhat threatening.

His current strength is still too weak.

It is necessary to step up the training level and progress, so that one's ability value can go further.

More importantly, the lottery requires points.

If you want to break through yourself, how can you play without hanging up.

Ryuguin Seiya has already made plans.

After training for a period of time, and after Bai Chen has dealt with other demon kings, he will go on adventures in different worlds.

Fight some weak monsters, collect treasures, buy props and equipment, all of which are converted into points!

Then TM pumped!

Although there is a high degree of uncertainty in the lottery draw, but this way of cheating to become stronger, he can't refuse at all!

Not long after, the sound of Ryuguin Seiya's training sounded in the room.

"Let's go, take me here for a stroll first."

Bai Chen said with a smile.

Listade was helpless, and at the same time earnestly begged Bai Chen not to hurt her colleagues. The gods and goddesses who unified the God Realm were all very good gods.

Bai Chen naturally agreed to this point.

What he wants is this world.

Gears are needed to keep the world going.

Those gods will be his free labor in the future, so how could he give them away.

After receiving the guarantee, Listadette was a little relieved, and then showed Bai Chen around in a decent manner.

Along the way, Bai Chen was very quiet, and Lista seemed like a qualified guide, introducing him to the different facilities and scenery of the God Realm.

Because of the quietness, the goddess also started to secretly commit nympho again.

After all, only when you really get in touch with him can you understand the charm of this man.

Even if Bai Chen didn't show any intention of this throughout the whole process, Sister Lisi was still gradually falling.

without it.

Only Bai Chen is too good.


The climate of the God Realm is like spring all year round, as if it was built inside a galaxy, with flat oval buildings all around, connected by roads dotted with gold and marble, seemingly slender

But all are maintained by divine power and will not break easily.

Different buildings have different functions.

But the vast majority are entertainment and living facilities.

There are so many canteens, gardens, playgrounds, swimming pools and so on.

Rather than saying it is the God Realm, it might be better to say it is the Peach Blossom Spring in the dreams of mortals.

The gods, on the other hand, walked around like passers-by, talking about gossip and other things.

The most of them are what brave men were summoned, what difficulties they encountered when taking risks on the ground, and how many worlds they conquered, and then the business exchanged words..

"Is God always this idle?"

Bai Chen asked casually.


Lista originally wanted to answer no, but she swallowed the explanation before thinking back.

If saving the world is just a game, then it is indeed very idle.

After all, there are many entertainment facilities in the God Realm, and there is no concept of consumption. In the God Realm, as long as you are a god, all facilities are free.

I don't know where the inexhaustible resources of the God Realm come from.

At this moment, Lista, who was walking forward with her head down, accidentally bumped into something. Although it was not her fault, she still subconsciously apologized.

"Oh?! Yes, I'm sorry! I accidentally bumped into you."

For Lista, who is careless, accidentally bumping into others is a common occurrence in the God Realm.

So apologizing has almost become her conditioned reflex.

And most of the gods in the God Realm are very easy-going, so no one would embarrass her for such a trivial matter.

But this time, it's different.

There was a murderous aura rushing towards her face, which made Lista's heartbeat speed up uncontrollably.

"What are you talking about?! You bastard is not walking properly, where are you looking!"

A voice mixed with substantial anger resounded.

At the same time, a strong wrist grabbed Lista by the collar like iron pliers, pulling her towards him.


The powerful voice like a ghost 4.5, coupled with the appearance of a goddess that appeared in Lista's eyes, made her heart beat wildly.

She has short silver hair and a beautiful face with a little heroism.

At the same time, there are red highlights at the front of the hair color, red eye pupils and eyelashes, a golden ring earring hanging on the right earlobe, and an arm guard with metal spikes tied on the right arm. The clothes on his body are not so much clothes, but black chains covering the upper and lower body.

The wild shape reminds Bai Chen of some unsuitable scenes in some movies.

This goddess is quite good at playing.

"Ristade! You third-rate goddess! Do you want to be killed by me!"

The wild goddess roared in a low voice.

"No, no, no, I'm very sorry! Please forgive me, Lord Valkyrie!"

Listade apologized trembling from being frightened. .

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